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South Asian Writers in English

Touhid Chowdhury, M.A.

Studium Generale, Erweiterungsbereich
Zeit und Ort: Mo 18:00 - 20:00, U9/01.11

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Module Allocation:

all modules including an obligatory/optional reading tutorial (Übung) for literature in


  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik

  • MA English and American Studies

  • Erweiterungsbereich English and American Studies

  • BSc. BWL

  • MA WiPäd

2. (De)Registration:

in FlexNow! (except for guest auditors): 04.03.2019 (10:00) - 04.07.2019 (23:59)

guest auditors: please contact lecturer

South Asian writers’ writing in English began with the establishment of the British colonial system in the subcontinent a hundred and sixty years ago as a bi-cultural product and has been contributing a lot to the world literature since then. Many subcontinental writers have chosen English as a medium of expression and left a great impact on different forms of literature. For example Toru Dutt, Sri Aurobindo, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Mulk Raj Anand, R. K. Narayan, Raja Rao, Kamala Das, Jayant Mahapatra, Nirad C. Chaudhuri, Khushwant Singh, Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Salman Rushdie, and some recent Indian writers such as Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Monica Ali, Jhumpa Lahiri, Zia Haider and many others. They have been using English to represent the culture and spirit they are from.

This course introduces students to the modern South Asian literature in English both written and published in most recent years. It examines literary dynamics of modern South Asian writing as manifested in novels and short stories written in English, in conversation with themes of identity, sexuality, nation building, Partition, exile and migration. The course also touches on key issues that are relevant to the region and its Diasporas around the world.

Each participant is expected to give a short presentation on the major topics of one text and to lead us into discussion. The main part of each session, however, should be devoted to close readings and to situating the text with regard to its historical, cultural and social context.

At the very first class, Students will be provided with a list of text that they have to choose from on which they would like to discuss in the class. However, there will be 2-3 set texts that will be announced on the same day that Students should get hold of them as soon as possible. As we will talk about a new text at least every other week, students should be prepared to do a considerable amount of reading during the term.

Empfohlene Literatur
Obligatory reading before the semester begins:
Anam, Tahmima (2012, 2007): A Golden Age. Edinburgh: Canongate.
Chaudhuri, Amit (1999): Freedom Song. New York: A. de Knopf.
Hamid, Mohsin (2001, 2000): Moth Smoke. A novel. New York: Picador USA.

Optional/ during the semester reading list:
Ali, Monica (2004, 2003): Brick Lane. London: Black Swan.
Chaudhuri, Nirad C. (1999): The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian. London: Picador.
Deb, Sidhartha (2002): The Point of Return. London: Picador.
Desai, Kiran (2006): The Inheritance of Loss. London: Penguin.
Ghosh, Amitav (ca. 2007): The Shadow Lines. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Hossain, Begum Rokheya Sakhawat (2015): Sultana's Dream. Chennai: Tara Books Pvt. Ltd.
Khan, Adib (1994): Seasonal Adjustments. NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
Khan, Adib (2000): The Storyteller. NSW, Australia: Flamingo.
Lahiri, Jhumpa (1999): Interpreter of Maladies. London: Flamingo.
Mueenuddin, Daniyal (2009): In Other Rooms, Other Wonders. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Mukherjee, Bharati (2008): Jasmine. New York: Grove Press.
Rahman, Mahmud (2010): Killing the Water. New Delhi: Penguin Books.
Rahman, Zia Haider (2015): In the Light of What We Know. London: Picador.
Roy, Arundhati (1997): The God of Small Things. London: Flamingo.
Rushdie, Salman (1988): The Satanic Verses. London: Vintage Books.
Singh, Khushwant (1956/2006 // 2009): Train to Pakistan. New Delhi: Grove Press.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 6

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Englische Literaturwissenschaft

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