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Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)


Seminar für Doktoranden

Sandra Buchholz
Seminar, 2 SWS, Teilnahme nur nach Anmeldung bei der Dozentin
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Applying life course research

Corinna Kleinert
Seminar, 2 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mo, 14:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19
Einzeltermin am 8.1.2018, 18:00 - 19:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Modulprüfung: Portfolio (3 Monate) Subscription only via FlexNow Participation in the first session on Monday, 16.10.2017, 2:15pm in Room FMA/01.19 is obligatory. Solid knowledge of multiple linear regression analysis and STATA is advantageous to join the seminar. https://univis.uni-bamberg.de/prg?search=lectures&show=llong&nosubchap&id=41711394&sem=2017w&codeset=utf8 These may be learnt via self study or acquired / refreshed in a block seminar early in the upcoming semester. If you aim at participating in this course, please subscribe to the Tutorial via the VC.
Learning objectives: After joining the course the participants know the most important theoretical perspectives on the life course, as well as questions, problems, and application fields of life course research and they are able to apply them to own empirical research questions. They know how life course information is collected in standardized surveys and they are able to scrutinize different measurement approaches with regard to data quality. They have an overview over different analysis methods for life course data (panel models, event history models, sequence analysis). They know which methods are suited for answering different research questions and which data structures these methods require. Learning contents: The applied seminar is dedicated to the concept of life course in theory, data collection and data analysis. After an overview over theoretical concepts and methodological challenges we will develop our own empirical research questions on different aspects of life courses (education and employment careers, family formation), generate and test questionnaire instruments for measuring them, and practice basic application of different analysis methods in practical exercises. During the course, the participants develop small research projects on their own, based on data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) adult cohort (SC6). This includes establishing a research question, preparing and analysing the data, and presenting project progress and first results, either in teamwork or alone.

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