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Guest Lecture "Gone with the Wind/Via vol vento/Vom Winde Verweht: The Italian (and German) Publication History of an American Bestseller" (Prof. Cinzia Scarpino | Università degli Studi di Milano)

Veranstalter: Professur für Amerikanistik

Montag, 22.5.2023: 10:15 - 11:45 Uhr; OK8/02.04

The most successful escapist novel in Fascist Italy, Gone with the Wind (1936), was translated for the Mondadori publishing house within one year after the American publication and became an immediate bestseller. By drawing specifically on the archival materials at the Mondadori Foundation (editorial correspondence, reading reports, print runs, covers), this talk will sketch out the book’s Italian publishing history and cultural context and trace some possible analogies with its (pre-war) German publishing trajectory.

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