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English Phonetics and Phonology D

Ole Schützler
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Do, 12:00 - 14:00, U2/02.30
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
General organization

1. Modules:
Lehramt GY modularisiert: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft Übung (2 ECTS)
Lehramt RS modularisiert: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft Übung (2 ECTS)
Lehramt GS/MS modularisiert: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft Übung (2 ECTS)
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft Übung (2 ECTS)
European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies: Compulsory Subject English Linguistics Mastermodul Übung (2 ECTS)
Erasmus/Visiting Students: Übung (2 ECTS)
B.Sc. BWL mit DWPF Englisch: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft Übung (2 ECTS)
Magister, Lehramt nicht-modularisiert, Diplom: Grundstudium

2. Prerequisites:

3. Registration and Deregistration:

Registration via FlexNow from 26 September 2016, 10:00h, to 20 October 2016, 23:59h.
Deregistration via FlexNow from from 26 September 2016, 10:00h, to 30 October 2016, 23:59h.

Students who register for more than one course will lose their right to participate in any one of the courses. Multiple registration is allowed for the waiting list only.

The number of participants is limited to 15.

For students moving to Bamberg from other universities, ERASMUS students and those who urgently need the credit, a limited number of places will be reserved for late registration. In case of overbooking, please contact the lecturer concerning your admission to the course.

4. Requirements for successful completion of the course:
2 ECTS: regular active participation in class + final exam

5. Language of instruction:
This course is concerned with central aspects of phonetics and basic phonological concepts. It will provide a description and classification of speech sounds together with a discussion of all English vowels, semi-vowels and consonants. Particular attention will be paid to the problems German learners have with English pronunciation. Students will learn to use the IPA system to transcribe English texts, including the use of strong and weak forms, lexical and syntactic stress. Core readings and texts for transcription will be made available on the Virtual Campus after each session.
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • Daniel Jones, English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge 2006 (17th edition), Introduction, pp. v-xxi.

  • Ingo Plag et al. Introduction to English Linguistics. Berlin 2007, Chapter 1-2, pp. 1-64.

English Sociolinguistics

Ole Schützler
Do, 16:00 - 18:00, U5/00.24
Einzeltermin am 2.2.2017, 16:00 - 18:00, U2/00.25
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Anmeldung über FlexNow vom 26.09.16, 10:00h bis 20.10.16, 23:59h.
Abmeldung über FlexNow vom 26.09.16, 10:00h bis 30.10.16, 23:59h.

1. Modules
Lehramt GY modularisiert: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft (2 ECTS)
Lehramt RS modularisiert: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft (2 ECTS)
Lehramt GS/MS modularisiert: Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft (2 ECTS)
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft (2 ECTS)
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Freie Erweiterung (2 or 4 ECTS)
BA Studium Generale (2 or 4 ECTS; pass/fail)
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft Variante 2 (= für zweites Hauptfach, d.h. Bachelorarbeit nicht in Anglistik/Amerikanistik) (2 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Mastermodule in English Linguistics (2 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Profile Module in English Linguistics (2 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Consolidation Module in English Linguistics (2 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Restricted Electives in English Linguistics (2 ECTS)
European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies: Mastermodule in English Linguistics(2 ECTS)
European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies: Restricted Electives Profile Module in English Linguistics(4 ECTS)
European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies: Consolidation Module in English Linguistics (2 ECTS)
M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik, Studienrichtung II: Aufbaumodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft (2 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: 2 or 4 ECTS
Magister, Lehrämter nicht-modularisiert, Diplom

2. Prerequisites:
Lehramt GY modularisiert: Einführungsseminar inkl. Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics
Lehramt RS modularisiert: Einführungsseminar inkl. Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics
Lehramt GS/MS modularisiert: Einführungsseminar inkl. Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Aufbaumodul Sprachwissenschaft): Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Freie Erweiterung): Einführungsseminar inkl. Tutorium: Introduction to English Linguistics
BA Studium Generale: none (but good command of the English language is necessary to be able to follow the lecture)
BA Studienschwerpunkt BIMA (Studienrichtung II Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch, Basismodul Sprachwissenschaft): none
MA English and American Studies (Mastermodule in English Linguistics): none but see conditions for enrolment in the "Modulhandbuch"
MA English and American Studies (Profile Module in English Linguistics): seminar of 8 ECTS in Mastermodul Sprachwissenschaft
MA English and American Studies (Consolidation Module in English Linguistics): none
MA English and American Studies (Restricted Electives in English Linguistics): none
European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies: see "Modulhandbuch"
M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik, Studienrichtung II (Aufbaumodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft): Basismodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft
Erasmus and other visiting students: none (but good command of the English language is necessary to be able to follow the lecture)
Magister, Lehrämter nicht-modularisiert, Diplom: none

Informationen für Studierende des Bacherlorstudiengangs Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft:
Die Veranstaltung kann für Studierende des Bacherlorstudiengangs Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft als Vorlesung (2 ECTS) für das Aufbaumodul 1 Sprache und Gesellschaft eingebracht werden. In diesem Fall muss die FlexNow-Lehrveranstaltungsanmeldung, wie auch die FlexNow-Prüfungsanmeldung über den FlexNow-Zugang "Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft" erfolgen.
This lecture is a general introduction to concepts and methodologies in sociolinguistics, with a clear focus on the English language. It covers well-established assumptions and classic findings concerning the relationship between linguistic variation and social variables (e.g. age, gender and social class ); it traces how the field has developed from the early seminal studies (e.g. by William Labov and Peter Tudgill) to the present day; and it discusses the particular methodological issues and problems involved in certain subdisciplines of Sociolinguistics, e.g. Sociophonetics and Historical Sociolinguistics. Above all, we will discuss selected sociolinguistic studies (mainly from varieties of British and American English) to see how theoretical and methodological considerations impact on research.
Empfohlene Literatur:
Coupland, Nikolas & Adam Jaworski (eds.) 2009. The New Sociolinguistics Reader. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Labov, William. 1972. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2011. Introducing Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge.

Milroy, Lesley & Matthew Gordon. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Methods and Interpretation. Oxford: Blackwell.

Trousdale, Graeme. 2010. An Introduction to English Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Trudgill, Peter. 2000. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. London: Penguin.

Trudgill, Peter. A Glossary of Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1998. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell.

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