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Developing Discussion Skills in the English Speaking Classroom [nicht eingeordnet]

Donald Watson

Zeit und Ort: Di 12:00 - 14:00, MG1/02.05

Leading discussions in the classroom can be challenging but doing so in another language is even more difficult. This seminar will give participants the opportunity to develop the skills they need to lead effective discussions and help them learn the language they need to do it. We will do this by looking at the principles behind teaching in a second language classroom and how they can be applied to your situation. Participants will be expected to reflect on and share their own experiences in the classroom. Opportunities will be given to develop new teaching activities based on our discussions. Participants can then share their ideas and receive constructive feedback from each other. There will also be the chance to have individual issues and needs discussed and addressed.

Institution: Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre (FBZHL)

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