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Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der Längsschnittanalyse: Applied Panel Data Analysis

Michael Gebel, Chen-Hao Hsu
Seminar, 4 SWS
Mo, 8:00 - 12:00, RZ/00.07
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Students have to be familiar with the contents of the compulsory lecture "Research design" and multiple linear and binary logistic regression analysis. Moreover, students are required to be familiar with the statistics package Stata. These skills could either be acquired or refreshed in self-studies or by attending an online tutorial course. Link to Stata Tutorial [https://univis.uni-bamberg.de/form?dsc=anew/lecture_view&lvs=sowi/sozwiss/metho/einfhr_1&anonymous=1&ref=tlecture&sem=2020w&tdir=sowi/sozwiss/haupts/method]

Registration: Please register in the VC of the event until 28.10.2021. Only the persons who are registered in the VC will receive all information about the course.

Type of instruction:
Live online teaching via Zoom (Mo, 8h-12h) is planned. There will be no video recording. Changes are possible depending on the guidelines of the university.

Language of instruction:

Module exam:
Portfolio in German or English (time: 3 months)
Learning targets:
The central aim of this course is to empower participants to critically discuss basic concepts and assumptions of linear and logistic fixed effect and random effect panel data analyses, to conduct theory-driven empirical research, to choose and specify the appropriate regression models according to the ideas of modern causal analysis, to independently carry out linear and logistic fixed effect and random effect panel data analyses using the statistics package Stata and data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), to correctly interpret the results and clearly present the results of regression analyses in tables and graphs.

Course contents:
Pooled OLS, fixed effect, first difference, random effect models as well as hybrid models for linear dependent variables are presented and the basic assumptions are critically discussed. Following the principles of theory-driven empirical research participants learn to choose and specify the appropriate panel regression models according to the ideas of modern causal analysis. Advanced topics of the fixed effect estimator in terms of modelling the impact function and anticipation effects as well as the fixed effects individual-slopes (FEIS) model are introduced. The general idea and challenges of dynamic panel data models are discussed. Panel data models for categorical dependent variables (binary, ordinal and multinomial) are presented. The general idea of mixed-coefficients/mixed effects panel models are introduced and their equivalence to other panel data estimators is highlighted. Finally, the topic of missing data in panel regressions is addressed. Next to theoretical introductions of the models the logic of the different panel data estimators is illustrated based on play data. In lab sessions participants will learn how to practically implement panel data analyses using the statistics package Stata. The lab sessions and the seminar theses will draw exclusively on topical sociological questions of life course research (consequences of life course events) and data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Specifically, the course offers an applied introduction and hands-on experience in the complex preparation of panel data for the statistical analyses during the lab sessions.

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