Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 


Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa
Doktoranden Seminar
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 4
(nur 19.4., 26.4., 3.5.)
S: Price Management
(nur 12.4.)
One additional live session on Zoom may be announced later during the term. All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 1
(nur 21.6., 28.6.)
(Van Dyck)
S: Bachelorarbeitenseminar
(nur 5.5.)
S: Bachelorarbeitenseminar
(nur 21.4., 28.4.)
S: Price Management
(nur 7.7.)
One additional live session on Zoom may be announced later during the term. All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 1
(nur 23.6., 30.6.)
(Van Dyck)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 2
(nur 23.6.)
Übung Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
(nur 16.6.)
V/Ü: Sales and Marketing Management
(nur 7.7.)
One additional live session on Zoom may be announced later during the term. All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 1
(nur 28.4., 5.5., 12.5., 26.5., 19.5., 2.6., 9.6.)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 4
(nur 23.6.)
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 3
(nur 7.7., 14.7.)
Blockchain Application for Business (VHB)
(nur 14.7.)
Business-to-Business-Märkte und -Marketing (VHB)
(nur 14.7.)
S: Intercultural challenges in customer and account management
(nur 15.4., 22.4., 20.5., 10.6., 17.6.)
(Carrara Cagni)
S: Business-to-Business Marketing & Purchasing
(nur 15.4.)
All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 1
(nur 24.6.)
(Van Dyck)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 2
(nur 24.6.)
VM-B-06 Strategic Brand Management
(nur 15.4.)
All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
(nur 17.6.)
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 2
(nur 8.7., 15.7.)
(Van Dyck)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 3
(nur 29.4., 6.5., 13.5., 20.5., 27.5., 3.6., 10.6.)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 4
(nur 24.6.)
S: Bachelorarbeitenseminar
(nur 30.4.)
S: Research Seminar Business-to-Business
(nur 7.5., 14.5.)
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 1
(nur 25.6.)
(Van Dyck)
Doktoranden Seminar
S: Intercultural challenges in customer and account management
(nur 21.5., 11.6., 18.6.)
(Carrara Cagni)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 4
(nur 25.6.)
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 3
(nur 9.7., 16.7.)
VM-B-06 Strategic Brand Management
(nur 25.6.)
All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.KS13/01.11
S: Intercultural challenges in customer and account management
(nur 25.6.)
(Carrara Cagni)
S: Research Seminar Business-to-Business
(nur 11.5.)
S: Aktuelle Themen in Vertrieb und Marketing
(nur 13.7.)
13.07. ist Prüfungstermin!!!!F21/01.57
V/Ü: Sales and Marketing Management
(nur 13.4.)
One additional live session on Zoom may be announced later during the term. All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
S: Price Management
(nur 15.6.)
One additional live session on Zoom may be announced later during the term. All other teaching takes place asynchronously through videos that can be watched in the virtual campus course for this class.
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 1
(nur 22.6., 29.6.)
(Van Dyck)
Übung Sales and Marketing Management Gruppe 2
(nur 6.7., 13.7.)
(Van Dyck)
Übung Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
(nur 15.6.)
S: Aktuelle Themen in Vertrieb und Marketing
(nur 27.4., 11.5., 18.5., 25.5., 1.6., 8.6., 15.6., 22.6., 29.6., 6.7.)
13.07. ist Prüfungstermin!!!!
S: Research Seminar Business-to-Business
(nur 8.5.)
S: Research Seminar Business-to-Business
(nur 15.5.)
Übung zu Methoden der Marktforschung Gruppe 2
(nur 28.6.)
V/Ü: Methoden der Marktforschung
(nur 12.4.)
26.04.- 05.05.2021
VHB Prüfung Marktforschung mit SPSS
(nur 12.7.)
Prüfung von 16:00 - 17:30 !!!RZ/00.05, RZ/01.02

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