Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 
Trimberg Research Academy - TRAc
An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg, Tel. 0951 - 863 -3500
E-Mail: trac@uni-bamberg.de
www: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/trac
Leitung : Prof. Dr. Schütz, Astrid, Raum K16/01.05, App. 1003
Beirat: Prof. Dr. Albrecht, Stephan, App. 2400; Prof. Dr. Andresen, Maike, App. 2570; Prof. Dr. Behmer, Markus, App. 22 13; Prof. Dr. Behzadi, Lale, App. 2278; Prof. Dr. Bennewitz, Ingrid, App. 2124; Prof. Dr. Brandt, Hartwin, App. 2346; Prof. Dr. Dörner, Dietrich; Prof. Dr. Franke, Patrick, App. 2231; Prof. Dr. Gehring, Thomas, App. 2720; Prof. Dr. Glasenapp, Jörn, App. 3102; Prof. Dr. Haig, Geoffrey, App. 2490; Prof. Dr. Hoffmann, Birgitt, App. 2178; Prof. Dr. Ivens, Björn, App. 2565; Prof. Dr. Lautenbacher, Stefan, App. 1851; Prof. Dr. Radatz, Hans-Ingo, App. 2262; Prof. Dr. Rahm, Sibylle, App. 1814; Prof. Dr. Saalfeld, Thomas, App. 2555; Prof. Dr. Wirtz, Guido, App. 1006
Beiratsvorsitz: Prof. Dr. Glasenapp, Jörn, App. 3102
Koordination: Dr. Giersig, Nicolas, Raum WE5/04.111, An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg, App. 3500
Scientific Career Service: Dr. Hacke, Marion, Raum WE5/04.112, An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg, App. 3501
  • TRAc - Schools
    www: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/trac/schools
    DFG Graduiertenkollegs:
    • DFG Graduiertenkolleg "Generationenbewusstsein und Generationenkonflikte in Antike und Mittelalter"
    • DFG Graduiertenkolleg "Märkte und Sozialräume in Europa"
    Bamberg Graduate Schools:
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Linguistics (BaGL)
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Historical Studies (BaGraHist)
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Literary, Cultural and Media Studies (BaGraLCM)
    • Bamberg Graduate School for Medieval Studies (BaGraMS)
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Near and Middle Eastern Studies (BaGOS)
    • Bamberg Graduate School of Business Administration and Management (BaGSB)
    • Doktorandenprogramm für Biopsychologie von Schmerz und Emotionen

    • Strukturiertes Promotionsprogramm Professionswissenschaften (PoPS)

  • TRAc - Projects
    www: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/trac/projects

  • TRAc - Senior Researchers
    www: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/trac/senior-researchers/
    Emeriti of Excellence: Prof. Dr. Dörner, Dietrich; Prof. Dr. Dörner, Dietrich, App. 3068; Prof. Dr. Laux, Lothar, App. 3504; Prof. Dr. Laux, Lothar, App. 3504; Prof. Dr. Zintl, Reinhard, App. 3503
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