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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Humanwissenschaften >> Institut für Psychologie >> Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie >>

  Music meets visual arts: emotional, affective, cognitive, & dynamic processes (music meets visual arts)

Dr. Sandra Utz

Zeit und Ort: Di 12:00 - 14:00, MG2/01.03; Einzeltermin am 9.6.2017 9:00 - 18:00, MG2/01.03; Einzeltermin am 10.6.2017 10:00 - 16:00, MG2/01.03

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This seminar is held in English language and collaborates with the seminar "Visual arts meet music". Together, we will visit an exhibition and a concert. Note that the seminar has weekly sessions and also blocked sessions. Date and time for the blocked sessions will be negotiated during the seminar.

Music cognition is an interdisciplinary approach with the aim to understand the mental processes that support musical behaviors, such as perception, comprehension, memory, attention, and performance. Cognition in music is more and more acknowledged as fundamental to our understanding of cognition as a whole, hence music cognition should be able to contribute both conceptually and methodologically to cognitive science. Topics covered in the seminar (amongst others)are: cognitive processes involved when musicians perform music, eye movements during music reading, music and memory, learning, processing and production of music in the brain, language and music.
The students of this course will give short presentations (20min) on research findings from the field of psychological aesthetics regarding the domain of music to the group as well as to the collaborating seminar "Visual arts meet music". In reciprocity, they are presented research findings from the domain of visual art perception by the collaborating seminar's students. Together we will discuss differences between visual arts and music in regard to perceptual, affective, and cognitive effects. Finally, we will collect self reports by visiting an exhibition as well as a concert to explore some of these effects.

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