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Languages and linguistics of the Middle East

Geoffrey Haig
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, MA General Linguistics: Seminar for MA module 3 / 8 (Linguistic Diversity) (8 ECTS), for MA module 2 / 7 (Variation and change) (8 ECTS); MA Cultural Studies of the Middle East: PLing 1 (5 ECTS); BA Nebenfach Allg. Sprachwissenschaft: Aufbaumodul I (8 ECTS), S im Erw. Aufbaumodul I oder im Vertiefungsmodul (8 ECTS)
Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, SP17/02.19
ab 24.10.2022
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Dieser Kurs findet bis auf weiteres in Präsenz statt. Bitte schreiben Sie sich dennoch zu Semesterbeginn im Virtuellen Campus (VC) für diesen Kurs ein, damit vor dem Hintergrund der möglichen Online-Lehre die Kontaktaufnahme durch die Dozentin / den Dozenten möglich ist. Falls Sie sich nicht einschreiben können, wenden Sie sich bitte an admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

This course will be held in presence until further notice. Nevertheless, please register for this course on Virtueller Campus (VC)at the beginnig of the semester, to allow the course instructor to get in touch with you ahead of course commencement to organise teaching in online format if necessary. Note that if you cannot enrol in Virtueller Campus you are kindly asked to contact admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

  • No special prerequisites
  • The lecture will be in English
  • FlexNow-Anmeldung ab dem 01.10.

  • Prüfungsanmeldung in FlexNow/Registration for exam in FlexNow: 16.01.2022 - 30.01.2022

  • im Vertiefungsmodul: 8 ECTS, Hausarbeit mit einem Mindestumfang von 14 Seiten.
  • im Mastermodul 2 (8 ECTS) gilt ebenfalls eine benotete schriftliche Hausarbeit (Umfang nach Absprache) als Leistungsnachweis.
  • im Mastermodul PLing 1 (5 ECTS) gilt eine benotete schriftliche Hausarbeit (mind. 10 Seiten) als Leistungsnachweis
This course presents an overview of the linguistic context of today s Middle East. The first part introduces the early history of the region, before introducing the three main language groups currently spoken there: Turkic, Semitic (presented by Prof. Lutz Edzard), and Iranian. We then progress to the present language situation, focussing on language ideologies and language planning in today s nation states, and different kinds of societal bilingualism in selected countries of the region. The second part of the course focusses on the lesser-known (minority) languages of the region, and introduces different empirical approaches to investigating minority languages, focussing on the sub-disciplines of language documentation and sociolinguistics.
Students will be required to hold an oral presentation (20 mins.) on a topic to be selected in consultation with the instructor, and to submit a term paper.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Al-Wer, Enam. 2014. Language and gender in the Middle East and North Africa. In: Ehrlich, Susan, Miriam Meyerhoff and Janet Holmes (eds.) The handbook of language, gender, and sexuality. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118584248.ch20 Haig, Geoffrey. 2017. Western Asia: East Anatolia as a transition zone. In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.) The Cambridge handbook of areal linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 396-423. Haig, Geoffrey and Geoffrey Khan (eds.) 2018. The languages and linguistics of Western Asia. An areal perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Hetzron, Robert. 2013. The Semitic languages. London: Routledge. Johanson, Lars & Éva Csató (eds.). 2006. The Turkic languages. London: Routledge. Rosenhouse, Judith. 2012. Bilingualism/Multilingualism in the Middle East and North Africa: A Focus on Cross-National and Diglossic Bilingualism/Multilingualism. In: Bhatia, Tej K. and William C. Ritchie (eds.) The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd edition). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118332382.ch36 Thomason, Sarah. 2001. Language contact. An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Windfuhr, Gernot (ed.). 2009. The Iranian languages. London: Routledge.


Methods in quantative analysis: Corpus annotation

Geoffrey Haig, Nils Norman Schiborr
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Studium Generale, MA General Linguistics: Seminar for MA modules 4 and 9 (Linguistic Research Methods) (8 ETCS); MA Cultural Studies of the Middle East: PLing 5 (5 ETCS)
Mi, 16:00 - 17:30, SP17/01.05
ab 26.10.2022
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Bitte schreiben Sie sich zu Semesterbeginn im Virtuellen Campus (VC) für diesen Kurs ein. Falls Sie sich nicht einschreiben können, wenden Sie sich bitte an admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

Please register for this course on Virtueller Campus (VC)at the beginnig of the semester. Note that if you cannot enrol in Virtueller Campus you are kindly asked to contact admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

The first half of this course will be held in person, the second half (starting 14 December) online via MS Teams. The link to the MS Teams room and all course material will be made available via the VC.

  • This course will be held in English.
  • Students of the MA General Linguistics may use this course for the Linguistic research methods modules M4 (core) or M9 (elective) for 8 ETCS.
  • Students of the MA Cultural Studies of the Middle East may use this course for Methods in quantitative analysis module PLing5 for 5 ETCS.
  • Successful completion of this course requires a passing grade in two written assignments.
  • Registration for course participation via FlexNow! starts 10 October 2022.

Registration for the exam via FlexNow! is possible from 16 January to 30 January 2023.
This course provides a hands-on introduction to quantitative methods in linguistics, illustrated with practical analysis of the spoken language data based developed at the department (the Multi-CAST, WOWA, and HamBam corpora).

The course will be divided into two parts: The first, held in person by Geoffrey Haig, will discuss the foundations of quantitative research, with a focus on language corpora. The second part, held via MS Teams by Nils Schiborr, will provide hands-on instruction on analytical methods using the statistical computing language R, regular expressions, and other tools.

For both parts of the course, use of a laptop or desktop computer is recommended, as we will be working intensively with numerous pieces of software.
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • Stefanowitsch, Anatol. 2020. Corpus linguistics: A guide to the methodology. Berlin: Language Science Press. (https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/148)
  • Barth, Danielle & Schnell, Stefan. 2021. Understanding corpus linguistics. London: Routledge.
  • Rasinger, Sebastian. 2013. Quantitative research in linguistics: An introduction. 2nd ed. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Baayen, Harald. 2008. Analyzing linguistic data: A practical introduction to statistics using R. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Levshina, Natalia. 2015. How to do linguistics with R: Data exploration and statistical analysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Research colloquium

Geoffrey Haig
Kolloquium, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, Studium Generale, Colloquium for the Research Module (Modul 5, 8 ECTS) for MA General Linguistics
Di, 16:15 - 17:45, SP17/02.19
ab 25.10.2022
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Dieser Kurs findet bis auf weiteres in Präsenz statt. Bitte schreiben Sie sich vor dem 18.10. im Virtuellen Campus (VC) für diesen Kurs ein, damit vor dem Hintergrund der möglichen Online-Lehre die Kontaktaufnahme durch den Dozenten möglich ist. Falls Sie sich nicht einschreiben können, wenden Sie sich bitte an admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

This course will be held in presence until further notice. Nevertheless, please register for this course on Virtueller Campus (VC)prior to 18th October, to allow the course instructor to get in touch with you ahead of course commencement to organise teaching in online format if necessary. Note that if you cannot enrol in Virtueller Campus you are kindly asked to contact admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

  • No special prerequisites
  • The lecture will be in English
  • FlexNow-Anmeldung ab dem 01.10.

  • Prüfungsanmeldung in FlexNow/Registration for exam in FlexNow: 17.01.2022 - 31.01.2022
The colloquium is primarily aimed at graduate students (MA and PhD candidates) who are working on a thesis, or are developing their research questions. Students will be expected to present their work, and engage with the other participants and the lecturer in discussions of key concepts in method and theory. Please contact the lecturer via email if you wish to attend, and give an indication of your research interests.
The colloquium is also open to interested linguists of all backgrounds who wish to participate in general exchange of ideas, and we may, depending on the programme, also be able to incorporate additional presentations; please check with the lecturer beforehand.

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