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Blockseminar "Empowerment in Organizations"

Niklas Frewel, Rosella Barilli
Blockseminar, 2 SWS, M.Sc. (Wahlpflichtmodul Personalentwicklung)
Einzeltermin am 24.4.2020, 14:00 - 18:00, M3/00.16
Einzeltermin am 25.4.2020, 9:00 - 18:00, M3/00.16
Einzeltermin am 15.5.2020, 14:00 - 18:00, M3/00.16
Einzeltermin am 16.5.2020, 9:00 - 18:00, M3/00.16
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Das Seminar richtet sich an folgende Studiengänge: M.Sc. Psychologie: WPM Personalentwicklung, M.Sc. Empirische Bildungswissenschaften, FÜM Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz,
Die Anmeldung für alle Studierende (der Psychologie und der emp. Bildungsforschung) erfolgt über den VC-Kurs "Seminaranmeldung für die Studiengänge der Psychologie"
Kriterium für das Bestehen des Seminars (Teilnahme ohne Modulprüfungsleistung):
Projektarbeit bestehend aus (Gruppen-)Referat mit interaktivem Teil und Kurzreflexion der Seminarinhalte
Kriterium für die Modulprüfungsleistung:
benotete Projektarbeit bestehend aus (Gruppen-)Referat mit interaktivem Teil und Hausarbeit
Course Relevance & Background: In today s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) business world, organizations are confronted as a result of disruptive innovation, increased speed and constant change, while operating within an environment of ever-increasing complexity. Gaining competitive advantage over other companies is viewed as being more crucial than ever to maintain relevance in the market. In this respect, the question of how to maximize human potential has received increasing interest from organizations. As jobs nowadays are so complex in their nature, keeping control becomes increasingly harder. One area of focus is therefore the transition from traditional hierarchical structures and a top-down leadership approach towards management practices aimed at the empowerment of employees. Empowered individuals within organizations will more actively contribute, take ownership and drive initiatives, and that this enables organizations to quickly adapt, and rapidly innovate by having various work streams in parallel.

Course learning objectives Students taking this course will
be provided with a holistic understanding of structural & psychological empowerment
learn about evidence-based management in the workplace
experience the HR consultant life first hand
learn about tools and methods for the development of trainings and workshops
develop competencies in presentation techniques, compiling executive summaries, working in teams, influencing and sales

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