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Bamberg University English Drama Group

Alice Limmer, Ellen Werner
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2
Mo, Do, 20:00 - 22:00, U7/01.05
Einzeltermin am 24.10.2019, 20:00 - 22:00, U2/00.25, U2/00.26
Einzeltermin am 2.12.2019, 20:00 - 22:00, U2/00.25, U2/00.26
Einzeltermin am 9.1.2020, 20:00 - 22:00, U2/00.25, U2/00.26
Einzeltermin am 18.1.2020, 9:00 - 20:00, LU19/00.09, LU19/00.11
Einzeltermin am 19.1.2020, 9:00 - 20:00, LU19/00.09, LU19/00.11
Einzeltermin am 6.2.2020, 20:00 - 22:00, U2/00.25, U2/00.26
Einzeltermin am 12.2.2020, 18:00 - 21:00, U9/01.11
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
1. Module:
  • Bachelor Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Studium Generale (up to 2 ECTS)
This workshop is an opportunity for any student who wants to try acting to give it a shot. There will be no auditions and no set play this semester, so anyone can join. Just come to the great lecture hall on the first floor of U7 on either the 14th or the 17th of October or send an email to alice.limmer@stud.uni-bamberg.de .

The focus this semester will be on acting exercises and character development using scenes from different plays both old and modern. At the end of the semester we will put on a winter showcase presenting some of the scenes we have worked on during the semester.

If you're not interested in acting but want to gain some experience regarding behind the scenes work (PR, props, costume, hair, make up, etc) or directing, you are also very welcome to join. Just come and talk to the directors about what you would like to do.

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