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Topics in syntactic typology

Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig

Rein Präsenz
Studium Generale, Erweiterungsbereich, Unterrichtssprache Englisch, MA General Linguistics: MA module 1, 6 (8 ECTS); MA Cultural Studies of the Middle East: PLing 1
Zeit und Ort: Do 14:15 - 15:45, SP17/02.19

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
  • MA General Linguistics, Module M1: Description and analysis of linguistic systems (8 ECTS)

  • MA General Linguistics, Elective Module M6: Description and analysis of linguistic systems (8 ECTS)

  • MA Cultural Studies of the Middle East, Module PLing1 (5 ECTS)

Registration in FlexNow from October 1st to October 30th 2023.

Please register also in the Virtual Campus. If you have problems with registration please contact admin.aspra@uni-bamberg.de.

Individual languages differ from each other in many ways. However, linguistic research over the past five decades has generally reinforced the view that cross-linguistic variation is neither arbitrary, nor infinite, but falls with certain definable limits. Language typology is the branch of linguistics concerned with establishing the range of cross-language variation, mapping its distribution in time and space, and formulating explanations for the attested variation. Language typologists have investigated phonological systems, morphology, various semantic fields (e.g. colour terms), as well as a number of syntactic phenomena. In this course we will look at some of the landmarks in typology, focussing on topics from syntax.
The topics treated will be a selection of the following: • Language typology: background and assumptions • Typology and universals: Greenberg’s heritage • Word-order typology • Causatives • Differential Object Marking • Animacy • On explanations for language universals: the nature vs. nurture debate

Empfohlene Literatur
Velupillai, Viveka. 2013. An introduction to linguistic typology. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Topics in syntactic typology

Credits: 8

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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