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  PWB-VP-S: "International Migration and Citizenship"

Monika Bozhinoska

Rein Präsenz
Gender und Diversität, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: n.V.; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Zeit und Ort nach Vereinbarung/Blockseminar

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Prerequisites: none; very good knowledge of English is required! The seminar is offered als a block course (dates see below).

Registration in FlexNow!: 03. April 2023/10:00 bis 30. April 2023/23:59
Deregistration in FlexNow!: 03. April 2023/10:00 bis 30. April 2023/23:59
Start: Friday, 05 May 2023/10:00 – 15:30 and Saturday, 06 May 2023/9:00 - 15:00; ROOM: F21/03.50 (on all dates)

Next Dates:

Friday, 16 June 2023/10:00 – 15:30
Saturday, 17 June 2023/9:00 – 15:00

Friday, 30 June 2023/10:00 – 15:30

Assessment/Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises: One essay (from 4000 to 6000 words)
Each seminar will include 1) sections with presentation where the instructor address theories and empirical studies from the literature on the topic discussed, 2) debates where students are expected to engage in a critical discussion using arguments from the literature. In addition to regular participation and collaboration, each student is expected to submit one essay covering a topic from the syllabus. The essay will hold 100% of the total grade.
• The topic for the essay must be defined by 15 June (recommended consultation with the instructor) • Essay must be submitted by 31 July 2023
Essays are evaluated in terms of two main criteria: (1) quality of the arguments based on the cited literature; and (2) structure, coherence, and style of the essay. Quality of argument carries 75% weight and structure, coherence, and style carries 25% weight in the essay grade. The evaluation of the essay will be based on how successfully the author used and interpreted theoretical ideas from the literature, how innovative are the arguments discussed in the essay, as well as how successfully are supported the arguments with relevant literature. In terms of structure, coherence, and style, students are expected to have well developed organization of their ideas, to present clearly and systematically their argumentation and use formal writing with adequate referencing. This will be an active seminar, which will require each of you to engage in a set of debates about immigration and citizenship, to take a position and to defend it.


Office hours by appointment: monika.bozhinoska-lazarova(at)uni-bamberg.de

Covering questions such as Why do people migrate? Who can enter a foreign territory and under what conditions? What factors influence the integration processes in the country of residence? Who can be considered a member of society? This course will provide the students with knowledge about international migration and citizenship. Students will engage with literature from political science, migration studies, economy and sociology on the ongoing debates about migration and policies defining the rights of immigrants. The course will enable students to develop critical thinking about contemporary theories for migration and citizenship. At the end of the course, students will develop an understanding of the various aspects that influence the policies for immigration, integration and citizenship, as well as the implications migration has on individuals and societies.

Empfohlene Literatur
Sessions and reading materials

Day 1: Theories of international migration

Rosenblum, M. R. and Tichenor, D. J. (2012). Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Migration. Oxford University Press. (Section 1: The Origins and Causes of Migration)

Stephen, C. and Miller M. J. (2003) The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. New York: Guilford Press. (Chapters 1 and 2, pp.1- 49)

Massey, D., et al. (2005) Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium. Oxford University Press. (Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 1 – 60)

Goldin, I., Cameron G., and Balarajan M. (2011) Exceptional People. Princeton University Press. (Chapter 4, pp. 97-121)

Day 2: Migration flows and immigration policies

Meyers, E. (2000). Theories of International Immigration Policy: A Comparative Analysis. International Migration Review, 34 (4): 1245-1282.

Joppke, C. (1998). Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration. World Politics, 50 (2): 266-293.

Boswell, C. (2007). Theorizing Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way?. International Migration Review, 41(1): 75-100.

Freeman, G. P. (1995). Modes of Immigration Politics in Liberal Democratic States. International Migration Review, 29(4), 881–902. https://doi.org/10.1177/019791839502900401

Day 3: Integration policies and integration outcomes

Joppke, C. (2007). Beyond National Models: Civic Integration Policies for Immigrants in Western Europe. West European Politics, 30 (1): 1-22.

Goodman, S.W. (2010). Integration Requirements for Integration’s Sake? Identifying, Categorising and Comparing Civic Integration Policies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (5): 753-772.

Wright, M. and Bloemraad I. (2012). Is There a Trade-off between Multiculturalism and Socio-Political Integration? Policy Regimes and Immigrant Incorporation in Comparative Perspective. Perspectives on Politics, 10 (1): pp. 77-95.

Triadafilopoulos, T. (2011). Illiberal Means to Liberal Ends? Understanding Recent Immigrant Integration Policies in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(6.): 861-880.

Day 4: Citizenship policies

Koopmans, R. et al., (2005) Contested Citizenship: Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Europe. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Introduction and Chapter 1, pp. 1–16)

Joppke, C. (2010). Citizenship and Immigration. Cambridge: Polity Press. (Chapter 1, pp. 1–33).

Janoski, T. (2010) The Ironies of Citizenship: Naturalization and Integration in Industrialized Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bloemraad, I. (2006) Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada. Berkeley: UC Press. (Chapter 1)

Howard, M. (2009) The Politics of Citizenship in Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, (Chapters 1, 2, and 3, pp. 17–69).

Howard, M. (2010). The Impact of the Far Right on Citizenship Policy in Europe: Explaining Continuity and Change. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (5): pp. 735-751.

Faist, T. Gerdes, J. and Rieple, B. (2004) “Dual Citizenship as a Path-Dependant Process,” International Migration Review, 38 (3): pp. 913-944.

Day 5: Citizenship and membership

Yasemin Soysal, Y. (1994). Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Guiraudon, V. (1998). Challenge to the Nation–State: Immigration in Western Europe and the United States. New York: Oxford University Press.

Brubaker, W. R. (1989). Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Europe and North America. New York: University Press of America.

David Earnest, D. (2006). Neither Citizen nor Stranger: Why States Enfranchise Resident Aliens. World Politics. 58(2): pp. 242-275.

Bosniak, L. (2006). The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership. Princeton University Press.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
PWB-VP-S: "International Migration and Citizenship"

Credits: 6

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

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