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  Selected Topics of Developmental Psychology (= Ausgewählte Themen der Entwicklungspsychologie B)

Wei Huang

Rein Präsenz
2 SWS, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mo 14:00 - 16:00, M3/02.10

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Selected Topics of Developmental Psychology (B)

This seminar is specially targeted at students from the following undergraduate and graduate programs:

• BSc. Psychologie/Schulpsychologie: Seminar im Pflichtmodul "Entwicklungspsychologie"
• MSc. Empirische Bildungsforschung: Seminar im Bereich Entwicklungspsychologie im Basismodul Psychologie des Lernens, Lehrens und der Entwicklung B

Registration of this course can be carried out through VC-Kurs "Seminaranmeldung für die Studiengänge der Psychologie".

This is an in-person seminar. The main teaching language will be English.
Explanation, questioning, group discussion, and the portfolio (see below) can also be conducted in German.

Seminar achievement: To successfully complete the seminar, students are expected to participate in the seminar and actively work on the topics in each lesson.
Note that some of the lessons might need preparations, e.g., read an article prior to lesson.
At the end of semester, students need to accomplish and submit a portfolio, which covers the five topics from the seminar. The portfolio can be constructed in forms of mindmaps or text (5 to 8 pages).

This seminar covers five selected topics of developmental psychology (e.g., parent–child attachment, socioemotional development, executive functions). These topics will be in-depth studied and discussed thereby drawing on relevant empirical studies. Amongst others, the following questions (as examples) will be addressed:

• How is parent–child attachment established? What are the influences of parents’ and children’s characteristics on the development and measurement of attachment?
• What is the impact of attachment on children’s developmental outcomes?
• How is “Theory of Mind (ToM)” defined and which theories have been suggested to explain intraindividuell change and the emergence of interindividual differences in young children’s ToM development?
• What are the relations between different developmental domains in child development? For example, why and to what extent is children’s prosocial behavior related to children’s ToM?

All topics will focus on early childhood. In the middle of the semester, a member from Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (DAAD scholarship holder) will give a guest lesson on the topic of executive functions.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I - Entwicklungspsychologie

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