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How to Write a Term Paper | Betreuungsübung Konopka

Nicole K. Konopka
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Modulstudium
Fr, 14:00 - 16:00, U5/01.17
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module Allocation:

How to Write a Term Paper in literary or cultural studies
  • B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Übung 2 ECTS im Basismodul oder Aufbaumodul)
  • Lehramtsstudiengänge Englisch: (Übung 2 ECTS im Basismodul oder Aufbaumodul)

Thesis supervision in literary or cultural studies
  • B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik (nur HF mit B.A.-Arbeit) (Betreuungsübung 2 ECTS)
  • B.A. Medieval Studies: (Intensivierungsmodul 2 ECTS, wenn die B.A.-Arbeit in Kulturwissenschaft geschrieben wird)
Please contact the instructor beforehand to discuss your general idea and the possibility of thesis supervision!

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:
  • completion of advanced module (Aufbaumodul)
  • active participation (individual tasks and group work)
  • presentation in English (Erasmus/exchange students and B.A. candidates only!)

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: March 11 – April 22, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams (de)registration: June 10–25, 2024

Registration is open from 10 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.!
Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung der Lehrveranstaltung fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.
This course aims to assist students in the Basismodul in writing their first term paper in literary or cultural studies in Bamberg. We will discuss general formal aspects and content related criteria of an academic paper, such as possible topics, structure, suitable theoretical approaches. Primarily, however, we will practice how to choose a topic, how to develop a coherent structure, how to involve theoretical frameworks, and how to adhere to the MLA citation rules. Finally, we will discuss the different types of source material that are suitable for the list of references of your paper. Students have the chance to present a provisional outline in a closed discussion forum, where they will receive feedback from fellow students and the instructor.

This course is also addressed at students in the Vertiefungsmodul who are preparing or working at a BA-thesis in American Literature or Culture. Therefore, this course provides the guidance sessions for the BA thesis (Betreuungsübung) for students in the BA programs who write their thesis in literary or cultural studies. It assists students in the preparation of their final paper, and gives them an opportunity to discuss their work with other students. BA-candidates will present parts of their final paper, offering it for discussion and feedback. If you are planning to attend this class, make sure that the instructor will also be your thesis advisor. Please contact Ms. Konopka well in advance to discuss your topic and the requirements for the supervision.

Please note that this is a practical training course and not a lecture! You are expected to participate in the tasks and engage in discussions.
Empfohlene Literatur:
All readings will be provided via the VC!


Introduction to English and American Literary Studies (B)

Nicole K. Konopka
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Gender und Diversität, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Erweiterungsbereich, Modulstudium, Frühstudium
Di, 16:00 - 18:00, U5/00.24
Einzeltermin am 23.7.2024, 10:00 - 12:00, U5/00.24
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module Allocation:

All degrees requiring an introductory seminar for their basic module in literary studies (Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft):
  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (seminar 6 or 8 ECTS)
  • BA Berufliche Bildung (seminar 6 ECTS)
  • BA Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien/Medieval Studies (seminar 2 ECTS)
  • BSc. BWL (seminar 6 ECTS)
  • Lehramt GS/HS/MS/RS/GY (seminar 6 or 8 ECTS)
  • MA WiPäd (seminar 6 ECTS)

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:
  • 6 ECTS: active participation in the seminar, course tutorial, library tutorial, final written exam
  • 8 ECTS (module exam): active participation in the seminar, course tutorial, library tutorial, final written exam (see additional information below!)

The following applies ONLY to students whose Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft contains BOTH the Introduction to Literary Studies and a lecture (see module handbook):

As of now, the final written exam of this Introduction to Literary Studies is also the module exam for the Basismodul Literaturwissenschaft. The exam will contain questions about both the content of the Introduction and the lecture (free choice: English or American Literature lecture). Students, therefore, are advised to take the introductory class either after attending the lecture OR in the same semester.

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: April 10 April 22, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams (de)registration: June 10 25, 2024

Registration is open from 10 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.!
Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

WICHTIG: Es stehen diverse Parallelkurse zur Verfügung. Den Termin A finden Sie in Flexnow bei der Englischen Literaturwissenschaft, den Termin B bei der Amerikanistik. Bitte entscheiden Sie sich frühzeitig für EINEN Termin!

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung des Seminars fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.
This course provides a concise introduction to major themes and methods in the study of English and American literature with a focus on American literature.

We will discuss key features of the main literary genres poetry, prose fiction, and drama, explore selected approaches in literary theory and criticism as a basis for analyzing and interpreting literary texts, and survey the main periods and developments of American literary history. The focus, however, will be on the discussion of textual examples from these various vantage points. The goal of this course is to enable you to articulate up-to-date readings of texts from different genres, in their cultural contexts, informed by key theories and analytical methods.

Please note that all Introductions to English and American Literary Studies prepare students for the analysis and interpretation of both English and American literature. The only difference is that the Introduction taught by members of the English Literature section uses literary examples from a primarily British context, and the one taught by members of the American Studies section uses primarily American examples. Choosing one or the other Introduction does not mean that you "specialize" in English or American literature, and you don't have to take your later courses in the same area.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Michael Meyer. English and American Literature. 4th ed. UTB Basic. Tübingen: Francke, 2010. (or a newer edition; Ebook welcome!)

All other readings will be provided via the VC!


Key Texts in Literary Theory (Methodenübung für das Ergänzungsmodul Literaturwissenschaft)

Nicole K. Konopka
Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 1, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Gender und Diversität, Modulstudium
Mi, 12:00 - 14:00, OK8/02.04
This course will take place bi-weekly!
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module Allocation:
  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Key Texts in Literary Theories Übung 1 ECTS)
  • alle alten Studiengänge (Übung literary studies 1 ECTS)

>> NOT Open for ‘Ergänzungsmodul’ cultural studies!

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: March 11 – April 22, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams (de)registration: June 10–25, 2024

Registration is open from 10 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.!
Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung der Lehrveranstaltung fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.
In this seminar, we will study trends and schools in literary theory since the 1950s. Our reading includes key texts by thinkers identified with formalism and structuralism, deconstruction and post-structuralism, gender studies and queer theory, psychoanalytical criticism, (Neo-)Marxism and Cultural Materialism, New Historicism, postcolonial criticism, and reader-response theory.

The course is intended to assist students in both finding their own approaches towards primary texts and in identifying mind-sets and methods applied in the secondary sources they read in their other seminars: "What theory demonstrates [...] is that there is no position free of theory, not even the one called common sense." (V. B. Leitch).

This class is based not only on the reading, but also the in-depth analysis of theoretical writing. Therefore, students are expected to prepare diligently for each session by (1) reading the assigned text(s), (2) studying each text's background/context, and (3) establishing some basic understanding of the theory discussed in the respective text before coming to class! Only then will it be possible for us to engage in critical discussion during our sessions. In sum, it is important for participants to do the assigned reading, attend all sessions and contribute to class discussions. Your input is mandatory and will be welcome!
Empfohlene Literatur:
All readings will be provided via the VC!


Media Session "From The Big Sleep to Little Women: Voices of American Cinema"

Nicole K. Konopka
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis
Fr, 18:00 - 21:00, U5/00.24
Einzeltermin am 19.6.2024, Einzeltermin am 26.6.2024, 20:00 - 22:00, U5/00.24
Einzeltermin am 28.6.2024, 19:00 - 24:00, U9/01.11
Einzeltermin am 29.6.2024, 0:00 - 7:00, U9/01.11
The Media Session is designed as an extension of those classes of the American Studies Section that work with movies. However, we encourage all students to attend the movie sessions, because we show American classics as well as classics inspired by America.

This semester, the media session will take place in conjunction with the course "Masters of American Cinema: Decentering the Canon" (PD Dr. Banita). In this class, "the traditional scope of the American film canon [is challenged], exploring both foundational figures and an array of diverse voices that reflect the variety of the American experience." Our program will include many different genres (film noir, western, war film, science fiction, comedy, biopic, etc.) - providing an insight into cinematic developments from early and classical to New Hollywood!

There will also be another all-night movie marathon towards the middle of the semester. If you want to learn more about this event, please send an email to Dr. Konopka!

The exact schedule will be posted via NEAS VC (News of English and American Studies)!


Promised Land America

Nicole K. Konopka
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Gender und Diversität, Kultur und Bildung, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Erweiterungsbereich, Modulstudium
Fr, 12:00 - 14:00, U5/01.17
This course includes a day trip to see the exhibition "American Dreams. A New Life in the USA" in Stuttgart in late May/early June 2024
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module Allocation:

All modules including an advanced level seminar (Proseminar) for literary studies or cultural studies:
  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Seminar 6 ECTS)
  • BA Berufliche Bildung (Seminar 6 ECTS)
  • Lehramt GS/HS/MS/RS/GY (Seminar Lit: 6 ECTS / Seminar Cult: 5 ECTS)
  • BA Wipäd II (Seminar 6 ECTS)

>> Open for ‘Ergänzungsmodul’ literary studies and cultural studies!

Please note: This course includes a day trip to see the exhibition "American Dreams. A New Life in the USA" in Stuttgart in late May/early June 2024!

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: March 11 – April 22, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams (de)registration: June 10–25, 2024

Registration is open from 10 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.!
Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung der Lehrveranstaltung fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.
The United States of America are often described as a nation of immigrants and minorities, the ‘golden door’ to the West, a land in which people from all over the world have sought – and apparently found – new homes and new lives. However, the myth of the Promised Land is as much exclusive as it is inclusive.

In general, the course centers around American ideals and realities. We will be looking at how immigrants and minorities have participated in the creation of the myth and have influenced debates about inclusion of newcomers into the Promised Land.

This course has two key goals, which are related to "history from below" and "mythmaking." First, this course seeks to help students to examine their own notions of American history. Immigrants and members of a minority are neither helpless victims, nor the agents of pure individualism. One objective of this class is to help students understand the many layers of the stories of minorities and migration, and how they are entwined with American history in particular. The second goal is to show the gradual emancipation of a popular myth and how the idea of the Promised Land becomes ideal or real against different ethnic backgrounds.

To achieve these goals, we will do a lot of reading, speaking, and thinking. Our main reading material will consist of the novels listed below, and students are expected to purchase and read the novels by Upton Sinclair and Mary Antin before the end of April.

All course material (except for the novels) will be provided well ahead of class via the Virtual Campus. It is important for participants to do the assigned reading, attend class regularly and contribute to class discussions. You are welcome to bring in materials from outside of class (newspaper articles, handouts etc) and you can also plan class room activities – e.g. mock debates. Your input will be welcome!
Empfohlene Literatur:
Required reading (in print or E-book):
  • Upton Sinclair, The Jungle (1906) - preferably the The Bedford Series in History and Culture edition
  • Mary Antin, The Promised Land (1912) - no particular edition favored; student's choice
  • Henry Yoshitaka Kiyama, The Four Immigrants Manga: A Japanese Experience in San Francisco (1931) - preferably from Stone Bridge Press [ISBN 1880656337]
  • Pietro di Donato, Christ in Concrete (1939) - preferably from Signet Classics [ISBN 0451525752]
  • Claude Brown, Manchild in the Promised Land (1965) - preferably from Touchstone [ISBN 0684864185]


The Sea in North American and German Literature

Nicole K. Konopka
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Gender und Diversität, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien, Erweiterungsbereich, Modulstudium
Di, 12:00 - 14:00, U5/02.18
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module Allocation:

All modules including an obligatory or optional reading tutorial (Übung) for LITERARY studies:
  • BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik
  • MA English and American Studies
  • MA WiPäd
  • Erweiterungsbereich English and American Studies
  • Exchange Students (2 or 4 ECTS)

>> OPEN for Consolidation Module LITERARY studies!

2. Prerequisites for obtaining credit points:

3. FlexNow-Registration:

Please register for this class on FlexNow via the following section (Lehrstuhl): Professur für Amerikanistik. In case of problems contact flexnow.amerikanistik(at)uni-bamberg.de.

  • Course (de)enrollment: March 11 – April 22, 2024
  • ECTS/Exams (de)registration: June 10–25, 2024

Registration is open from 10 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.!
Guest auditors: please contact lecturer via e-mail.

Information on how to solve problems with your registration: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/anglistik-amerikanistik/studium/flexnow-info/

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung der Lehrveranstaltung fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin.
This course has been designed especially for North-American exchange students and German students, inviting them to study each other’s cultures together. Readings and classroom discussions will be both in English and German.

“People on land think of the sea as a void, an emptiness haunted by mythological hazards. The sea marks the end of things. It is where life stops and the unknown begins. It is a necessary, comforting fiction to conceive of the sea as the residence of gods and monsters – Aeolus, the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, the Goodwins, the Bermuda Triangle. In fact, the sea is just an alternative known world. Its topography is as intricate as that of land, its place names as particular and evocative, its maps and signposts rather more reliable.” (Johnathan Raban, Coasting, p. 220)

In this reading course, we will explore the representation of the sea in a wide range of literary texts from the U.S., Canada, and Germany. The goal is to gain an understanding of the multitude of perspectives that have challenged and enriched readers’ perceptions of the sea: its depth and width, its coastlines and islands, the ships that cross or sink in it, its currents and storms, its human and non-human dwellers and voyagers, and the many stories that are spun around the fascinating maritime wilderness covering approximately 71 percent of our planet’s surface.

We will engage with the sea through the framework of the “blue humanities,” which will be our focus at the outset. After becoming familiar with various concepts of the sea, we will dive into a plethora of literary texts, such as novels, short stories, poems, sea chanties, picture books, non-fiction prose etc. – both in English and in German (English translations are available for most German texts). We will, however, not ‘compare’ German and North American literary perspectives. Instead, we will encounter, explore, and then (re-)assemble these literary impressions of the sea as fluid fragments of an ever-changing – and at the same time permanent – presence in a transatlantic context.

ATTENTION: This is an INTENSIVE READING class (Leseübung)! Participants must be able to read and review quite a lot of material between the weekly sessions. The class is designed to assist you with the reading list of the American Studies Section and aims to contribute to your understanding of key aspects of North American literature.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Most course readings will be provided via the VC, but each student must purchase the following four books either in print or as an e-book and read the first two BEFORE the semester starts:
  • Theodor Storm, Der Schimmelreiter (1888)
  • Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and The Sea (1951)
  • Rachel Carson, The Sea Around Us (1951)
  • Carole Lindstrom and Michaela Goade, We Are Water Protectors (2020)

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