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Gastvortrag: Werner Loval "We Were Europeans" A Personal History of a Turbulent Century

Veranstalter: Prof. Christoph Houswitschka, Prof. Iris Hermann

Dienstag, 5.7.2011: 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr; U5/122

Ex-Bamberger Werner Loval escaped from Nazi-Germany in 1939. His book is as much a chronicle of the life of the Jerusalem realtor and diplomat as it is a history of European-American and South American jewry and the development of the State of Israel. The author unfolds a rich and colourful tapestry of Bamberg when it was going to be taken over by the brownshirts. The life he and his family enjoyed precipitously unraveled after 1933. Thirteen-year old Werner managed a last-minute flight from the holocaust on a kindertransport to England.

Kontakt: Houswitschka, Christoph

Telefon ++49 (0)951 863 2172, Fax ++49 (0)951 863 5172, E-Mail: englit@houswitschka.de

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