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Lior Sternfeld (Penn State University, USA): Ghetto or Mahalle? Historiographical Challenges in the Study of Iranian Jewish History (Vortrag im Rahmen des Bayerischen Orientkolloquiums)

Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Islamwissenschaft

Donnerstag, 27.6.2019: 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr; SP17/00.13

In the early 20th century, the Iranian Jewish communities were largely disenfranchised, marginalized, and impoverished. About 80 percent belonged to the lowest social and economic classes, 10 percent were part of the emerging middle class, and 10 percent counted among the country’s elites. By the 1979 revolution, that situation had changed. 10 percent were impoverished, 80 percent belonged to the middle classes, and 10 percent remained in the elite. By the 1979 revolution, Jews played a role in every Iranian political camp: as supporters of the monarchy or the revolutionary movements. This talk analyzes the institutional history of the Jewish communities in Iran—and the pivotal role they played in facilitating integration and other social developments. The examples to be discussed will help us understand how Iran’s Jews adjusted to a rapidly changing post-revolutionary society, especially in light of the regional conflict between their respective spiritual and national homelands, Israel and Iran.

Am 11.07. findet der Vortrag von Herrn Prof. Dr. Bert Fragner um 18.15 Uhr im Raum U5/00.24 statt.

Kontakt: Seemann, Iga
Lehrstuhl für Islamwissenschaft
Telefon 0951/863-2185, E-Mail: islamwissenschaft@uni-bamberg.de

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