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  Fortgeschrittene Analysemethoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung: Qualitative Interviewing & Data Analysis

Eliza Mandieva, M.A.

Zeit und Ort: Do 14:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19, RZ/00.07; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
26.10.2017 14.00-18.00 pm FMA/01.19
02.11.2017 14.00-18.00 pm FMA/01.19
09.11.2017 14.00-18.00 pm Individual Appointment F 21/01.18
07.12.2017 14.00-18.00 pm RZ/00.06
14.12.2017 14.00-18.00 pm RZ/00.06
11.01.2018 14.00-18.00 pm RZ/00.06
18.01.2018 14.00-18.00 pm RZ/00.06
25.01.2018 14.00-18.00 pm Individual Appointment F 21/01.18

This is an advanced-level course for students who already have basic theoretical and practical knowledge on:
  • qualitative research in general, e.g. attended bachelor-level courses;
  • qualitative interviewing technics.

The course will be conducted in English; course attendants have a possibility to write their term paper and conduct interviews in German (English is recommended).
Final Examination: Term paper of 15-20 pp (based on previous conducted interviews);

This advanced-level course aims
  • to introduce master students to the field of qualitative research
  • to prepare them in the skills and techniques as well as
  • to provide them with a practical knowledge necessary to undertake independent research applying methods of qualitative research.

The course will be divided into four major units: (1) introduction to qualitative research, (2) data collection technics, (3) fieldwork as well as (4) analysis and interpretation in qualitative research. In the first two seminars, students learn about the relationship between theory, methodology and methods in qualitative research. To do so they formulate questionnaire for a semi-structured qualitative interview using sensitizing concepts and conduct several pretests in order to exercise interviewing technics prior to fieldwork phase (unit 3). Each course participant is expected to conduct at least 3 interviews (in German or English) on earlier selected topic by course instructor during the fieldwork. Course attendees will have four weeks for interview conducting and another four weeks for transcription of the collected data. The fourth part of the course focuses on methods of QDA and software used to manage the data. After general introduction to QDA the students learn coding using MAXQDA and how discourse analytical research is concretely done in the praxis. Furthermore this final part addresses also issues of representation in qualitative research and the ways that interview results are written up and presented. The QDAS package we will use is MAXQDA.
Software and hardware for interviewing, transcription and coding are available at the university and can be borrowed (e.g. recorder) upon request.

Empfohlene Literatur
Savin-Baden, Maggie & Major, Claire Howell (2013) Qualitative Research: The essential guide to theory and practice. Rutledge: New York City. ISBN: 978-0-415-67478-2
Bazeley, Pat (2013). Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN: 978-1-84920-303-6

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, insbes. Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung

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