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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften >> Bereich Politikwissenschaft >>

Juniorprofessur für Politikwissenschaft, insbesondere europäische Integration


HS: Ausgewählte Politikfelder: Internal security policies

Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8
Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/00.07
Einzeltermin am 15.12.2014, 16:00 - 18:00, FMA/00.07
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Eligibility Requirements: The working language of this course is English. Presentations and coursework must also be completed in English. Regular attendance and knowledge of the required readings will be expected. To obtain a certificate, participants will have to prepare a topic for discussion during the seminar and write a term paper. Please note: The number of participants is limited. Student registration via FlexNow! is required. A detailed syllabus with required and further readings will be made available at the latest in the first session of the seminar and will be available on the Virtual Campus webpage of this course.
How can human rights and civil liberties be reconciled with tighter borders and the exclusion of migrants? This course deals with the growing tension between the liberal ideals of most (Western) countries and the increasing emphasis on security and exclusion. It looks at national and international political developments in order to understand the shifting nature of internal security policies since the end of the Second World War. The course aims to critically challenge our understandings of borders, asylum, migration and how they fit into the classical image of a sovereign state. Can security and liberty be reconciled or are they two faces of the same coin? It therefore deals with key issues of state-making: sovereignty, borders, citizenship, inclusion and exclusion, and how these debates are uploaded to international level. The variety of questions and levels of analysis that are raised when investigating these issues requires a careful consideration of the best theoretical and methodological approach to find accurate answers. This course aims to help students find solutions to these questions and engage in a more critical appraisal of internal security policies.


S: MA/SM Qualitative Methods of Comparative Social Inquiry

Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 8, BAGSS PhD Kurs und MA Hauptseminar der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, FG1/00.06
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
BAGSS PhD Kurs und MA Hauptseminar der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft
Eligibility Requirements: The working language of this course is English. All coursework must be completed in English. Regular attendance and knowledge of the required readings will be expected.
MA students: To obtain a certificate, participants will have to give a presentation and a term paper (5000 to 6000 words – including title page, text, footnotes/endnotes, references, bibliography, annexes, etc.). Please note: The number of participants is limited. Student registration via FlexNow! is required. Submission of term paper deadline: 6 April 2015.
This seminar-based course offers a broad introduction to the field of qualitative methods from a comparative perspective and beyond. It aims to situate the use of qualitative methods in different research traditions with the aim to uncover their advantages and limitations. The course is divided in four parts: the first part investigates the meaning of qualitative methods and its links with particular ways to investigate and understand the social world; the second part concentrates on various methods to gather qualitative data; the third (and main part) looks at how primary and secondary qualitative data can be used and analysed. It discusses the importance of theory, causality and how they are linked to the way we interpret and present our data. The final part of the course deals with the assessment of qualitative data and methods – discussing the standards of validity, reliability and generalisability as well as broader questions of ethics in social science research


S: Seminar zu Themen der internationalen und europäischen Politik: European Integration

Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, F21/03.50
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Eligibility Requirements: The working language of this course is English. Presentations and coursework must also be completed in English. In order to have a sufficient basic knowledge about the European Union previous participation in the introductory lecture (Einführungsvorlesung) or an equivalent is recommended. Regular attendance and knowledge of the required readings will be expected. To obtain a certificate, participants will have to give a presentation and write a term paper (5000 to 6000 words, including references, footnotes/endnotes, title page and annexes). Submission of term paper deadline: 6 April 2015.
For anyone living in Europe, it is difficult to ignore the European Union. But it is also difficult to study it effectively and understand it fully as it is, in many ways, unique. Since its foundation the European Union has emerged as the most developed regional association. For much of its existence it has been treated by scholars as an international organisation but as European integration has widened in scope and deepened in terms of competences, it has made much more sense to treat the EU as a political system. This course explores the issues that confront the EU and puts them into the context of its historical and institutional development, offering an understanding of the EU as a political system composed of a wide range of actors – states, institutions, citizens – that play a key role in the construction and development of the Union. To gain a fuller understanding of the development and functioning of the EU, the course revises the historical evolution of European integration and its current system of governance. It then looks at the different theoretical accounts from International Relations and Political Science that have been used to understand the integration process. Finally, the course focuses on policy-making and the key institutions at the core of the EU’s political system.

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