Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

Aktuelle Befunde der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung: Acculturation attitudes of immigrants and natives

Anna Berthold
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, FMA/00.07
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The seminar will place particular emphasis on empirical research articles; therefore, a profound basic knowledge of quantitative/statistical research methods is essential for attendance. The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate international students’ course attendance. The examination consists of a presentation (1/3) and the submission of a seminar paper (2/3). The registration to the seminar and the examination via FlexNow is necessary for the acquisi-tion of a certificate.

Weekly reading and questions for discussion: Regular attendance, active participation and weekly reading of the compulsory literature are expected. Participants are required to weekly submit 1-3 discussion questions (e.g. criticism, open questions, questions for discussion, scientific or societal outlook) based on the compulsory reading: upload via virtual campus (VC) due Sunday evening.

Presentation (15 min): Aim of the presentation is to give a short revision of previous week’s contents, to summarize the weekly reading (max. 3 slides) as well as to offer an own conclusion (including em-phasis of specific aspects of the paper, critical reflection of the paper, references to previous con-tents in the seminar and to other classes and contents, scientific and societal outlook). Finally, own research questions and a selection of own and submitted discussion questions are presented.

Seminar paper (15-20 / 20-25 pages): The topic is freely selectable within the scope of the seminar. Please consult the seminar instructor in order to agree upon a topic for your paper. Seminar papers can be submitted in English or German. Latest possible submission date: 30.09.2018.

Syllabus: Den Seminarplan finden Sie hier (https://www.uni-bamberg.de/sozstruk/studium/lehre-ss-2018/)

Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migration und Integration: Acculturation attitudes of immigrants and natives

Anna Berthold
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, FMA/00.07
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The seminar will place particular emphasis on empirical research articles; therefore, a profound basic knowledge of quantitative/statistical research methods is essential for attendance. The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate international students’ course attendance. The examination consists of a presentation (1/3) and the submission of a seminar paper (2/3). The registration to the seminar and the examination via FlexNow is necessary for the acquisi-tion of a certificate.

Weekly reading and questions for discussion: Regular attendance, active participation and weekly reading of the compulsory literature are expected. Participants are required to weekly submit 1-3 discussion questions (e.g. criticism, open questions, questions for discussion, scientific or societal outlook) based on the compulsory reading: upload via virtual campus (VC) due Sunday evening.

Presentation (15 min): Aim of the presentation is to give a short revision of previous week’s contents, to summarize the weekly reading (max. 3 slides) as well as to offer an own conclusion (including em-phasis of specific aspects of the paper, critical reflection of the paper, references to previous con-tents in the seminar and to other classes and contents, scientific and societal outlook). Finally, own research questions and a selection of own and submitted discussion questions are presented.

Seminar paper (15-20 / 20-25 pages): The topic is freely selectable within the scope of the seminar. Please consult the seminar instructor in order to agree upon a topic for your paper. Seminar papers can be submitted in English or German. Latest possible submission date: 30.09.2018.

Syllabus: Den Seminarplan finden Sie hier unter der gleichnamigen Lehrveranstaltung (https://www.uni-bamberg.de/sozstruk/studium/lehre-ss-2018/)

Fortgeschrittene Themen der Migrationssoziologie: Acculturation attitudes of immigrants and natives

Anna Berthold
Seminar, 2,00 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, FMA/00.07
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The seminar will place particular emphasis on empirical research articles; therefore, a profound basic knowledge of quantitative/statistical research methods is essential for attendance. The language of instruction will optionally be English or German, in order to facilitate international students’ course attendance. The examination consists of a presentation (1/3) and the submission of a seminar paper (2/3). The registration to the seminar and the examination via FlexNow is necessary for the acquisi-tion of a certificate.

Weekly reading and questions for discussion: Regular attendance, active participation and weekly reading of the compulsory literature are expected. Participants are required to weekly submit 1-3 discussion questions (e.g. criticism, open questions, questions for discussion, scientific or societal outlook) based on the compulsory reading: upload via virtual campus (VC) due Sunday evening.

Presentation (15 min): Aim of the presentation is to give a short revision of previous week’s contents, to summarize the weekly reading (max. 3 slides) as well as to offer an own conclusion (including em-phasis of specific aspects of the paper, critical reflection of the paper, references to previous con-tents in the seminar and to other classes and contents, scientific and societal outlook). Finally, own research questions and a selection of own and submitted discussion questions are presented.

Seminar paper (15-20 / 20-25 pages): The topic is freely selectable within the scope of the seminar. Please consult the seminar instructor in order to agree upon a topic for your paper. Seminar papers can be submitted in English or German. Latest possible submission date: 30.09.2018.

Syllabus: Den Seminarplan finden Sie hier unter der gleichnamigen Lehrveranstaltung (https://www.uni-bamberg.de/sozstruk/studium/lehre-ss-2018/)

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