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Ausgewählte Probleme der Migrationssoziologie: Arbeitsmarktintegration in Europa

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 2,00 SWS
Fr, 11:00 - 13:00, F21/03.48
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung können 5 ECTS (oder vergleichbare Nachweise für Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen) erworben werden. Der Leistungsnachweis ist dabei an die Übernahme einer Seminarpräsentation (Referat), sowie an das Verfassen einer Seminararbeit gekoppelt.

Eingebracht werden können die so erworbenen Punkte in die folgenden Module:
D. 1 Studienschwerpunkt Bildung, Arbeit, Familie und Lebenslauf (D.1.1 E)
D. 2 Studienschwerpunkt Bevölkerung, Migration und Integration (D.2.1 D)
E.1 Kontextstudium

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen gibt es keine, das Seminar wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten.

ACHTUNG: Veranstaltungsbeginn ist der 26.10.2018 (eine Woche nach Beginn der Vorlesungzeit)
During the last 60 years, European countries have increasingly become destinations for (international) immigrants and asylum seekers. Despite being a core issue for the respective national governments, many of these immigrant groups fare worse than natives in terms of labor market outcomes. Moreover, there are considerable differences between the EU countries, in how these immigrants are integrating into the respective labor markets. Yet, systematic research that explains these differences is still somewhat scarce. This course aims to give a general overview of the cross-country differences in labor market integration and introduce crucial theoretical arguments brought forth to explain these differences. We will particularly focus on the interplay between the immigrants’ individual characteristics and the institutional characteristics of the different destination countries. In terms of structure, the course consists of three parts. The first part gives an overview of the immigrant population and respective labor market integration in Europe. Subsequently, theoretical arguments to explain these labor market outcomes are introduced. The second part then deals with data sources (and indicators) available to test the theoretical arguments. The third part sets out to assess the empirical evidence on how important the respective explanations are. The class will close with a “thinktank” on directions for future research.


Ausgewählte Probleme der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Arbeitsmarktintegration in Europa

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 5
Fr, 11:00 - 13:00, F21/03.48
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung können 5 ECTS (oder vergleichbare Nachweise für Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen) erworben werden. Der Leistungsnachweis ist dabei an die Übernahme einer Seminarpräsentation (Referat), sowie an das Verfassen einer Seminararbeit gekoppelt.

Eingebracht werden können die so erworbenen Punkte in die folgenden Module:
D. 1 Studienschwerpunkt Bildung, Arbeit, Familie und Lebenslauf (D.1.1 E)
D. 2 Studienschwerpunkt Bevölkerung, Migration und Integration (D.2.1 D)
E.1 Kontextstudium

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen gibt es keine, das Seminar wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten.

ACHTUNG: Veranstaltungsbeginn ist der 26.10.2018 (eine Woche nach Beginn der Vorlesungzeit)
During the last 60 years, European countries have increasingly become destinations for (international) immigrants and asylum seekers. Despite being a core issue for the respective national governments, many of these immigrant groups fare worse than natives in terms of labor market outcomes. Moreover, there are considerable differences between the EU countries, in how these immigrants are integrating into the respective labor markets. Yet, systematic research that explains these differences is still somewhat scarce. This course aims to give a general overview of the cross-country differences in labor market integration and introduce crucial theoretical arguments brought forth to explain these differences. We will particularly focus on the interplay between the immigrants’ individual characteristics and the institutional characteristics of the different destination countries. In terms of structure, the course consists of three parts. The first part gives an overview of the immigrant population and respective labor market integration in Europe. Subsequently, theoretical arguments to explain these labor market outcomes are introduced. The second part then deals with data sources (and indicators) available to test the theoretical arguments. The third part sets out to assess the empirical evidence on how important the respective explanations are. The class will close with a “thinktank” on directions for future research.


Ethnische Ungleichheit: Ethnic educational inequalities: The case of special education

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines)
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + four short Essays (Portfolio).

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
  • Ethnische Ungleichheit
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Bildungssoziologie

NOTE: The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate inter-national students to attend the course. However, a (small) number of relevant studies are solely available in German. German language knowledge may thus be of advantage.

ATTENTION: Class starts on 26.10.2018 (one week after the official start of the semester).
Sociological research often examines the educational success of children whose development is typical for their age-group. However, a notable share of students in most countries lags behind their peers in their cognitive, social or communicative development. Often to such an extent that it calls for special provisions. Such special educational needs have far-reaching consequences for the children in question, as well as for schools and policy-makers that aim to provide appropriate forms of education and training.
This class introduces into the topic of special education and gives on overview of the relevant constructs and debates. In particular, we will deal with two main questions. Firstly, we will examine whether children of certain social groups are more likely to have special educational needs than children of others and why this should be the case. We will also examine why certain authors suggest that the identification of special educational needs is unjustified for some of these groups. Secondly, we will examine which type of schooling should be most beneficial for educational achievement and educational motivation when children are identified with special educational needs. We will critically review all applied arguments and methods used to assess these arguments.


Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration: Ethnic educational inequalities: The case of special education

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines)
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + four short Essays (Portfolio).

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
  • Ethnische Ungleichheit
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Bildungssoziologie

NOTE: The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate inter-national students to attend the course. However, a (small) number of relevant studies are solely available in German. German language knowledge may thus be of advantage.

ATTENTION: Class starts on 26.10.2018 (one week after the official start of the semester).
Sociological research often examines the educational success of children whose development is typical for their age-group. However, a notable share of students in most countries lags behind their peers in their cognitive, social or communicative development. Often to such an extent that it calls for special provisions. Such special educational needs have far-reaching consequences for the children in question, as well as for schools and policy-makers that aim to provide appropriate forms of education and training.
This class introduces into the topic of special education and gives on overview of the relevant constructs and debates. In particular, we will deal with two main questions. Firstly, we will examine whether children of certain social groups are more likely to have special educational needs than children of others and why this should be the case. We will also examine why certain authors suggest that the identification of special educational needs is unjustified for some of these groups. Secondly, we will examine which type of schooling should be most beneficial for educational achievement and educational motivation when children are identified with special educational needs. We will critically review all applied arguments and methods used to assess these arguments.


Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Ethnic educational inequalities: The case of special education

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines)
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + four short Essays (Portfolio).

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
  • Ethnische Ungleichheit
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Bildungssoziologie

NOTE: The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate inter-national students to attend the course. However, a (small) number of relevant studies are solely available in German. German language knowledge may thus be of advantage.

ATTENTION: Class starts on 26.10.2018 (one week after the official start of the semester).
Sociological research often examines the educational success of children whose development is typical for their age-group. However, a notable share of students in most countries lags behind their peers in their cognitive, social or communicative development. Often to such an extent that it calls for special provisions. Such special educational needs have far-reaching consequences for the children in question, as well as for schools and policy-makers that aim to provide appropriate forms of education and training.
This class introduces into the topic of special education and gives on overview of the relevant constructs and debates. In particular, we will deal with two main questions. Firstly, we will examine whether children of certain social groups are more likely to have special educational needs than children of others and why this should be the case. We will also examine why certain authors suggest that the identification of special educational needs is unjustified for some of these groups. Secondly, we will examine which type of schooling should be most beneficial for educational achievement and educational motivation when children are identified with special educational needs. We will critically review all applied arguments and methods used to assess these arguments.


S: Bildungssoziologie: Migration und Bildung: S: Ethnic educational inequalities: The case of special education

Miriam Schmaus
Seminar, 3,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 14:00 - 17:00, F21/03.03
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
  • 6 (or 12) ECTS (or matching qualifications for students of other disciplines).
  • Credit is awarded for one presentation + four short Essays (Portfolio)

Credit can be transferred into the following modules:
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse
  • Ethnische Ungleichheit
  • Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung
  • Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie
  • Bildungssoziologie

ATTENTION: The class starts on the 26.10.2018, one week after the official start of the semester

NOTE: The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate inter-national students to attend the course. However, a (small) number of relevant studies are solely available in German. German language knowledge may thus be of advantage.
Sociological research often examines the educational success of children whose development is typical for their age-group. However, a notable share of students in most countries lags behind their peers in their cognitive, social or communicative development. Often to such an extent that it calls for special provisions. Such special educational needs have far-reaching consequences for the children in question, as well as for schools and policy-makers that aim to provide appropriate forms of education and training.
This class introduces into the topic of special education and gives on overview of the relevant constructs and debates. In particular, we will deal with two main questions. Firstly, we will examine whether children of certain social groups are more likely to have special educational needs than children of others and why this should be the case. We will also examine why certain authors suggest that the identification of special educational needs is unjustified for some of these groups. Secondly, we will examine which type of schooling should be most beneficial for educational achievement and educational motivation when children are identified with special educational needs. We will critically review all applied arguments and methods used to assess these arguments.

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