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Political attitudes and political participation in unified Germany: A long-term comparision of determinants and consequences (1998 election)

This project is a continuation of the work done in the context of the 1994 election. Respondents surveyed on the occasion of the Bundestag election of 1994 were re-interviewed in 1998. Furthermore, a new cross-section survey with about 3.000 respondents was performed for control purposes. As in 1994, a four-way-split design was applied (East/West, before/after the election). Extensive analysis of the data both from 1994 and 1998 under the aspects mentioned above was performed. In fall of 2000 another smaller cross-section survey was taken in order to improve the observation of attitude dynamics. The project is pursued in collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Mainz and Stuttgart. Preparation for this project was funded by a research grant from the University of Bamberg of about EUR 11.500,--.
For publications see: www.uni-bamberg.de/sowi/polsociology/
Prof. Dr. Hans Rattinger

Laufzeit: 1.5.1998 - 1.4.2002

DFG (about EUR 425.000,--)

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Politische Soziologie
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