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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Fakultät Humanwissenschaften >> Institut für Psychologie >> Bachelor-Studiengang / Studiengang Schulpsychologie >> Wahlpflichtbereich >>

Wahlpflichtmodul Wissenschaftssprachen


Neuroscience of Consciousness

Alexander Pastukhov
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3
Di, 12:00 - 14:00, M3/02.10
An English-language seminar course that presents our current understanding of consciousness. What is consciousness and how can we define it? We will try to answer this by looking question that philosophers raised (What is like to be a bat? Are you a philosophical zombie? Who is inside the Chinese room? What is a thought about a thought called?) We will look for missing consciousness in clinical cases (Can you see without primary visual cortex? When your arm is not your arm anymore? How many personalities can you squeeze into two hemispheres?), unconscious processing (Why cannot you see the flicker, if your V1 can? Can you pay attention to an invisible target?), free will (How do you know you did it? Why do you feel responsible, if you favorite team wins or loses?), false memory (Are you sure this happened to you at all?), and consciousness in animals (Again, what is it like to be a bat? Can animals read others minds?) The course is taught in English, which will allow you build vocabulary on the topic.


(fand nicht statt) Special Topics in Psychopathology [Psychopathology]

Susanne Eggers
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS
Zeit/Ort n.V.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Seminar richtet sich an folgende Studiengänge:
  • BSc Psychologie: WPM Wissenschaftssprachen
  • BSc Psychologie: WPM Psychopathologie (Seminar "Allg. Psychopathologie" Pflicht)

Participants will be required to give a short presentation on a psychological disorder
This course is designed to provide an overview of abnormal behaviour and types of psychological disorders. Based on role play, games, quizzes and film sequences it offers an insight into what is considered normal/abnormal behaviour and demonstrates how to conduct a mental status examination. The main objective of the course is to encourage participants to apply their knowledge and language skills to the topics discussed, practise their English in a relaxed atmosphere, and gain a basic understanding of psychological illnesses and implications for treatment.


(fand nicht statt) Substance Abuse and Prevention: A case study on Metamphetamine [Methamphetamine]

Tessa-Virginia Hannemann
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS
Zeit/Ort n.V.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Seminar richtet sich an folgende Studiengänge:
  • BSc Psychologie: Pflichtmodul Gesundheitspsychologie
  • BSc Psychologie: WPM Psychopathologie (Seminar "Allg. Psychopathologie" Pflicht)
  • BSc Psychologie: WPM Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften
  • BSc Psychologie: WPM Wissenschaftssprachen
  • MSc Psychologie: FÜL Wissenschaftssprachen
In this seminar we will explore the different theories of how addiction develops and the different ways preventions can interject this development. We will look at some real life examples of addiction prevention programs and their successes. The students will be asked to develop their own prevention programs in groups and present this to the other participants. These will be graded.


Intercultural aspects of alcohol use and addiction [Intercultural aspects of alcohol use]

Jörg Wolstein
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Joint class with students from Christopher Newport University, V.A. USA Module Psychopathology (Bachelor) and Wissenschaftssprachen (Bachelor and Master)
Einzeltermin am 19.5.2019, 9:00 - 18:00, MG2/01.04, MG2/02.09, MG1/01.02
Einzeltermin am 20.5.2019, 8:00 - 10:00, MG2/00.10
Einzeltermin am 21.5.2019, 18:00 - 20:00, MG2/02.09
Einzeltermin am 21.5.2019, 10:00 - 12:00, M3/00.16
Einzeltermin am 22.5.2019, Einzeltermin am 23.5.2019, 16:00 - 18:00, MG2/02.09
Einzeltermin am 24.5.2019, 8:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
Die Exkursion findet am 24.05.2019 statt.
Vorbesprechung: Mittwoch, 24.4.2019, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr, MG2/01.04
This seminar will examine the influence of culture on the consumption of alcohol. The cultures that will be examined closely are the German and US-American culture. You will have the unique opportunity to work directly with a group of American students who will come to Bamberg in May. We will have a couple of focus groups:

  • Alcohol consumption under and over 21
  • Alcohol and advertising
  • Drinking games

However, other topics related to intercultural aspects of alcohol consumption can be readily included. In addition, we will talk about diversity in the two countries.

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