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  Empiriepraktikum Consciousness and Multi-stable Perception (EMPRA Consiousness)

Dr. Alexander Pastukhov

Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 18:00, MG2/01.09

We are used to the fact that our visual perception is stable and unambiguous. However, so-called multi-stable displays such as Necker cube or Binocular Rivalry are consistent with several comparably likely interpretations. This forces our visual system to endlessly switch between these alternatives despite the constant display, making them one of the favorite tools to study consciousness. They are also are highly revealing as they show the inner workings of sensory representations, attention, priming, prior knowledge, short-term memory, etc. The aim of the practicum is to:
  • Introduce the current research on multi-stable displays and on their use in studying both perception and consciousness.
  • Decide on your own research topic. I have several paper-worthy ideas to start from (visual-audio interactions, perceptual coupling between several copies of displays, perception of invisible Necker cubes, EEG, …) but you will have an opportunity develop them to your liking.
  • Design an experiment. I will guide you through this process, showing you best strategies for measuring subjective conscious perception and maximizing your chances for interpretable data.
  • Collect data, analyze it and turn it into beautiful evidence. I will explain how to turn the raw data into a simple clear and appealing evidence (taking part in Data Analysis using R seminar is highly recommended but not required). And, it must look beautiful, so we will explore the rules of beautiful evidence proposed by Edward Tufte.
  • Present you work at the Empiriepraktikumskonferenz!

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre

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