Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

S: English in primary education: Concepts, research, practice

Theresa Summer
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4
Einzeltermin am 8.4.2021, Einzeltermin am 9.4.2021, 10:15 - 15:45, Online-Meeting
Einzeltermin am 21.4.2021, Einzeltermin am 5.5.2021, Einzeltermin am 12.5.2021, Einzeltermin am 19.5.2021, Einzeltermin am 9.6.2021, Einzeltermin am 16.6.2021, Einzeltermin am 23.6.2021, Einzeltermin am 30.6.2021, Einzeltermin am 7.7.2021, 18:00 - 20:00, Online-Meeting
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Modules:
Lehramt GS, MS, RS, GY: Vertiefungsmodul
Lehramt RS: Zusatzmodul
BEd Berufliche Bildung: Vertiefungsmodul
MEd Berufliche Bildung: Zusatzmodul
Bachelor BWL/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Aufbaumodul-Bachelor
Master Wirtschaftspädagogik/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Aufbaumodul-Master
Master Wirtschaftspädagogik/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Vertiefungsmodul

2. Participation requirements:
completed English didactic basic module

3. Registration:
via FlexNow from 22 March 2021, 12:00h, to 5 April 2021, 23:59h.

4. Requirements:
Requirements are: course preparation (for the compact course) and participating in the lecture series, conducting an interview with an invited guest from the lecture series (in pairs/groups), and a written assignment (in pairs; a guideline will be provided).
The seminar will take place virtually and the first part will take place as a compact course (Blockseminar) on the following days: Thursday 08/04/2021 10:15am 3:45pm; Friday 09/04/2021 10:15am 3:45pm.
The lecture series and the final sessions will take place on the following Wednesdays from 6-8pm:
21.04.21 (discussion of the planned interviews, feedback),
05.05.21 (lecture 1),
12.05.21 (lecture 2),
19.05.21 (lecture 3),
09.06.21 (lecture 4),
16.06.21 (lecture 5),
23.06.21 (lecture 6),
30.06.21 & 07.07.21 (summary & reflection).

5. Approaches:
The seminar integrates a variety of digital learning and teaching approaches and formats including:
individual work (e.g. seminar preparation),
cooperative learning (practice-oriented activities, pair & group work),
input (e.g. presentations),
guest lectures (through experts in the lecture series combined with this seminar), and
interviews (between experts and students).

6. Lecture series:
The lectures take place on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm to 7:45pm (European time).
Each lecture series consists of three parts:
1) a 30-minute lecture,
Lectures: If the presenters agree, the lectures will be recorded and made available online, so that they can be used in future teacher education programmes.
2) a 15-minute discussion with the participants about the presentation, and
3) a 30-minute interview (between a group of students and the presenters in which they will ask general questions dealing with primary English language education and questions related to the presenters fields of research/interest).
Interview: In small groups, university students will plan specific questions for the interview with the presenters. They will get in touch with the presenters to discuss which questions to ask beforehand etc. Therefore, presenters will receive the opportunity to prepare for the questions in advance. The interviews will be recorded (if all participants agree) and the podcasts will be used for future teacher education programmes.

S: Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning (G)

Theresa Summer
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 4, (Lehrämter, Bachelorstudiengang Berufliche Bildung, Bachelorstudiengang BWL ab Studienbeginn WS 2015/16)
Mi, 8:00 - 10:00, Online-Meeting
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Für dieses Seminar verpflichtend ist eine der Übungen "Introduction to Englisch Language Teaching and Learning".

1. Modulzugehörigkeit:
Lehramt GS, MS, RS, GY: Basismodul
BEd Berufliche Bildung: Basismodul
Bachelor BWL/Doppelwahlpflichtfach Englisch: Basismodul

2. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen:
keine; Studierende im ersten Fachsemester können nur in Ausnahmefällen berücksichtigt werden.

3. Anmeldung
über FlexNow
vom 22.03.2021, 12:00 Uhr - 09.04.2021, 12:00 Uhr

Bitte beachten: Mehrfachanmeldung für Parallelkurse führt zum Verlust des Platzanspruchs!

4. Leistungsnachweis:

5. Note:
Students must also take part in one of the tutorial groups (Übung "Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning").

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