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PWB-VP-S: Gender and politics (Di 12-14)

Anna Neumann

Rein Präsenz
Gender und Diversität, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Di 12:00 - 14:00, FMA/01.19

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Prerequisites/Voraussetzungen: Attendance of the introductory lecture and a proseminar in comparative politics prior to this seminar is strongly recommended. Knowledge of quantitative empirical methods is helpful but not strictly necessary. If you are an exchange student, feel free to contact me if you are unsure whether your previous courses meet the recommendations. A good level of English in an academic context is recommended to comfortably engage with the course literature and actively participate in discussions in class.

Registration/deregistration/An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow!: 02. April/10:00 bis 28. April 2024/23:59

Start/Beginn: 16. April 2024

Assessment/Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises: Portfolio consisting of a term paper and assignments in a peer review process. Regular and active participation in the seminar is expected.


Consultation hours during semester on demand/Sprechstunden im Semester nach Vereinbarung: anna.neumann(at)uni-bamberg.de

This course aims to give an overview over the wide and fast-growing field of gender and politics from a comparative perspective. Topics will include, e.g., effects of political institutions, gender quotas, barriers to female leadership, outcomes and policy results of female representation. Examples will come from various world regions and time periods in order to analyse similarities and differences across cases. Throughout the semester, we will also work on developing academic writing skills and engage in a peer review process. This means that you will be tasked to develop some parts of your final project during the semester by handing in assignments corresponding to different stages of the writing process. You will receive feedback by me and your peers and write feedback for your peers.
Disclaimer: Due to the peer review process this course will probably be a little more demanding during the semester than usual, but most of the term paper will be prepared by the end of the semester.

Empfohlene Literatur
Paxton, P., Hughes, M. M., & Barnes, T. D. (2021). Women, politics, and power: A global perspective. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Waylen, G., Celis, K., Kantola, J. & Weldon, S. L. (2013). The Oxford handbook of gender and politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Franceschet, S., Krook, M. L., & Tan, N. (2019). The Palgrave handbook of women’s political rights. London: Palgrave Macmillan

The relevant literature will be announced in class and made available via the VC.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Seminar-based module "Comparative Politics": Gender and Politics

Credits: 6

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Empirische Politikwissenschaft

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