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  Experimental Methods in Economics

Prof. Dr. Eva Camacho Cuena

Zeit und Ort: Di 16:00 - 18:00, F21/02.55

Experimental Economics has been defined as “the art of generating empirical evidence” and has developed as a source of data for economists during the last decades. Nowadays, it is considered a legitimate tool for modelling in microeconomics and game theory in order to study different phenomena in asset markets, industrial organization,environmental economics, and many other institutions and fields. The purpose of this course is to take the students through the process of conducting economic experiments by learning the basic tools and methods. Since most experimental economists learned the method by doing, it is also interesting to have a look at the main literature on experiments conducted in different fields. At the end of the course, the student will be able to design and conduct his/her own experiment, collecting and analyzing the data in order to report the main results. The course will be held in English and the basic material (slides and main papers) will be provided before each lesson. Besides the theory, there will be a practical part in order to get familiar with the experimental method by participating in some experiments, analysing some experimental data and programing some simple experiments using the software Z-tree. The final assessment is a written exam. Successful participation carries the award of 6 ECTS credit points, which can be considered for the Master’s program European Economic Studies.

Empfohlene Literatur
• Cassar A. and Friedman D. (2004), Economics Lab An Intensive Course in Experimental Economics, Routledge,
• Friedman, D. and Sunder S. (1994), Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economist, Cambridge University Press.
• Davis, D. and Holt, C. (1993) Experimental Economics, Princeton Unversity Press.
• Kagel, J. and Roth, A., 1995, The Handbook on Experimental Economics,Princeton University Press.
• Holt, C.H.(2007) Markets, Games, & Strategic Behavior, Addison Wesley, Pp. 3-19

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 6

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 80

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbes. Internationale Wirtschaft

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