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Vortrag im Rahmen des Archäologischen Kolloquiums: The Citadel of Urfa (SE Turkey) and the Fortification of a Frontier

Veranstalter: Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie

Dienstag, 23.1.2018: 19:15 - 20:30 Uhr; KR12/02.01

Dr. Cristina Tonghini (Università Ca Foscari, Venedig) spricht zum Thema:
The Citadel of Urfa (SE Turkey) and the Fortification of a Frontier The lecture deals with fortifications in the Medieval Near East; it willillustrate their evolution over time and the contribution of the various traditions (Byzantine, Arab, Armenian, Crusader, Turk) on the basis of recent case studies. Special attention will be devoted to the documentation derived from field work conducted by Dr. Tonghini at the citadels of Shayzar (Syria) and Urfa (Turkey).

Kontakt: Korn, Lorenz
Professur für Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie
Telefon 0951/863-2189 und 2233, Fax 0951/863-5189, E-Mail: lorenz.korn@uni-bamberg.de

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