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  Summer School 2024 - Modern Philosophy of Biology

Prof. Dr. Vittorio Hösle, Prof. Dr. Christian Illies

Rein Präsenz
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Blockveranstaltung 5.7.2024-6.7.2024 Fr, Sa 10:00 - 18:00, U7/01.05; Blockveranstaltung 12.7.2024-13.7.2024 Fr, Sa, Blockveranstaltung 19.7.2024-20.7.2024 Fr, Sa 10:00 - 18:00, OK8/02.04

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Philosophie BA
Basismodul 3: Theoretische Philosophie, Basismodul 4: Philosophische Anthropologie, Aufbaumodul 2: Theoretische Philosophie , Vertiefungsmodul 2: Vertiefung in theoretischer Philosophie, Vertiefungsmodul 3: Vertiefung in philosophischer Anthropologie
Philosophie MA
Kernmodul 2: Theoretische Philosophie Freie Spezialisierung I und II
Philosophie LA (vor SoSe23)
Basismodul 3: Theoretische Philosophie Basismodul 4: Philosophische Anthropologie Vertiefungsmodul LA 4

This summer school aims to pose and answer questions of a philosophy of biology based on current texts (specifically: three books) at today's scientific level. Each weekend, one of the texts will serve as the foundation (and thus must be read). In his "Philosophy of Biology," Elliott Sober investigates, above all, the evolutionary theory and inquires how life comes into being and follows certain telos. Marjorie Grene and David Depew delve into the experimental biology, to gain various philosophical insights into life. In "Mind in Life," Evan Thompson attempts to phenomenologically answer or give an interpretation to the traditional questions about the consciousness of animals. Important: The language of instruction is English because several participants from the USA and China will be attending. The number of participants is limited due to room size and the seminar format; only students who can reliably attend can be admitted. Participation at only one or two of the weekends is possible. Registratuin is required. Those interested should contact Prof. Christian Illies (via email).

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Summerschool - Philosophy of Biology

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Philosophie II

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