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Gastvortrag Marco Demichelis (PhD): Warfare and Jihad in the first century of Islam. An inter-religious and historical understanding

Veranstalter: Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien

Montag, 4.12.2017: 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr; U2/01.33

During the last forty years the historical comprehension of the first century of Islam has been deconstructed and analysed through a more interdisciplinary way: archaeological, numismatic, historical, inter-religious sources have deeply reshaped the understanding of early Islamic history. Historians in Islamic Studies as John Wansbrough, Patricia Crone, Uri Rubin, Robert Jeffrey, G.R. Hawting, Fred Donner, Robert Hoyland contributed to a new understanding of early Islam, portraying it rather as an inclusive monotheistic milieu than a clear-cut and well-structured new religion. The lecture aims to discuss the early conquering campaigns within this new methodic approach to early Islamic history: were these campaigns the concrete expression of the aggressive violence of a new religion or, on the contrary, of an expanding more-unified “nation”? More specifically, the discussion will focus on different technical aspects of the Arab campaigns to highlight some inter-religious unexpected facets of this historical period between the seventh and eighth centuries. It will be argued that inter-religious violence and conquering campaigns did not mould from the beginning an “Islamic” state with a broad religious identity, but at least for the first century, a more Abrahamic-monotheistic consciousness.

Kontakt: Jäger, Gabriel
Zentrum für Interreligiöse Studien / Centre for Interreligious Studies der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (ZIS)
Telefon 0951/863-1732, E-Mail: gabriel.jaeger@uni-bamberg.de

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