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Biosemiotik und ihre nicht-mechanische Erkenntnistheorie des Lebens (Deutsch/English)

Tomoki Sakata, M.A.

Rein Präsenz
Unterrichtssprache Deutsch/English on demand, Die Lektüre in der englischen Sprache, Diskussionen in beiden Sprachen
Zeit und Ort: Do 12:00 - 14:00, LU19/00.11

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Dieses Seminar ist für Anfänger geeignet
Philosophie BA
Basismodul 3: Theoretische Philosophie, Aufbaumodul 2: Theoretische Philosophie, Vertiefungsmodul 2: Vertiefung in theoretischer Philosophie
Philosophie MA
Kernmodul 2: Theoretische Philosophie Freie Spezialisierung I und II
Philosophie LA (vor SoSe23)
Basismodul 3: Theoretische Philosophie, Vertiefungsmodul LA 4

Biosemiotics is a scientific approach of understanding life under the assumption: “All living creatures receive and emit signs.” (T. v. Uexküll) T. A. Sebeok, another well-known advocate of the “school” (loosely understood), claims also: “The phenomenon that distinguishes life forms from inanimate objects is semiosis.” In the course, we will get ourselves familiar with this epistemology (not ontology) and investigate how non-human livings such as animals, insects, plants, and even cells can be said to be communicating with signs. Such insights are of great importance because they raise awareness for a non-mechanical way of analyzing the universe. While the modern mathematical natural science rests on the firm belief in the materialistic, causal interpretation of the cosmos, philosophy has been constantly offering theories that accommodate a more elaborated understanding of life—the final cause (telos) and the concept of soul by Aristotle, monads of Leibniz, the teleology postulated by Kant—to count a few examples. Although we are not looking into the historical dimension, writings concerning biosemiotics will help us see the world and life in a richer, livelier manner than rigorously tracing one, two, three and so forth, to reintroduce “the spiritual link” between mechanical parts (Goethe, Faust).

Empfohlene Literatur
Communicated in the first class / In der ersten Sitzung bekanntgemacht

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Biosemiotics and its non-mechanical epistemology of life

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Philosophie II

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