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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften >> Bereich Anglistik >>

Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte


Advanced Grammar Usage

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, No registration necessary!
Mi, 8:30 - 10:00, U2/133


An introduction to Old English: language, literature and culture of the Anglo-Saxon people

Benjamin Pohl
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Studium Generale
Do, 19:00 - 21:00, U5/118
Einzeltermin am 20.11.2008, 18:00 - 20:00, H/105
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Den Studierenden stehen drei verschiedene Möglichkeiten des Scheinerwerbs offen:
(1.) Bei regelmäßiger aktiver Teilnahme, gewissenhafter Vorbereitung ausgewählter Übungsaufgaben und der Übernahme eines Kurzreferats kann ein Übungsschein über insgesamt 2 ECTS-Punkte erworben werden.
(2.) Bei regelmäßiger aktiver Teilnahme, gewissenhafter Vorbereitung ausgewählter Übungsaufgaben und der Teilnahme an einer abschließenden Klausur kann ein Übungsschein über insgesamt 4 ECTS-Punkte erworben werden.
(3.) Bei regelmäßiger aktiver Teilnahme, gewissenhafter Vorbereitung ausgewählter Übungsaufgaben, der Übernahme eines Kurzreferats und der Teilnahme an einer abschließenden Klausur kann ferner ein PSII-Schein über insgesamt 6 ECTS-Punkte erworben werden.
Die ECTS-Punkte werden bundeseinheitlich entsprechend den Vorgaben der Akkreditierungsagenturen zu 30 Arbeitsstunden gerechnet. Übungs- und PSII-Scheine im Sinne der Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen können nur ausgestellt werden, wenn alle oben genannten Leistungen erbracht werden.
This exercise course investigates linguistic and literary evidence from a rather distant though very exciting past. Therefore, its focus is in the truest sense of the word ‘medieval’. Antedating the popular works of W. Shakespeare or G. Chaucer by several centuries, this enthralling and unique episode of 'British' history – and the English language in particular – is commonly referred to by modern scholars as the ‘Old English’ or ‘Anglo-Saxon’ period. Among several philologists of the 20th and 21st centuries, even the famous creator of Middle Earth, J.R.R. Tolkien, did not hesitate when determinedly calling himself a ‘medievalist’ or an ‘Anglo-Saxonist’. It is to the vernacular language and literature of the Anglo-Saxons, Germanic inhabitants of the early medieval British kingdoms, that this course will turn. It is designed to provide a graspable introduction into the grammatical system of Old English which, compared to its modern “successor”, is quite complex. Assignments are intended primarily though not exclusively for students of English linguistics. Together we will read, translate and explore select literary sources and shorter texts which are relevant for both classes. Although there are no linguistic requirements for this course in the first place, students might well profit from a basic mastery of Latin or French. Classes are taught in English. Yet, beginners in the history of the English language are more than welcome when exploring the intriguing and charismatic language of King Ælfred the Great and his contemporaries.


Begleitübung für Tutoren (PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Anna Rosen
Übung, 1 SWS
Do, 14:00 - 15:00, U9/104


Chaucer`s Troilus and Criseyde

Gabriele Knappe
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien, auch angeboten für Alps Adriatic Joint Degree in English and American Studies
jede 2. Woche Di, 9:00 - 12:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 19.12.2008, 16:00 - 19:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 20.12.2008, 11:00 - 15:00, U9/111
Termine der Seminarsitzungen: 21.10.08, 04.11.08, 18.11.08, 02.12.08, 16.12.08, 13.01.09, 27.01.09
ab 21.10.2008
Vorbesprechung: Dienstag, 14.10.2008, 9:00 - 10:30 Uhr, U9/111
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (englische Sprachwissenschaft) (8 ECTS); freie Erweiterung (8 ECTS)

MA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Mastermodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (6 oder 8 ECTS); Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (6 oder 8 ECTS); modulgebundener Erweiterungsbereich: Seminar (8 oder 6 ECTS)

Joint Degree: Compulsory Subjects: Seminar (6 ECTS); Restricted Electives: Seminar (6 ECTS); Free Electives: Seminar (6 ECTS)

Magister, Lehramt, Diplom: Hauptseminar Sprachwissenschaft

BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Intensivierungsmodul

MA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul

Voraussetzungen: Magister, Diplom und Lehramt: Zwischenprüfung, Vordiplom bzw. Hauptseminaraufnahmeprüfung; BA: Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + mündliches Referat (BA: 2 ECTS-Punkte) + schriftliche Hausarbeit (Lehramt, Magister, Diplom; BA: 8 ECTS-Punkte)

Höchstteilnehmerzahl: 25
Anmeldung per Email unter: gabriele.knappe(AT)uni-bamberg.de
Set against the backdrop of the Trojan War, the love story of Troilus and Criseyde was to become one of the favourite topics in medieval literature. The story was adapted in French and Italian before it was tackled by Geoffrey Chaucer in the mid 1380s. This literary and linguistic masterpiece is the focus of attention in this seminar. We will discuss both the linguistic and the literary makeup of the text on the basis of close reading. Starting from there, we will also investigate central topics of medieval literature such as providence, fate and free will; human (courtly) love and divine love; friendship; and the role of women.
The Übung, which accompanies the Hauptseminar (Monday, 14:00-15:30) is designed to discuss project work and other assignments individually and/or in small groups. Individual arrangements will be made – also, if necessary, concerning the time of the Übung. Therefore clashes with other courses scheduled for the same time slot as the Übung can be avoided.
Before our first meeting, students are asked to familiarize themselves with the story as told by Chaucer in a modern-language translation, either in Modern English (Coghill 1971; Windeatt 1998) or Modern German (Obst / Schleburg 2000). Warning: Translations which are available on the internet are not reliable! The critical edition which we will use in class is The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by Benson et al. (1987); the original text and other material will be made availabe on Virtueller Campus. Last but not least: Notice that reading Middle English and translating it into German can be practiced in my Übung "Mittelenglische Lektüre zu Chaucers Troilus and Criseyde".
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • Coghill, Nevill (transl.) 1971. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde. Harmondsworth: Penguin. ODER Windeatt, Barry (transl.) 1998. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde. A new translation. Oxford: University Press. ODER Obst, Wolfgang / Floran Schleburg (übers.). 2000. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus und Criseyde. Frankfurt: Insel.
  • Boitani, Piero (ed.) 1989. The European Tragedy of Troilus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Introduction.


Conversation I

Erica Haas
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 1
Mo, 20:00 - 22:00, U9/111


Conversation II

Erica Haas
Übung, 2 SWS
Di, 20:00 - 22:00, U9/111


Conversation III

Jana Catherine Harris
Übung, 2 SWS
Mi, 20:00 - 22:00, U9/111


Conversation IV

Jana Catherine Harris
Übung, 2 SWS
Do, 18:00 - 20:00, U2/204


Conversation V

Erica Haas
Übung, 2 SWS
Do, 20:00 - 22:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 18.12.2008, 20:00 - 22:00, U5/218


Einführungsveranstaltung der Anglistik für Studienanfänger im WS 2008/09 am 09.10.2008

Manfred Krug, Christoph Houswitschka, Sylvia Mayer, Christa Jansohn
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
Einzeltermin am 9.10.2008, 9:00 - 10:00, U5/122


Einstufungstest für Studienanfänger im Fach Englisch am 09.10.2008

Kenneth Wynne
Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
Einzeltermin am 9.10.2008, 16:00 - 18:15, M3/232N


Englische Sprachgeschichte, Kurs A

Gabriele Knappe
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien
Mi, 8:30 - 10:00, U2/136
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": Basismodul oder Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft; freie Erweiterung
BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Basismodul

Lehramt und Magister: Zwischenprüfung; BA: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb:
2 ECTS-Punkte (BA): regelmäßige Mitarbeit + zwei Arbeitsblätter
4 ECTS-Punkte (BA), Lehramt, Magister: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + Klausur

Anmeldung über den Virtuellen Campus. Passwort: "Anmeldung"
Kursunterlagen werden dort zu Beginn des Semesters zur Verfügung gestellt.
Höchstteilnehmerzahl: 20. Die Reihenfolge der Anmeldung ist entscheidend.
Bitte beachten: Nach der Anmeldung nicht mehr auf den Kurs zugreifen, da Sie sonst in der Anmeldeliste nach hinten rutschen!
Das Seminar behandelt die Entwicklung der englischen Sprache vom Altenglischen bis heute unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax und Lexis. Es soll überblicksartig Grundkenntnisse von der Geschichte der englischen Sprache vermitteln und dabei, vor dem Hintergrund der wichtigsten sozio-historischen Ereignisse, die tiefgreifenden Änderungen vom Alt- zum Neuenglischen deutlich machen.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Görlach, Manfred. (2002). Einführung in die Englische Sprachgeschichte. 5. Ausgabe. Heidelberg: Winter.


Englische Sprachgeschichte, Kurs B

Gabriele Knappe
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4
Do, 8:30 - 10:00, U9/111
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": Basismodul oder Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft; freie Erweiterung
BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Basismodul

Lehramt und Magister: Zwischenprüfung;
BA: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb:
2 ECTS-Punkte (BA): regelmäßige Mitarbeit + zwei Arbeitsblätter
4 ECTS-Punkte (BA), Lehramt, Magister: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + Klausur

Anmeldung über den Virtuellen Campus. Passwort: "Anmeldung"
Kursunterlagen werden dort zu Beginn des Semesters zur Verfügung gestellt.
Höchstteilnehmerzahl: 25. Die Reihenfolge der Anmeldung ist entscheidend.
Bitte beachten: Nach der Anmeldung nicht mehr auf den Kurs zugreifen, da Sie sonst in der Anmeldeliste nach hinten rutschen!
Das Seminar behandelt die Entwicklung der englischen Sprache vom Altenglischen bis heute unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax und Lexis. Es soll überblicksartig Grundkenntnisse von der Geschichte der englischen Sprache vermitteln und dabei, vor dem Hintergrund der wichtigsten sozio-historischen Ereignisse, die tiefgreifenden Änderungen vom Alt- zum Neuenglischen deutlich machen.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Görlach, Manfred. (2002). Einführung in die Englische Sprachgeschichte. 5. Ausgabe. Heidelberg: Winter.


Englische Sprachgeschichte, speziell Alt- und Mittelenglisch, für Fortgeschrittene und Prüfungskandidaten, Teil II

Gabriele Knappe
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3
Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, MS12/014
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": freie Erweiterung
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": Studium Generale
BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul
MA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul

Introduction to English Linguistics (Proseminar I)

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb (BA- und MA-Studium):
2 ECTS-Punkte: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + eine zu Hause zu bearbeitende Examensklausur
3 ECTS-Punkte: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + zwei zu Hause zu bearbeitende Examensklausuren

Anmeldung in der ersten Sitzung!
Der Besuch dieser Veranstaltung ist für Studierende empfohlen, die ihre Kenntnis des Alt- und Mittelenglischen sowie der englischen Sprachgeschichte vertiefen möchten. Speziell zielt sie auf Studierende, die kurz vor ihrem Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien stehen und vorhaben, in der schriftlichen Prüfung eine Aufgabe aus dem Bereich der historischen Linguistik zu bearbeiten (speziell die alt- oder mittelenglische Textklausur), oder die Themen aus der historischen Linguistik in ihren mündlichen Prüfungen wählen wollen.
Diese Übung ist der zweite Teil einer zweisemestrigen Veranstaltung. In diesem Teil geht es um die praktische Bearbeitung von alt- und mittelenglischen Staatsexamensklausuren der letzten Jahre sowie ausgewählte Fragestellungen aus der historischen Sprachwissenschaft.
Kursunterlagen werden auf dem "Virtuellen Campus" bereitgestellt. Das Passwort wird zu Vorlesungsbeginn bekanntgegeben.


Englische Sprachgeschichte: Klausurvorbereitung

Gabriele Knappe
Einzeltermin am 24.1.2009, 11:00 - 15:00, U11/025
Einzeltermin am 31.1.2009, 11:00 - 15:00, U11/016


English Grammar

Katharina Beuter
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, This course is intended for Lehramt, BA (Aufbaumodul: Grammatik) and WiPäd students. No registration necessary!
Di, 16:15 - 17:45, U5/024
Einzeltermin am 10.2.2009, 16:00 - 18:00, U5/024


English Grammar Practice

Katharina Beuter
Übung, 2 SWS, This course is restricted to those taking their ZP/Vordiplom at the end of this semester!
Do, 17:30 - 19:00, U5/118
Einzeltermin am 21.11.2008, 14:00 - 16:00, U5/024


English Language Practice (for Erasmus Students)

Daniel Firsching
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4
Mo, 18:00 - 20:00, U2/230
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Students can only take this course after participating in the obligatory Placement Test!


English Phonetics and Phonology

Klaus Guenther
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Di, 18:15 - 19:45, U5/217


English Phonetics and Phonology

Shane Walshe
Übung, ECTS: 2
Mi, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/222


English Phonetics and Phonology

Heinrich Ramisch
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Mo, 10:15 - 11:45, U11/016
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Students must register for this course on a list posted in U7, on Monday 6th October 2008.
The number of participants is limited to 35.

Anforderung für den Erhalt eines Scheins: regular attendance, final exam.
This course is concerned with central aspects of phonetics and basic phonological concepts. It will provide a description and classification of speech sounds together with a discussion of all English vowels, semi-vowels and consonants. Particular attention will be paid to the problems German learners have with English pronunciation. Students will also learn to use the IPA system to transcribe English texts, including the use of strong and weak forms, lexical and syntactic stress.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Alan Cruttenden, Gimson's Pronunciation of English. London 2001 (6th edition).
Daniel Jones, English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge 2006 (17th edition).


English Phonetics and Phonology

David Koch
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Do, 8:00 - 10:00, U2/230
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Students must register for this seminar via e-mail with David.Norbert.Koch(at)gmx.de until September 29, 2008. The subject line in your e-mail should be: "English Phonetics & Phonology". However, if there are spots remaining, students who register after this deadline will be granted admission. The admission procedure for the course follows a FCFS (first-come, first-served) basis. Do not forget to provide me with the following information when registering for the course: Name / Course of Studies / Number of Semesters.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

If you have questions concerning the seminar, its structure, content, etc., feel free to contact me via e-mail.
Course description
This course is concerned with central aspects of phonetics and basic phonological concepts. It will provide a description and classification of speech sounds together with a discussion of all English vowels, semi-vowels and consonants. Particular attention will be paid to the problems German learners have with English pronunciation. Students will also learn to use the IPA system to transcribe English texts, including the use of strong and weak forms, lexical and syntactic stress.


Grundkurs I A

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Mo, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/118


Grundkurs I B

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Mi, 8:30 - 10:00, U9/111


Grundkurs I C

Michaela Hilbert
Übung, 2 SWS, Schein, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, U2/204


Grundkurs I D

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Do, 8:15 - 9:45, U11/016


Grundkurs I E

Paige Cramond
Übung, 2 SWS, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Do, 8:00 - 10:00, U5/117


Grundkurs I F

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Do, 18:00 - 19:30, U11/024


Grundkurs I G

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Fr, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/118


Grundkurs I H

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Die Anmeldung erfolgt unmittelbar im Anschluss an den obligatorischen Einstufungstest (Do 09.10.08, 16.00-18.15 h, M3/232N).
Fr, 10:00 - 12:00, U2/130


Grundkurs II A

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008. BA: Basismodul Sprachpraxis
Di, 10:15 - 11:45, U11/016


Grundkurs II B

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008. BA: Basismodul Sprachpraxis
Mi, 10:15 - 11:45, U11/016


Grundkurs II C

Katherine Snow
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008. BA: Basismodul Sprachpraxis
Mi, 16:15 - 17:45, U9/111


Grundkurs III A

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mo, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/217


Grundkurs III B

Paige Cramond
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Di, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/117


Grundkurs III C

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Do, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/218


Grundkurs III D

Katherine Snow
Übung, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Do, 18:00 - 20:00, U7/105


Grundkurs Listening Comprehension

Übung, 2 SWS
Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, U5/017
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Students should primarily take this course alongside Grundkurs I!
Designed to supplement Grundkurs I and to offer students in Grundkurs II further listening practice, this course offers students the opportunity to do listening comprehension practice in both the British and American varieties of English. In this course, which meets in the language laboratory, students will listen to recorded texts and answer questions concerning overall comprehension, vocabulary and grammar, as well as finer language points such as speaker attitude. The format of texts and questions used in this course are very similar to those in the Grundkurs I examinations. It is highly recommended that especially students taking Grundkurs I attend this course regularly as class time in Grundkurs I is mainly used for practice for other parts of the exams!
Students may complete the exercises during class time or any time the language laboratory is open, but students should definitely attend the first class meeting (in the second week of the semester) in order to receive an introduction to the class and an orientation to the equipment in the laboratory.
Empfohlene Literatur:
The course book used in Grundkurs I and II should be taken along to the lab for weekly practice and a handout will be made available for practice of the American English exercises.


Landeskunde GB I

Kenneth Wynne
Vorlesung und Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 3, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, BA: Basismodul Sprachpraxis; no registration necessary!
Di, 8:15 - 9:45, U5/024
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA students only are required to pass a written exam at the end of the semester to obtain the credits.
This lecture course will deal with central topics concerning British life and institutions and will discuss some (if not all!) of the topics which are used as the basis for examinations. The course is primarily aimed at students in their first semesters and those approaching the Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom. It should not only be seen as "the way to prepare for the oral exam", but also as an opportunity to learn about topics of interest related to Great Britain while also hearing spoken English.
According to the LPO I, Lehramt students are required to attend both the US and GB Landeskunde courses during their studies; students can specialize in either GB or US, but are strongly advised to have knowledge of both countries. Magister and Diplom students can specialize in one country as part of their preparation for Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom.


Landeskunde GB II

Kenneth Wynne
Vorlesung und Übung, 1 SWS
Do, 13:15 - 14:00, U5/024
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This course is restricted to those students taking their Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom or Staatsexamen at the end of this semester!
This course will look in greater detail at some of the subjects already dealt with in Landeskunde GB I. Thus, the course should be seen, in part, as preparation for both Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom and Staatsexamen since students will be able to use the opportunity to discuss Landeskunde in more depth and in a smaller group than GB I. Student participation - in the form of short oral presentations - is a required element of this course so that the prospective examination candidate is not actively talking about Landeskunde for the first time in the examination itself!


Landeskunde South Africa

Katharina Beuter
Vorlesung und Übung, 2 SWS, No registration necessary!
Do, 16:00 - 17:30, U5/024


Landeskunde US I

Katherine Snow
Vorlesung und Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 3, Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, BA: Basismodul Sprachpraxis; no registration necessary!
Mi, 18:00 - 19:00, U5/024
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA students only are required to pass a written exam at the end of the semester to obtain the credits. The overall grade is made up of this exam and weekly in-class quizzes.
This lecture course focuses on the geography and history of the US from the first European settlements to the present; topics listed in the "US Landeskunde Question Catalog" are dealt with in a broader context. In addition to presenting this information, the course provides students with the opportunity to sharpen their listening comprehension skills. This course, together with Landeskunde US II, is seen as preparation for the Landeskunde portion of the Zwischenprüfung, Vordiplom and Staatsexamen.
According to the LPO I, Lehramt students are required to attend both the US and GB Landeskunde courses during their studies; students can specialize in either GB or US, but are strongly advised to have knowledge of both countries. Magister and Diplom students can specialize in one country as part of their preparation for Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom.


Landeskunde US II

Katherine Snow
Vorlesung und Übung, 1 SWS
Mi, 19:15 - 20:00, U5/024
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This course is restricted to those students taking their Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom or Staatsexamen at the end of this semester!
This course focuses on both current and historical aspects of topics in American life (as listed in the Wegweiser). While Landeskunde US I is a lecture course, this course is intended to be more interactive: the instructor will provide an introduction into each topic and students are asked to present a portion of a topic to the class. This presentation should not only be seen as an opportunity to speak about the material, but a chance for students to practice (and receive feedback regarding) their spoken language skills before proceeding to their examinations. Like Landeskunde US I, this course is seen as preparation for the Landeskunde portion of the Zwischenprüfung, Vordiplom and Staatsexamen. Students are strongly advised to attend both the US and GB Landeskunde courses during their studies.


Landeskunde: Contemporary Issues in the U.S.

John Weaver
Übung, 2 SWS
Mo, 18:00 - 20:00, U2/136
The course will be based on what is going on right now in the United States. We will examine and discuss current articles from the U.S. media (newspapers and magazines) and some longer background texts assigned on a weekly basis. The readings will probably also include British or other commentary to provide perspective on the issues. We will deal with a range of topics -- social, economic, political, to some extent with a focus on gender and race -- including, of course, the cultural clash of Obama / Biden vs. McCain / Palin peaking in November.


Language Change

Gabriele Knappe
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, auch angeboten für Alps Adriatic Joint Degree in English and American Studies
jede 2. Woche Di, 9:00 - 12:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 10.1.2009, 13:00 - 17:00, U5/117
Termine der Seminarsitzungen: 28.10.08, 11.11.08, 25.11.08, 09.12.08, 23.12.08, 20.01.09, 03.02.09
ab 28.10.2008
Vorbesprechung: Dienstag, 14.10.2008, 10:30 - 12:00 Uhr, U9/111
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (englische Sprachwissenschaft) (8 ECTS); freie Erweiterung (8 ECTS)

MA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Mastermodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (6 oder 8 ECTS); Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (6 oder 8 ECTS); modulgebundener Erweiterungsbereich: Seminar (8 oder 6 ECTS)
Joint Degree: Compulsory Subjects: Seminar (6 ECTS); Restricted Electives: Seminar (6 ECTS); Free Electives: Seminar (6 ECTS)

Magister, Lehramt, Diplom: Hauptseminar Sprachwissenschaft

BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Intensivierungsmodul

MA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul

Voraussetzungen: Magister, Diplom und Lehramt: Zwischenprüfung, Vordiplom bzw. Hauptseminaraufnahmeprüfung; BA: Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + mündliches Referat (BA: 2 ECTS-Punkte) + schriftliche Hausarbeit (Lehramt, Magister, Diplom; BA: 8 ECTS-Punkte)

Höchstteilnehmerzahl: 25
Anmeldung per Email unter: gabriele.knappe(AT)uni-bamberg.de

Students intending to attend this course should meet the following three requirements: They should be open to (linguistic) theories, interested in the history and development of the English language – knowledge of Old or Middle English is, however, no precondition – and they must be willing to discuss critically an attitude towards language such as Tony's. Tony belongs to those of Jean Aitchison's friends "who think that language change should be stopped" (quoted from the dedication to the first edition of her Language Change: Progress or Decay?). Taking the history of the English language as our source for the data, we shall look at different kinds of language change as both a historical phenomenon and a theoretical challenge. Thus, types and categories of change will be addressed as well as theories on the questions of how linguistic changes begin, how they spread and how they might be explained – such as for instance Rudi Keller's theory of the 'invisible hand'.
The Übung, which accompanies the Hauptseminar (Tuesday, 14:00-15:30) is designed to discuss project work and other assignments individually and/or in small groups. Individual arrangements will be made – also, if necessary, concerning the time of the Übung. Therefore clashes with other courses scheduled for the same time slot as the Übung can be avoided.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Jean Aitchison. 2002. Language Change: Progress or Decay? 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Mittelenglische Lektüre aus Chaucers Troilus and Criseyde

Gabriele Knappe
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4, Studium Generale, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien
Mo, 10:15 - 11:45, U2/136
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": freie Erweiterung
BA "Anglistik / Amerikanistik": Studium Generale
BA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul
MA "Interdisziplinäre Mittelalterstudien / Medieval Studies; Anglistik": Aufbaumodul, Intensivierungsmodul

Introduction to English Linguistics (Proseminar I)

Anforderungen für den Scheinerwerb (BA- und MA-Studium):
2 ECTS-Punkte: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + mündliches Referat
3 ECTS-Punkte: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + mündliches Referat + zwei Arbeitsblätter
4 ECTS-Punkte: regelmäßige Mitarbeit + mündliches Referat + Klausur

Anmeldung per Email unter gabriele.knappe(AT)uni-bamberg.de oder in der ersten Sitzung!
Chaucers Romanze von Troilus und Criseyde, dem berühmten Liebespaar des Mittelalters, ist sowohl sprachlich als auch literarisch ein Meisterwerk. Um diesen genialen Umgang mit der englischen Sprache im 14. Jahrhundert würdigen zu können, werden wir ausgewählte Textpassagen genau besprechen und ihre Übersetzung ins Deutsche üben.
Diese Übung richtet sich an alle Studierende, die einmal eine ältere Sprachstufe genauer kennenlernen wollen, oder die ihre Kenntnisse des Mittelenglischen anwenden möchten, oder auch an die, die bereit sind, sich Kenntnisse des Mittelenglischen durch angeleitete Textlektüre zu erarbeiten. Sie ist natürlich auch als Begleitübung zum Hauptseminar Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde empfohlen. Kenntnisse der englischen Sprachgeschichte sind von Vorteil, sie sind jedoch keine Voraussetzung für den Besuch dieser Veranstaltung.
Zu Beginn des Kurses sollte der Text in Übersetzung bekannt sein. Gute Übersetzungen ins Neuenglische sind Coghill (1971) und Windeatt (1998), eine schöne Übersetzung ins Deutsche bieten Obst / Schleburg (2000). Achtung: Bei Übersetzungen, die frei im Internet zugänglich sind, ist Vorsicht geboten! Die kritische Ausgabe, die wir im Kurs benutzen werden, ist der Riverside Chaucer, hrsg. von Benson et al. (1987); Materialen daraus werden über den Virtuellen Campus zur Verfügung gestellt.
Diese Übung ist Teil eines regelmäßigen Angebots zum Alt- und Mittelenglischen am Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschl. Sprachgeschichte. Dieses Angebot ermöglicht ein vertieftes Studium der vergangenen Sprachstufen und damit der Literatur des mittelalterlichen Englands im Original. Die Kurse bilden u. a. die Grundlage für die Bearbeitung eines historischen sprachwissenschaftlichen Themas in mündlichen oder schriftlichen Abschlussprüfungen.
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • Coghill, Nevill (transl.) 1971. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde. Harmondsworth: Penguin. ODER Windeatt, Barry (transl.) 1998. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde. A new translation. Oxford: University Press. ODER Obst, Wolfgang / Floran Schleburg (übers.). 2000. Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus und Criseyde. Frankfurt: Insel.
  • Mossé, Fernand. (1988). Mittelenglische Kurzgrammatik. 4. Aufl. Hueber Hochschulreihe, 11. München: Hueber.


Oberkurs (Unterrichtsfach) A

Paige Cramond
Übung, 4 SWS, ECTS: 6, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mo, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/222
Do, 12:15 - 13:45, U2/136
Einzeltermin am 10.11.2008, 8:30 - 10:00, M3/016
Am Mo 10.11.2008 findet der Kurs in Raum M3/016 statt!!!


Oberkurs (Unterrichtsfach) B

Katherine Snow
Übung, 4 SWS, ECTS: 6, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Di, 8:00 - 10:00, U2/136
Do, 16:15 - 17:45, U2/230


Oberkurs (vertieft) A

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 4 SWS, ECTS: 6, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Di, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/117
Fr, 10:15 - 11:45, U5/217


Oberkurs (vertieft) B

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mo, 16:00 - 18:00, U2/136
Do, 8:00 - 10:00, U7/105


Proseminar I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Heinrich Ramisch
Proseminar, 3 SWS, ECTS: 6, Zahl der SWS schließt Tutorium ein. Keine Anmeldung nötig! Keine Teilnehmerbegrenzung! BA: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft
Di, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/122
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anzuschaffender Text: Script Krug. 2007. Introduction to Linguistics (wird in der ersten Sitzung zur Verfügung gestellt) Anforderung für den Erhalt eines Scheins: Regelmäßige Lektüre, Bearbeitung von Übungsblättern, Teilnahme an Tutorat und Workshops, Abschlussklausur.
This course is designed to introduce beginning students to the central terms and topics in current (English) linguistics. While the focus will be on present-day English, many modern irregularities (such as the differences between spelling and pronunciation or irregular verbs) can be explained in historical terms. We will therefore occasionally digress into the history of the English language in order to better understand the present. Topics to be dealt with include phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax and sociolinguistics. One class will also be devoted to the major contrasts between English and German. In order to equip students with the basic analytical skills that are essential for future linguists and teachers alike, part of the course – especially the accompanying tutorials and workshops – will be practical in nature. We will therefore analyse authentic modern English texts from a linguistic point of view.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Plag, Ingo et al. (2007). Introduction to English Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Proseminar I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Heinrich Ramisch
Proseminar, 3 SWS, ECTS: 6, Zahl der SWS schließt Tutorium ein. Keine Anmeldung nötig! Keine Teilnehmerbegrenzung! BA: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft
Mo, 14:15 - 15:45, U5/122
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anzuschaffender Text: Script Krug. 2007. Introduction to Linguistics (wird in der ersten Sitzung zur Verfügung gestellt) Anforderung für den Erhalt eines Scheins: Regelmäßige Lektüre, Bearbeitung von Übungsblättern, Teilnahme an Tutorat und Workshops, Abschlussklausur.
This course is designed to introduce beginning students to the central terms and topics in current (English) linguistics. While the focus will be on present-day English, many modern irregularities (such as the differences between spelling and pronunciation or irregular verbs) can be explained in historical terms. We will therefore occasionally digress into the history of the English language in order to better understand the present. Topics to be dealt with include phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax and sociolinguistics. One class will also be devoted to the major contrasts between English and German. In order to equip students with the basic analytical skills that are essential for future linguists and teachers alike, part of the course – especially the accompanying tutorials and workshops – will be practical in nature. We will therefore analyse authentic modern English texts from a linguistic point of view.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Plag, Ingo et al. (2007). Introduction to English Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Proseminar II: Applied Linguistics

David Koch
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mi, 12:00 - 14:00, U2/230
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

The prerequisite for joining this seminar is the successful completion of the Introduction to English Linguistics (Proseminar I/Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft)

Students must register for this seminar via e-mail with David.Norbert.Koch(at)gmx.de until September 29, 2008. The subject line in your e-mail should be: "PS II: Applied Linguistics". However, if there are spots remaining, students who register after this deadline will be granted admission. The admission procedure for the course follows a FCFS (first-come, first-served) basis. Do not forget to provide me with the following information when registering for the course: Name / Course of Studies / Number of Semesters / Why are you interested in that course?

The number of participants is limited to 20.

If you have questions concerning the seminar, its structure, content, etc., feel free to contact me via e-mail.

Course description

The course will focus on both theoretical as well as practical aspects of Applied Linguistics and will hopefully give you an overview of the field. The seminar format requires that everyone contributes actively to class discussions where diversity of opinion is expected and encouraged. It is absolutely necessary that you have finished reading the required chapters in the course book before our first session (more under "Course Requirements"). Since we cannot cover all disciplines involved in Applied Linguistics, we will choose which topics we will focus on during the first class session(s).

What is "Applied Linguistics"?

"Applied Linguistics is using what we know about (a) language, (b) how it is learned and (c) how it is used, in order to achieve some purpose or solve some problems in the real world." (Schmitt, N. (2002). An introduction to applied linguistics. London: Arnold.)

Applied Linguistics is multi-disciplinary in nature, reflecting the complex nature of languages. It consists of disciplines like Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics and also deals with differences in learners, language assessment, and the four basic skill (listening, reading, writing, speaking) and how to teach them best.

Requirements for obtaining ECTS-credits/a Schein:

The diversity of the requirements will provide you with various opportunities to contribute to a good grade and will give each student the chance to make the best of their abilities. Each requirement must be passed in order to receive a "Schein".

Course Requirements

Introductory Test 5%
Attendance and Participation 20%
Reflective Writings 10%
Group Discussion 25%
Final Paper or Take-Home Exam 40%

Introductory Test (5 %)
In order to guarantee that the chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the course book (Schmitt, N. (2002). An introduction to applied linguistics. London: Arnold.) are read, there will be a test during the first class meeting (October 15) to check your knowledge on the topic areas and how well you prepared the material. The introductory test must be passed in order to continue with the seminar. This is necessary to make sure that you to get the most out of this course. If you are not well prepared at the beginning of the seminar and before each of the class meetings, this course will not be effective for you. If you have an overview of the topics you read about, this test will be easily manageable for you.

Attendance and Participation / Quizzes (20%)
Please come to class ready to actively discuss the topics in the readings because this is of utmost importance to make this course a success for you and your fellow students. In preparation for each class, please prepare 4-5 questions or comments (per topic area) from the readings to bring to class and also turn in a copy to your instructor. Be as eager to listen to and react to your classmates’ questions and comments as you are to share your own. It is taken for granted that you will be present at all class meetings and turn in work on time, therefore there is no need for a strict attendance or late-work policy. If you are unable to be in class or complete an assignment on time, please discuss that with me prior to missing class or turning in a late assignment. Unexcused absences will negatively affect the final course grade.
I will choose to give quizzes when I realize that students are not prepared for class. A quiz is a short, in this case unannounced, written test. The quizzes would cover class readings and you would have to identify and explain key terms, concepts, questions and issues in the field of Applied Linguistics. However, I do not believe that this will be necessary. Giving quizzes would only be my "last" option.

Reflective Writings (10%)
You will have to hand in two reflective writings. These writings should demonstrate how your beliefs on certain aspects of Applied Linguistics evolve during this course. Please make sure that you do the first reflective writing before you start reading any literature on Applied Linguistics.

Reflective Writing #1 (due on October 15)
Explore your thoughts about certain aspects of Applied Linguistics. First, write a 2-3 page (~ 800-1200 words) typed (double-spaced) learner autobiography with details about your language learning experiences.

Then answer the following questions in a 2-3 page (~ 800-1200 words) typed (double-spaced) paper:

1. How do you think the grammar of a language is learned and taught best?
2. How about vocabulary? What would you consider the best way to learn and teach vocabulary?
3. How do you think that people learn languages? Are there differences in learners? Does everyone learn in the same way?
4. What about the four basic skill (reading, listening, writing, speaking)? How important are they in using a language and to what degrees? What would you consider the best way to teach those skills?

Please answer those four questions in a coherent essay.

Reflective Writing #2 (due on February 16)
At the end of the semester, re-read and reflect on your learner autobiography from the beginning of the semester and what you have learned during the semester. Then reflect on the above four questions again. In your second reflective writing, rearticulate your beliefs and address both the changes and consistencies in your beliefs (i.e. examine and provide an explanation for how you think your beliefs evolved and/or remained the same). Again, please try to answer the questions in a cohesive text (~ 1000-1400 words).

Group Discussion (25%)
There will not be a typical presentation in the form of a Referat in this course. However, each student will lead a group discussion about one of the topic areas of the course. You can also team up with one fellow classmate and do the group discussion together. Those students doing the presentation will be the experts for that specific area. The background, for the students leading the discussion, will be the readings in the course book (Schmitt 2002) and additional literature (books, scholarly articles, etc.). The focus on the part of the group discussion leaders should be on facilitating a healthy, critical discussion among and between group members. In order to make the group discussion session easier to follow, a handout would be useful. Possible journals for scholarly articles include: CALICO Journal, The English Language Teaching Journal (ELT), Foreign Language Annals (FLAnnals), The Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Die Unterrichtspraxis, etc. Details of how to carry out a group discussion will be discussed during our first meeting.

Take-Home Exam or Final Paper (40%)
You have the option between a take-home exam or a final paper as the final assignment. In the take-home exam you will have to answer three essay questions thoroughly. In each essay (each essay should be about 5-6 pages typed, i.e. ~ 1200-1500 words), I expect you to clearly define terms, use theory (cite theories, research studies, etc.), and relate theory to practice. You must include a bibliography. Be sure to use all class materials (book(s), articles, info from group discussions, if applicable, and any additional materials that may apply).

In the final paper (~ 3500-4500 words) I want you to discuss one topic area of your choice in greater detail. This will involve a thorough literature research and summary of the chosen topic.

You will have to decide towards the end of the semester what you are going to choose.
Empfohlene Literatur:

Required readings by October 15:

Make sure that you have read chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the following book by October 15:

Schmitt, N. (2002). An introduction to applied linguistics. London: Arnold. ISBN: 9780340764190


Proseminar II: Experimental Phonetics

Ole Schützler
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, MS12/009
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Participants should register by email until the 8th of October. Please state whether you have a laptop computer you would be willing to bring to class -- this would be extremely useful, but it is NOT a requirement for participation.

The number of participants is limited to 20.

Requirements: short presentation of a relevant topic from the literature in class AND written and oral presentation of a practical / empirical mini-project (see below).
The seminar is first of all concerned with basic aspects of general acoustics, or rather, acoustic phonetics, i.e. sound production, transmission and perception. The linguistic relevance of the most important acoustic properties of speech will then be investigated, especially pitch, duration and spectrum shape. This will serve to analyse acoustic differences between vowels and consonants, but also between subsets such as plosives and fricatives, voiceless and voiced consonants, open and close vowels. Participants will be asked to give a short theoretical presentation, but also to analyse a small dataset of spoken language and present their techniques and findings in class as well as in a written report. The seminar will utilise sound recording devices, the sound editing software /audacity/ and software designed for acoustic speech analysis, especially /Praat/. No prior experience with these applications is needed, all required knowledge will be introduced and practised in class.
Empfohlene Literatur:
will be available in class or on the virtual campus.


Proseminar II: Irish English

Shane Walshe
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Grundstudium Proseminar II Sprachwissenschaft. BA: Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft
Mi, 12:15 - 13:45, U5/217
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Für dieses Proseminar ist keine Anmeldung nötig!


Proseminar II: Language Contact

Michaela Hilbert
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Do, 10:00 - 12:00, U2/130
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Participants should register by email (michaela.hilbert(at)uni-bamberg.de) until the 8th of October, including name, course of studies, semester and contact email address.

The number of participants is limited to 24.

Requirements: weekly reading assignments, active participation in class, short oral presentation, final term paper.
Whenever and wherever people meet, their respective languages meet as well. And just as the outcome of encounters between people are – to say the least – diverse, the effects of language contact can equally cover a broad range, from the borrowing of individual words to heavy influence on one or both languages; from hardly any result at all to the “death” of one language or the creation of an entirely new, sometimes seemingly “mixed”, language.
This seminar will investigate causes, types and effects of language contact and will of course use English as the prime example. We will take a look at the different ways in which English developed on the British Isles in contact with Celtic, Latin, Scandinavian and French. We will turn to what happened when the English language was exported to the rest of the world, giving rise to various varieties, such as Indian English or Nigerian English, and to pidgins and creoles, such as Tok Pisin or Jamaican Creole. We will expand our view to include topics like the influence of English on Modern German, and language contact in multilingual urban settings like London or New York.
All this will of course be based on, accompanied by, and serving as a testing ground for existing theoretical notions relevant to the topic, involving theories of language contact and language change, code-switching, diglossia, bi- and multilingualism, as well as social and political aspects.
Empfohlene Literatur:
The course will mainly be based on
Donald Winford (2006) An introduction to contact linguistics. Malden, Mass. et al.: Blackwell.

A good introductory book is
Sarah G. Thomason (2001) Language contact. An introduction. Edinburgh: EUP.


Proseminar II: Second Language Acquisition

David Koch
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Fr, 12:00 - 14:00, U2/130
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

The prerequisite for joining this seminar is the successful completion of the Introduction to English Linguistics (Proseminar I/Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft)

Students must register for this seminar via e-mail with David.Norbert.Koch(at)gmx.de until September 29, 2008. The subject line of your e-mail should be: "PS II: Second Language Acquisition". However, if there are spots remaining, students who register after this deadline will be granted admission. The admission procedure for the course follows a FCFS (first-come, first-served) basis. Do not forget to provide me with the following information when registering for the course: Name / Course of Studies / Number of Semesters / Why are you interested in that course?

The number of participants is limited to 20.

The seminar is recommended especially to those students studying "Lehramt" since it really focuses on how to learn and teach a second language with research and theoretical findings as the basis. However, all other degrees are more than welcome to join the course.

If you have questions concerning the seminar, its structure, content, etc., feel free to contact me via e-mail.

Course description

In this course we will examine the process of learning and using a second language. Research in second language acquisition (SLA) is multi-disciplinary in nature, reflecting the complex nature of language learning and use. Linguistic, psychological and social processes that underlie language learning and use will be introduced and current research findings will be examined. The content of the course will focus on both theoretical as well as practical aspects of SLA. The seminar format requires that everyone contributes actively to class discussions where diversity of opinion is expected and encouraged. It is absolutely necessary that you have finished reading the required materials before the course starts (more under "Course Requirements").

What is "Second Language Acquisition" (SLA)?

"The systematic study of how people acquire a second language is a fairly recent phenomenon, belonging to the second half of the twentieth century. Its emergence at this time is perhaps no accident. This has been a time of the ‘global village’ and the ‘World Wide Web’, when communication between people has expanded way beyond their local speech communities. As never before, people have had to learn a second language, not just as a pleasing pastime, but often as a means of obtaining an education or securing employment. At such a time, there is an obvious need to discover more about how second languages are learned. At first sight, the meaning of the term ‘SLA’ seems transparent but, in fact, it requires careful explanation. For one thing, in this context ‘second’ can refer to any language that is learned subsequent to the mother tongue. Thus, it can refer to the learning of a third or fourth language. Also, ‘second’ is not intended to contrast with ‘foreign’. Whether you are learning a language naturally as a result of living in a country where it is spoken, or learning it in a classroom through instruction, it is customary to speak generically of ‘second’ language acquisition. ‘L2 acquisition’, then, can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of a classroom, and ‘Second Language Acquisition’ as the study of this." (Ellis, R. (1997). Second language acquisition. Oxford introductions to language study. Oxford: Oxford University Press.).

Requirements for obtaining ECTS-credits/a Schein:

The diversity of the requirements will provide you with various opportunities to contribute to a good grade and will give each student the chance to make the best of their abilities. Each requirement must be passed in order to receive a "Schein".

Course Requirements

Introductory Test 5%
Attendance and Participation 20%
Reflective Writings 10%
Group Discussion 25%
Final Paper or Take-Home Exam 40%

Introductory Test (5 %)
In order to guarantee that the book (Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge introductions to language and linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.) used in the course is read, there will be a test during the first class meeting (October 17) to check your knowledge on the topic areas and how well you prepared the material. The introductory test must be passed in order to continue with the seminar. This is necessary to make sure that you to get the most out of this course. If you are not well prepared at the beginning of the seminar and before each of the class meetings, this course will not be effective for you. If you have an overview of the topics that are discussed in the book and if you know the basics about those topics, this test will be easily manageable for you.

Attendance and Participation / Quizzes (20%)
Please come to class ready to actively discuss the topics in the readings because this is of utmost importance to make this course a success for you and your fellow students. In preparation for each class, please prepare 4-5 questions or comments (per topic area) from the readings to bring to class and also turn in a copy to your instructor. Be as eager to listen to and react to your classmates’ questions and comments as you are to share your own. It is taken for granted that you will be present at all class meetings and turn in work on time, therefore there is no need for a strict attendance or late-work policy. If you are unable to be in class or complete an assignment on time, please discuss that with me prior to missing class or turning in a late assignment. Unexcused absences will negatively affect the final course grade.
I will choose to give quizzes when I realize that students are not prepared for class. A quiz is a short, in this case, written test. The quizzes would cover class readings and you would have to identify and explain key terms, concepts, questions and issues in the field of SLA. However, I do not believe that this will be necessary. Giving quizzes will only be my "last" option.

Reflective Writings (10%)
You will have to hand in two reflective writings. These writings should demonstrate how your beliefs on SLA evolve during this course. Please make sure that you do the first reflective writing before you start reading any literature on SLA.

Reflective Writing #1 (due on October 17)
Explore your thoughts about SLA. First, write a 2-3 page (~ 800-1200 words) typed (double-spaced) learner autobiography with details about your language learning experiences.

Then answer the following questions in a 2-3 page (~ 800-1200 words) typed (double-spaced) paper:
1. What does it mean to be an effective language teacher?
2. How do you think second languages are learned?
3. What do you think are the most important factors in learning another language?
4. How do you think second languages should be taught?
5. What should be the role of the foreign language teacher?
6. What kinds of language learning experiences should the teacher provide?
7. What are the advantages/disadvantages of being a native or nonnative speaker of the language one is teaching?

Please answer those seven questions in a coherent essay.

Reflective Writing #2 (due on February 16)
At the end of the semester, re-read and reflect on your learner autobiography from the beginning of the semester and what you have learned about language learning during the semester. Then reflect on the above seven questions again. In your second reflective writing, rearticulate your beliefs about second language learning and teaching and address both the changes and consistencies in your beliefs (i.e. examine and provide an explanation for how you think your beliefs evolved and/or remained the same). Again, please try to answer the questions in a cohesive text (~ 1000-1400 words).

Group Discussion (25%)
There will not be a typical presentation in the form of a Referat in this course. However, each student will lead a group discussion about one of the topic areas of the course. You can also team up with one fellow classmate and do the group discussion together. Those students doing the presentation will be the experts for that specific area. The background, for the students leading the discussion, will be the readings in the course book (Saville-Troike 2006) and additional literature (books, scholarly articles, etc.). The focus on the part of the group discussion leaders should be on facilitating a healthy, critical discussion among and between group members. In order to make the group discussion session easier to follow, a handout would be useful. Possible journals for scholarly articles include: CALICO Journal, The English Language Teaching Journal (ELT), Foreign Language Annals (FLAnnals), The Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Die Unterrichtspraxis, etc. Details of how to carry out a group discussion will be discussed during our first meeting.

Take-Home Exam or Final Paper (40%)
You have the option between a take-home exam or a final paper. In the take-home exam you will have to answer three essay questions thoroughly. In each essay (each essay should be about 5-6 pages typed, i.e. ~ 1200-1500 words), I expect you to clearly define terms, use theory (cite theories, research studies, etc.), and relate theory to practice. You must include a bibliography. Be sure to use all class materials (book(s), articles, info from group discussions, if applicable, and any additional materials that may apply).

In the final paper (~ 3500-4500 words) I want you to discuss one topic area of your choice in greater detail. This will involve a thorough literature research and summary of the chosen topic.

You will have to decide towards the end of the semester what you are going to choose.
Empfohlene Literatur:

Required readings by October 17:

Make sure that you have read the following book in its entirety by October 17:

Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge introductions to language and linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521794077


Proseminar II: Sociolinguistics

Katrin Sell
Proseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Grundstudium Proseminar II Sprachwissenschaft. BA: Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft
Mi, 8:00 - 10:00, M3/126N
Einzeltermin am 12.11.2008, 8:00 - 10:00, U5/024
Einzeltermin am 3.12.2008, 8:00 - 10:00, U5/223
Einzeltermin am 16.1.2009, 10:00 - 18:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 24.1.2009, 10:00 - 18:00, U5/117
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

Successful completion of the Introduction to English Linguistics (Proseminar I/Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft)

You should register for this seminar by email by 8th October. Please include your name, course of studies, semester and contact details. The number of participants is limited to 20.

Requirements for obtaining ECTS-credits/ a Schein: active participation in class, oral presentations, term paper including empirical study/field work
In what respect does language usage depend on social factors such as age, gender and social class? Does a person speak differently in different situations? How can a sociolinguistic approach help us to find out more about language variation and change?
These are some of the questions we will be dealing with in the seminar “sociolinguistics”. The first section of the seminar will be concerned with basic concepts such as dialect and accent, register and style, variation and change, standardisation processes etc. We will discuss the influence of non-linguistic factors such as age, gender, social class and ethnicity on language usage. In this context, we will also take a look at important sociolinguistic studies.
You can – and are required to – design and conduct your own study. The studies can also be conducted in groups. Term papers have to be handed in by Friday, 27th February.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Hudson, R.A. (2004): Sociolinguistics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Milroy, L./Gordon, M. (2004): Sociolinguistics. Method and interpretation. Blackwell, Malden, MA.
Stockwell, P. (2007): Sociolinguistics. A resource book for students. Routledge, Oxon.
Tagliamonte, S.A. (2006): Analyzing sociolinguistic variation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Sprachpraktische Übung

Sarah Swift
Übung, 2 SWS
Fr, 14:00 - 16:00, U5/017


Sprachpraktische Übung für Examenskandidaten (alle Lehramtsstudiengänge)

Kenneth Wynne
Übung, 2 SWS, No registration necessary! The course is, however, limited to those who are doing their exams in Spring 2009!
Fr, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/117


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung A (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics")

David Koch
Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 1
Mi, 16:00 - 17:00, U5/024
Course description

This course will accompany the "Proseminar I: Introduction to English Linguistics". It will not be a direct repetition of what is discussed in the seminar. The course will focus on applying the theoretical knowledge from the seminar to practice, mainly in the form of exercises. Possible questions from your side about aspects and topics covered in the seminar will be answered. That is why you should come to each class meeting prepared and ready to actively discuss the topics from the seminar and if applicable the solutions to the assigned exercises.

Details of the course will be discussed in the first class meeting.

If you have questions concerning this course, feel free to contact me via e-mail ( David.Norbert.Koch(at)gmx.de ).

This course is equivalent to the "Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung A-D" (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics") and the "Tutorium 1-10".


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung B (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics")

David Koch
Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 1
Mi, 18:00 - 19:00, U2/136
Course description

This course will accompany the "Proseminar I: Introduction to English Linguistics". It will not be a direct repetition of what is discussed in the seminar. The course will focus on applying the theoretical knowledge from the seminar to practice, mainly in the form of exercises. Possible questions from your side about aspects and topics covered in the seminar will be answered. That is why you should come to each class meeting prepared and ready to actively discuss the topics from the seminar and if applicable the solutions to the assigned exercises.

Details of the course will be discussed in the first class meeting.

If you have questions concerning this course, feel free to contact me via e-mail ( David.Norbert.Koch(at)gmx.de ).

This course is equivalent to the "Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung A-D" (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics") and the "Tutorium 1-10".


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung C (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Anna Rosen
Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 1
Do, 12:00 - 13:00, U2/130


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung D (Begleitübung zu PS I "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Anna Rosen
Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS: 1
Do, 13:00 - 14:00, U2/130


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung für Examenskandidaten (Lehramt an Gymnasien)

Heinrich Ramisch
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Mo, 8:30 - 10:00, U11/016
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Teilnahmebeschränkung/-empfehlung: Studierende für das Lehramt an Gymnasien ab dem 5. Semester. Eine besondere Anmeldung für diese Übung ist nicht erforderlich.
Die Lehrveranstaltung soll gezielt auf die Klausur "Sprachwissenschaftliche Erläuterung eines Textes der Gegenwartssprache" vorbereiten, die vertieft Studierende (LA an Gymnasien) als wissenschaftliche Klausur aus der englischen Sprachwissenschaft im Rahmen der Ersten Staatsprüfung (LPO I, §68 (4) 1. c) wählen können. Auf der Basis des vorgegebenen und für ganz Bayern einheitlichen Lektürekanons sollen die sprachwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse der Studierenden in Hinblick auf die Anforderungen der Klausur erweitert und systematisiert werden. Der Schwerpunkt der Übung wird darin bestehen, zu früheren Terminen gestellte Aufgaben eingehend zu besprechen. Von den SeminarteilnehmerInnen wird erwartet, dass sie bereit sind, einzelne Klausuren detailliert vorzubereiten.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Kenntnis der in der Orientierungshilfe für StaatsexamenskandidatInnen (Englische Sprachwissenschaft) aufgeführten Literaturliste. Diese ist im Sekretariat des Lehrstuhls für Englische Sprachwissenschaft (U9, Zi. 102) zu erhalten.


Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung für Examenskandidaten (Lehramt an Realschulen, Grund- und Hauptschulen und beruflichen Schulen)

Heinrich Ramisch
Übung, 2 SWS
Mi, 8:30 - 10:00, U11/016
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Teilnahmebeschränkung/-empfehlung: Studierende für das Lehramt an Grund- und Hauptschulen, Realschulen und beruflichen Schulen ab dem 4. Semester. Eine besondere Anmeldung für diese Übung ist nicht erforderlich.
Die Lehrveranstaltung soll gezielt auf die Klausur "Fragen zur Sprachwissenschaft" vorbereiten, die für Studierende des Lehramts an Grund- und Hauptschulen, Realschulen und beruflichen Schulen Teil des Staatsexamens ist (LPO I, Art. 48 (4) 1.c). Auf der Basis des verbindlich festgelegten und für ganz Bayern einheitlichen Lektürekanons sollen die im Laufe des Studiums erworbenen sprachwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse wiederholt und speziell auf die Anforderungen der Prüfung hin vertieft und systematisiert werden. Besprochen werden weiterhin die Modalität der Fragestellungen bei dieser Prüfung und die zu früheren Terminen gestellten Aufgaben. Gegen Ende des Semesters werden Übungsklausuren zur Überprüfung des erreichten Kenntnisstands durchgeführt.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Kenntnis der in der Orientierungshilfe für StaatsexamenskandidatInnen (Englische Sprachwissenschaft) aufgeführten Literaturliste. Diese ist im Sekretariat des Lehrstuhls für Englische Sprachwissenschaft (U9, Zi. 102) zu erhalten.


Tutorium 1

Valentin Werner
Tutorien, 1 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mo, 8:00 - 10:00, U5/218
ab 20.10.2008


Tutorium 2

Valentin Werner
Tutorien, 1 SWS
Mo, 8:00 - 10:00, U5/218
ab 27.10.2008


Tutorium 3

Dorothea Hüttinger
Tutorien, 1 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mo, 12:00 - 14:00, U5/024
ab 27.10.2008


Tutorium 4

Dorothea Hüttinger
Tutorien, 1 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mo, 12:00 - 14:00, U5/024
ab 3.11.2008


Tutorium 5

Carolin Leuthäußer
Tutorien, 1 SWS
Di, 8:00 - 9:00, U9/111


Tutorium 6

Lukas Sönning
Tutorien, 1 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mi, 18:00 - 20:00, MS12/015
ab 22.10.2008


Tutorium 7

Lukas Sönning
Tutorien, 1 SWS
jede 2. Woche Mi, 18:00 - 20:00, MS12/015
ab 29.10.2008



Stefanie Groenke
Einzeltermin am 10.12.2008, 18:00 - 19:30, U5/222


Übersetzung E-D I

Susan Brähler
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Di, 18:00 - 20:00, M6/002
Einzeltermin am 22.12.2008, 20:00 - 22:00, M3/016


Übersetzung E-D I A

Stefanie Groenke
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Di, 8:30 - 10:00, U11/016


Übersetzung E-D I B

Stefanie Groenke
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, U11/016


Übersetzung E-D I C

Michaela Hilbert
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, U2/130
Einzeltermin am 29.10.2008, 16:00 - 18:00, M3/210


Übersetzung E-D I D

Christian Klug
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 3, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Fr, 14:00 - 16:00, U2/230
Einzeltermin am 24.10.2008, 14:00 - 17:30, U7/105
Einzeltermin am 16.1.2009, 14:00 - 17:00, M3/210


Übersetzung E-D II B (vertieft)

Katharina Beuter
Übung, 2 SWS, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Fr, 12:00 - 14:00, U11/016


Übersetzung E-D II (MA, Diplom, WiPäd)

Michaela Hilbert
Übung, 2 SWS, This course is reserved for students not taking Staatsexamen, but still requiring the 'Schein' for translation (Hauptstudium). Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008.
Fr, 8:00 - 10:00, M3/116
Einzeltermin am 5.12.2008, 8:00 - 10:00, U7/105


Übersetzung E-D II A (Unterrichtsfach)

Stefanie Groenke
Übung, 2 SWS, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Mo, 8:30 - 10:00, U5/217


Übersetzung E-D II A (vertieft)

Katharina Beuter
Übung, 2 SWS, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday 6th October 2008
Fr, 10:00 - 12:00, U2/230


Übersetzung E-D II B (Unterrichtsfach)

Stefanie Groenke
Übung, 2 SWS, Students must register for this course on the list posted in U7 on Monday, 6.10.08
Di, 12:15 - 13:45, MS12/014


Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch (Klausurenkurs)

Werner Oppelt
Übung, 2 SWS, This course is only an exam preparation course for Ken Wynne's Repetitorium!
Zeit/Ort n.V.


Übung zu Haus- und Qualifikationsarbeiten

Klaus Guenther
Übung, 3 SWS
Mi, 14:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.


Übung zum HS "Chaucer`s Troilus and Criseyde (Knappe)"

Gabriele Knappe
Übung, 2 SWS, Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien
Mo, 14:00 - 15:30, U9/104
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Teilnahme am Hauptseminar "Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde"
This practise course is designed to help individual students and/or small groups of students attending the Hauptseminar "Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde" in their preparation of practical tasks, oral reports and written essays. Individual arrangements will be made – also, if necessary, concerning the time of the Übung. Therefore clashes with other courses scheduled for the same time slot as the Übung can be avoided. Further information will be given in the first meeting of the Hauptseminar.


Übung zum HS "Language Change (Knappe)"

Gabriele Knappe
Übung, 2 SWS
Di, 14:00 - 15:30, U9/104
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Teilnahme am Hauptseminar "Language Change"
This practise course is designed to help individual students and/or small groups of students attending the Hauptseminar "Language Change" in their preparation of practical tasks, oral reports and written essays. Individual arrangements will be made – also, if necessary, concerning the time of the Übung. Therefore clashes with other courses scheduled for the same time slot as the Übung can be avoided. Further information will be given in the first meeting of the Hauptseminar.


Vergleichende alt- und mittelenglische Lektüre

Gabriele Knappe
Übung, 1 SWS, Studium Generale
Einzeltermin am 6.2.2009, 16:00 - 20:00, U9/111
Einzeltermin am 7.2.2009, 9:00 - 19:00, U9/111


Workshop I zu PS I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anna Rosen
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 6.12.2008, 10:00 - 16:00, U5/222


Workshop II zu PS I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anna Rosen
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 13.12.2008, 12:00 - 18:00, U5/222


Workshop III zu PS I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anna Rosen
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 20.12.2008, 10:00 - 16:00, U5/222


Workshop IV zu PS I: Introduction to English Linguistics

Anna Rosen
Übung, 0,5 SWS
Einzeltermin am 17.1.2009, 10:00 - 16:00, U5/222

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