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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften >> Bereich Soziologie >>

Juniorprofessur für Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Bildung und Arbeit im Lebensverlauf


BAGSS: Replication of Empirical Studies in Sociology of Education [BAGSS: Replication of Empirical Studies in Sociology of Education]

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 16:00 - 18:00, FG1/00.06
Einzeltermin am 29.1.2016, Einzeltermin am 5.2.2016, 9:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine: 20.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 27.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 03.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 10.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 29.01.2016 (FMA/01.19), 05.02 (FMA/01.19).

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt.

Hinweis: first session: 20.10.2015!
Participants shall possess skills in quantitative empirical data analysis and be able to work with a statistical software package (preferably Stata). After topics will be assigned in the introductory session, the seminar will be held as a block seminar and will be arranged in two blocks. The first block will be held at the beginning of the semester. It may comprise two or three sessions, in which each participant gives a short presentation about the paper he or she is going to replicate and about the data and methods he or she is going to use. After the first block, participants shall work on their individual replication studies. Regular office hours will be provided with individual-level counseling by the course instructor. The second block will take place at the end of the semester in a workshop-format, in which participants present their replication analysis. The exam will be a term paper based on the replication analysis. Work load: 180h of which: presence: 20h, reading and preparation: 100h, exam: 60h.
Replication is one of the most important but also one of the most neglected tools in empirical social research. It is necessary in order to corroborate previous findings and to establish valid and systematic knowledge. This seminar is designed as a hands-on course, providing its participants the opportunity to conduct their own replication studies in the field of educational sociology


Bildungssoziologie Basismodul: Seminar aus Bereich Bildungsrenditen (MA Empirische Bildungsforschung): From School to Work [Bildungssoziologie Basismodul: Seminar aus Bereich Bildungsrenditen: From School to Work]

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 6 Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt.
Each session is devoted to a core topic. As a basis for discussion, all participants have to read one or two central texts per week. In addition, each participant has to take over the chair of one session (this can be done in groups of two or three), which includes a short presentation based on additional literature. The job of the session chair is to structure the session by developing topic-related questions or theses and to moderate the discussion.

Work load: 180h of which: presence: 30h, reading and preparation: 90h, exam: 60h.
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25
The seminar deals with the transition from education to the labour market. We will read and discuss the main theoretical approaches that connect education to labour market placement and outcomes. In addition, we will consider how country differences in the setup of educational systems and labour market structures influence the transition from school to work. The theoretical considerations will be complemented by a discussion of empirical studies.


S: Bildung im Lebenslauf: Soziale Ungleichheiten in der Hochschule [Soziale Ungleichheiten in der Hochschule]

Friederike Schlücker
Seminar, 2 SWS, Dozentin:Friederike Schlücker
Mo, 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.79
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Dozent/in Friederike Schlücker, M.A.
Angaben Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 5
Zeit und Ort: Mo 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.79

Einbringbar in die Modulgruppen: D.1 Bildung, Arbeit, Familie und Lebenslauf E.2 Kontextstudium
Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende ab dem 3. Semester. Grundlegende Kenntnisse in statistischen Auswertungsverfahren und in der Sozialstrukturanalyse sind für eine erfolgreiche Teilnahme von Vorteil. Fehlende Kenntnisse können eigenständig aufgearbeitet werden.
Die Lektüre des Basistextes für jede Sitzung, eine aktive Mitarbeit im Seminar sowie die Übernahme eines Kurzreferates (10 Minuten) sind Teilnahmebedingungen. Prüfungsform ist ein Portfolio. Im Rahmen des Portfolios werden während der Vorlesungszeit drei Essays (je 3 Seiten) zu verschiedenen Sitzungsthemen geschrieben. Eine Anmeldung über FlexNow ist erforderlich. Anmeldung ab 21.09.bis 19.10.2015, Abmeldung bis 26.10.2015
Die traditionelle Bildungsforschung fokussiert stark auf Ungleichheiten im Kontext der Schul- und Berufsausbildung. Neu ist hingegen die Bildungssoziologie mit Fokus auf soziale Ungleichheit innerhalb der Universität. Im Fokus des Seminars steht die Analyse sozialer Ungleichheiten während des Studiums, genauer bei Zugang, Studienzeit, erfolgreichem Abschluss oder Abbruch eines Studiums und der eventuelle Verbleib im Wissenschaftssystem.
Unter Verwendung von Grundlagenliteratur und aktuellen Forschungspapieren diskutieren wir unterschiedliche Fragestellungen, z.B.: Beeinflussen die Berufe der Eltern die Studienfachwahl von Studieninteressierten? Wie hat sich die die soziale Ungleichheit unter Studierenden durch die Einführung von Bachelor- und Masterabschlüssen verändert? Warum unterscheiden sich die Lebenssituationen von Studierenden? Welche Auswirkungen hat dies auf ihren Studienverlauf? Welche Studierenden entscheiden sich für eine akademische Karriere?
Ziel des Seminars ist es, einen allgemeinen Überblick über Muster der Ungleichheiten im Hochschulbereich zu erarbeiten und hochschulspezifische Ungleichheitsmechanismen erklären zu können. Dazu werden sowohl theoretische Erklärungen (Theorie primärer- und sekundärer Herkunftseffekte, Theorie sozialer Reproduktion, Studienabbruchmodell von Tinto) als auch aktuelle empirische Befunde diskutiert. Der Fokus des Seminars liegt auf Ungleichheitsmechanismen der sozialen Herkunft. Ungleichheiten nach Geschlecht und Migrationsstatus werden in geringem Umfang berücksichtigt.


S: Bildungssoziologie Vertiefungsmodul (Wahlpflichtmodul):Replication of Empirical Studies in Sociology of Education

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 16:00 - 18:00, FG1/00.06
Einzeltermin am 29.1.2016, Einzeltermin am 5.2.2016, 9:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, 6 ECTS
Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine: 20.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 27.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 03.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 10.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 29.01.2016 (FMA/01.19), 05.02 (FMA/01.19).
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt. Hinweis: first session: 20.10.2015!
Participants shall possess skills in quantitative empirical data analysis and be able to work with a statistical software package (preferably Stata). After topics will be assigned in the introductory session, the seminar will be held as a block seminar and will be arranged in two blocks. The first block will be held at the beginning of the semester. It may comprise two or three sessions, in which each participant gives a short presentation about the paper he or she is going to replicate and about the data and methods he or she is going to use. After the first block, participants shall work on their individual replication studies. Regular office hours will be provided with individual-level counseling by the course instructor. The second block will take place at the end of the semester in a workshop-format, in which participants present their replication analysis. The exam will be a term paper based on the replication analysis. Work load: 180h of which: presence: 20h, reading and preparation: 100h, exam: 60h.
Replication is one of the most important but also one of the most neglected tools in empirical social research. It is necessary in order to corroborate previous findings and to establish valid and systematic knowledge. This seminar is designed as a hands-on course, providing its participants the opportunity to conduct their own replication studies in the field of educational sociology


S: Fortgeschrittene Analysemethoden der quantitativen Sozialforschung: Replication of Empirical Studies in Sociology of Education

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 16:00 - 18:00, FG1/00.06
Einzeltermin am 29.1.2016, Einzeltermin am 5.2.2016, 9:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine: 20.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 27.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 03.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 10.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 29.01.2016 (FMA/01.19), 05.02 (FMA/01.19). Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt. Hinweis: first session: 20.10.2015! Participants shall possess skills in quantitative empirical data analysis and be able to work with a statistical software package (preferably Stata). After topics will be assigned in the introductory session, the seminar will be held as a block seminar and will be arranged in two blocks. The first block will be held at the beginning of the semester. It may comprise two or three sessions, in which each participant gives a short presentation about the paper he or she is going to replicate and about the data and methods he or she is going to use. After the first block, participants shall work on their individual replication studies. Regular office hours will be provided with individual-level counseling by the course instructor. The second block will take place at the end of the semester in a workshop-format, in which participants present their replication analysis. The exam will be a term paper based on the replication analysis. Work load: 180h of which: presence: 20h, reading and preparation: 100h, exam: 60h.
Replication is one of the most important but also one of the most neglected tools in empirical social research. It is necessary in order to corroborate previous findings and to establish valid and systematic knowledge. This seminar is designed as a hands-on course, providing its participants the opportunity to conduct their own replication studies in the field of educational sociology


S: Fortgeschrittene Themen der international vergleichenden Lebensverlaufsforschung : From School to Work

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 6 Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt.
Each session is devoted to a core topic. As a basis for discussion, all participants have to read one or two central texts per week. In addition, each participant has to take over the chair of one session (this can be done in groups of two or three), which includes a short presentation based on additional literature. The job of the session chair is to structure the session by developing topic-related questions or theses and to moderate the discussion.
The exam will be an oral examination of 20 minutes.
Work load: 180h of which: presence: 30h, reading and preparation: 90h, exam: 60h.
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25
The seminar deals with the transition from education to the labour market. We will read and discuss the main theoretical approaches that connect education to labour market placement and outcomes. In addition, we will consider how country differences in the setup of educational systems and labour market structures influence the transition from school to work. The theoretical considerations will be complemented by a discussion of empirical studies.


S: Fortgeschrittene Themen der Sozialstrukturanalyse: From School to Work

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits max.: 6 Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/01.19
Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt.
Each session is devoted to a core topic. As a basis for discussion, all participants have to read one or two central texts per week. In addition, each participant has to take over the chair of one session (this can be done in groups of two or three), which includes a short presentation based on additional literature. The job of the session chair is to structure the session by developing topic-related questions or theses and to moderate the discussion.

Work load: 180h of which: presence: 30h, reading and preparation: 90h, exam: 60h.
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25
The seminar deals with the transition from education to the labour market. We will read and discuss the main theoretical approaches that connect education to labour market placement and outcomes. In addition, we will consider how country differences in the setup of educational systems and labour market structures influence the transition from school to work. The theoretical considerations will be complemented by a discussion of empirical studies.


V/S/Ü: Fortgeschrittene Analysemethoden der quantitativen Sozialforschung: Replication of Empirical Studies in Sociology of Education

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS, Beginn: 20.10.2015
Di, 16:00 - 18:00, FG1/00.06
Fr, 9:00 - 18:00, FMA/01.19
29.01., 05.02.
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Seminar, 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine: 20.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 27.10.2015 (FG1/00.06); 03.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 10.11.2015 (FG1/00.06); 29.01.2016 (FMA/01.19), 05.02 (FMA/01.19).
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Hinweis: Das Seminar ist für internationale Studierende geöffnet. Bei Bedarf findet es in englischer Sprache statt.
Hinweis: first session: 20.10.2015!
Participants shall possess skills in quantitative empirical data analysis and be able to work with a statistical software package (preferably Stata).
After topics will be assigned in the introductory session, the seminar will be held as a block seminar and will be arranged in two blocks. The first block will be held at the beginning of the semester. It may comprise two or three sessions, in which each participant gives a short presentation about the paper he or she is going to replicate and about the data and methods he or she is going to use. After the first block, participants shall work on their individual replication studies. Regular office hours will be provided with individual-level counseling by the course instructor. The second block will take place at the end of the semester in a workshop-format, in which participants present their replication analysis.
The exam will be a term paper based on the replication analysis.
Work load: 180h of which: presence: 20h, reading and preparation: 100h, exam: 60h.
Replication is one of the most important but also one of the most neglected tools in empirical social research. It is necessary in order to corroborate previous findings and to establish valid and systematic knowledge. This seminar is designed as a hands-on course, providing its participants the opportunity to conduct their own replication studies in the field of educational sociology


Weekly Doctoral Seminar (Pillar 2 + 3) [Weekly Doctoral Seminar]

Steffen Schindler
Seminar, 2 SWS
Do, 9:00 - 11:00, FG1/00.06

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