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Geographisches Kolloquium: Vortrag von Herrn Prof. Dr. Raquib Ahmed von der Rajshahi Universität in Bangladesch zum Thema "Urban Environmental Issues in Bangladesh and Government Intervention"

Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl Geographie I

Dienstag, 9.1.2007: 19:30 - 22:00 Uhr; H/218

The recent rapid urbanization in Bangladesh is the result of high rural to urban migration accompanied by natural high growth rate of population. It has caused a tremendous pressure on the existing insufficient urban physical and administrative infrastructure. This results in various types of urban environmental problems. The problem is more diverse and of higher magnitude in case of bigger cities. The high density of population in cities has exposed a large number of its dwellers to the environmental threat. The poor are the worst affected and often found to be improperly recorded in the census as because they do not have registered shelters. The identified major issues are related to and generated from untoward land use conversion, urban slums, pollution in water, air and noise, from industrial waste and unscientific garbage disposal. The concerned controlling authorities broadly seem to have sufficient power but found inadequately applying the controls. This is indeed partially related to the inappropriate implementation strategy of policy and plan. To improve and strengthen the control the suggested steps are to redefine land ownership rights, organize rational urban land use plan, develop a well-synthesized environmental regulations and trained monitoring instruments, and develop a local partnership for sustainability.

Kontakt: Braun, Boris
Lehrstuhl für Geographie I (Kulturgeographie mit Schwerpunkten im Bereich der Sozial-, Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsgeographie)
Telefon 0951 863 2315, Fax 0951 863 2317, E-Mail: boris.braun@ggeo.uni-bamberg.de

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