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Non-visual Perception

Dr. Alexander Pastukhov

Zeit und Ort: Do 12:00 - 14:00, M3N/03.29

Requested for a long time, now available in this semester: An introductory English-language seminar course that covers several non-visual senses, including auditory perception, haptic/kinesthetic perception, olfactory and gustatory perception, as well as perception of time. No neuroscience background is required, as the key necessary concepts will be introduced within the course.

Auditory perception covers basic physics of the sounds, physiology of the auditory system, pitch processing, spatial sound localization, auditory scene analysis, and speech comprehension.

Olfactory and gustatory perception will show the interaction between the two systems by looking at common and distinct sources of information for smell, taste, and flavor. First, we will explore the neural correlates of smell (orthonasal olfaction) and of pure taste (how the food tastes when your nose is blocked and you do not brief). Then, we will look at how these two senses combine to produce a flavor (that is the one you associate with food, not its taste). In addition, we will look at how other visual modalities can enhance or ruin the taste of food (gastrophysics).

At the end, time perception examine sense of time at all time-scales, starting with day-long time-intervals and ending with the milliseconds-level precision of event-synchrony detection. The course will give you the chance to look to perceptual phenomena across the senses—and important extension of the already known phenomena from the visual domain!

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 3

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre

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