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PD Dr. Valentin Werner, Akad. Oberrat a. Z.

Rein Präsenz
Gender und Diversität, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Di 10:00 - 12:00, OK8/01.26; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: The methodological basics of the seminar are introduced in the early weeks of term in a separately organized, obligatory block "Methods and Theories in Linguistics", so make sure you read the information on https://www.uni-bamberg.de/eng-ling/studium/methods/.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Modules:
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA GY: Vertiefungsmodul Sprachwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Master Module English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Profile Module English Linguistics I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
MA English and American Studies: Consolidation Module English Linguistics I-IV: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer MA: Master Module or Profile Module I or III English Linguistics: Seminar (8 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Seminar (8 ECTS)

2. Registration and Deregistration:
Registration via FlexNow from 25 September 2023, 10:00h, to 19 October 2023, 23:59h.
Deregistration via FlexNow from 25 September 2023, 10:00, to 30 October 2023, 23:59h.

A limited number of places will be reserved for visiting students, students who have changed universities and students who need this class urgently as they are approaching the end of their studies. If the seminar is overbooked, the teacher will decide which students will be accepted.

3. Requirements for successful completion of the course:
4 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation with handout
5/6/8 ECTS in MA English and American Studies Consolidation Module English Linguistics I/II/III: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + oral exam
5 ECTS in other programmes or modules: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + assignment of 2500-3500 words
6 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3000-4000 words
8 ECTS BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik Vertiefungsmodul: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3500-4500 words
8 ECTS in other programmes or modules, and visiting students: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 4500-6000 words

4. Language of instruction:

5. Combination with "Methods and Theories in Linguistics":
In the early weeks of term, we offer an introductory block familiarizing students with linguistic research methods (the Übung "Methods and Theories in Linguistics"): https://univis.uni-bamberg.de/form?dsc=anew/lecture_view&lvs=guk/angl/engls/method&anonymous=1&founds=guk/angl/engls/method&sem=2023w&codeset=utf8. Participation in this Übung is recommended for anyone with a strong interest in Linguistics. For those BA students planning on doing their Ergänzungsmodul in Linguistics, for all students doing Lehramt Gymnasium and for all MA students, the course is obligatory at a certain point in their studies, so it is recommended to do it as early as possible. These participants are required to reserve the following times and dates: Friday, 27 October, 8-10am, Thusday, 9 November, 8-10am, Friday, 10 November, 8am-12pm. To enable pre-planning, please register for the course in FlexNow by 26 October at the latest.

Information for Students of General Linguistics:
MA General Linguistics: Seminar for Electives: Master Module English Linguistics (10 ECTS, lecture with 2 ECTS needed) or Profile Module English Linguistics I (10 ECTS, lecture with 2 ECTS needed) or Profile Module English Linguistics III (8 ECTS). Registration in FlexNow at the Institute for English and American Studies.

Textlinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes the text as unit of analysis. Commonly viewed as part of the broader domain of discourse analysis, it goes beyond traditional structural levels of analysis as represented by phonology, morphology, syntax, etc. and considers texts as communicative systems.

A list of central issues addressed by textlinguistics may comprise:
  • Definitions: What is a text?
  • Cohesion: How do parts of texts belong together linguistically?
  • Coherence: How do readers make sense of texts?
  • Text typology: How can we classify texts into distinctive categories?
  • Mode: In which respects are texts in different modes (esp. written vs. spoken) linguistically different from each other?
  • Applied textlinguistics and interdisciplinary aspects: How can we use insights from textlinguistics in domains such as literary analysis, translation studies, intercultural communication or language education?

The seminar aims to address these guiding questions both from theoretical and practical perspectives, will discuss the status of hybrid (e.g. digital and written-to-be spoken, written-to-be-sung, etc.) texts and will consider the particular role of contextual factors. To this end, it will further touch upon neighboring areas such as stylistics and register studies and will highlight methods and approaches used in textlinguistic research.

Empfohlene Literatur
Biber, Douglas & Susan Conrad. 2019. Register, Genre, and Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schubert, Christoph. 2012. Textlinguistik: Eine Einführung. Berlin: ESV.

Englischsprachige Informationen:

Credits: 8

Zugeordnete Lehrveranstaltungen
Ü (Rein Präsenz):Research supervision
Dozent/in: PD Dr. Valentin Werner, Akad. Oberrat a. Z.
Zeit und Ort: Mi 10:00 - 11:00, OK8/02.13

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte

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