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Ü: Advanced Topics in Public Economics (Seminar)

Dominik Bruckner, M.Sc.

Rein Online
3 SWS, Zur Teilnahme melden Sie sich bitte per email bis zum 02.11.2020 bei Dominik Bruckner, M.Sc.: Dominik.Bruckner@uni-bamberg.de
Zeit: Do 16:15 - 18:00
ab 12.11.2020

Objective: This seminar at the master level concentrates on different aspects of public economics and epidemiology. The first part focuses on the history of epidemiology and various modelling approaches of epidemics. Part two deals with public policy issues regarding epidemic situation. Public good problems, such as the development of a vaccine, as well as economic consequences of various policy measurements are key aspects. Lastly, part three offers a perspective of political economics with regard to a crisis, such as a pandemic. Polarization as well as international coalitions are the center of discussion. After an introduction, students will study, present, and critically assess important publications in this field of research. Please attend the introduction into scientific working, held by Dominik Bruckner, online, on November 12th, 2020 at 16:15. Each student will give an online-presentation (the presentation should be in English). The presentation should last approx. 20 min with a subsequent discussion. Students have to read all introductory literature (see next page) after each presentation students will participate in an open online discussion. The seminar paper (10-12 pages) can be written in English or German. All sessions are held online via MS Teams. Requirements: Only a limited number of participants may take part in the seminar. Preference will be given to EES-Master students, who have not yet participated in another seminar. Students should have successfully completed the course Advanced Microeconomics. Participants of the seminar are encouraged to take the course Datenbankrecherche Wirtschaftswissenschaften offered by the university library.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
www: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/vwl-fiwi/studium/lehrveranstaltungen/advanced-topics-in-public-economics/

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbes. Finanzwissenschaft

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