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Guest Lecture: "'Accept a loving Caw': Dickinson s Letters and Letter-Poems" (Prof. Cristanne Miller, University of Buffalo, SUNY)

Veranstalter: Professur für Amerikanistik

Mittwoch, 7.6.2023: 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr; Online-Meeting

Zoom-Call ID: 683 4521 7373

Accept a loving Caw : Dickinson s Letters and Letter-Poems, Miller will talk about the range of Dickinson s correspondents, particularly toward the end of her life, when she is writing to many friends and neighbors, and engaged in active exchange of flowers, food, and small gifts with these friends. A few correspondents (primarily Susan Dickinson, but also Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Samuel Bowles) have absorbed most scholarly attention in relation to Dickinson s letters. While Miller will talk briefly about this trio, her focus will be on the broader range and particularly on the range of people to whom Dickinson sends letter-poems again, primarily to Susan but also to at least 18 other correspondents, most rarely discussed. There will be ample time for discussion, and for questions about the forthcoming edition of letters.

Kontakt: Spychala, Mareike

Telefon 2241, E-Mail: mareike.spychala@uni-bamberg.de

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