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The constitutional movements in the Ottoman Empire and Iran [Import]

Dr. Ellinor Morack, PD Dr. Roxane Haag-Higuchi

Studium Generale, Erweiterungsbereich
Zeit und Ort: Di 10:15 - 11:45, SP17/01.05

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Die Lehrveranstaltung kann in folgenden Bereichen belegt werden:
  • BA Islamischer Orient: Studium generale (bis zu 6 ECTS mit Essays im Umfang von insgesamt 10-12 Seiten)
  • BA Islamischer Orient: Übung im Vertiefungsmodul 04 und 05
  • MA Iranistik: Grundlagenmodul Iranistik I MA Ir 01; Fachwissenschaftliches Modul MA Ir 06
  • Komplementärmodul der orientalistischen MA-Studiengänge
  • MA Turkologie: Seminar mit Hausarbeit oder Übung im fachwissenschaftlichen Modul I, II, III (MA Tr 01, 02, 03);
  • Elite Masterstudiengang Kulturwissenschaften des Vorderen Orients: PHist 03

In 1918, Bavaria will be celebrating two special anniversaries: the 100-year existence of the Free State of Bavaria and the enactment of the Bavarian Constitution.“ (Bayerische Staatskanzlei, https://www.wir-feiern.bayern/) We would like to join the Bavarian celebrations with a joint seminar of Turkish and Iranian Studies that reminds us of the fact that the late 19th and early 20th centuries were an era of constitutional movements worldwide, and especially in the Middle East. In our course we will study various aspects of the constitutional movements in the Ottoman Empire (1865-1876; 1898-1908) and Iran (1905-1911), highlighting specific characteristics of the constitutional era in the particular societies as well as overlapping issues and transnational interactions. Topics include the political and social backgrounds and effects of the constitutional movements, the transmission of ideas, the role of political authorities, religious actors, and intellectual activists, the impact of the press and the institutionalization of political participation.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Iranistik: Sprachen, Geschichte und Kultur

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