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Lehrstuhl für Regionale Arbeitsmarktökonomie

Neue Entwicklungen der Arbeitsmarktforschung: Empirical Labor Market Research

Wolfgang Dauth
Seminar, 2 SWS, Studium Generale, Modulstudium, "The course is part of fhe Module MASOZ POA3 Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt . It is highly recommended to participate in the seminar "Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Sozialstruktur". Please register via FlexNow until April 12, 2021. I will then send you a password for the self-registration in VC.
Mo, 15:00 - 17:00, RZ/00.06
Mo, 13:00 - 15:00, Online-Meeting
Mo, 13:00 - 15:00, F21/03.79
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Prerequisites: Students should have basic knowledge in applied empirical methods.

Assessment: Each student will have to pick one of the following topics and write a seminar thesis of 25-30 pages.

Course structure and topics: 10.05.2021 Introduction / Stata Tutorial 17.05.2021 Do minimum wage regulations reduce labor demand? 31.05.2021 Are workers and firms more productive if they are located in bigger cities? 14.06.2021 What are the labor market effects of globalization? 28.06.2021 Does technological change destroy jobs? 12.07.2021 How does Covid-19 affect the labor market?
Among all kinds of markets, the labor market attracts particularly strong attention by researchers in economics and sociology. This is because of at least two reasons: First, the majority of the society depends on labor as the main (and only) source of income. Second, the functioning of the labor market differs from that of other markets due to interventions of governments and institutions. A consequence of this attention is the availability of outstanding research data on the labor market. In particular, social security administrations around the globe have made their process data available to the scientific community. This offers researchers a vast amount of extremely detailed and comprehensive data to study the functioning of the labor market at the micro level as well as the employment effects of global developments. The aim of this course is to learn how data analysis can be used to study the labor market. Students learn to comprehend empirical studies, recognize possible pitfalls in applied data analysis, and conduct their own analyses using statistical software and authentic datasets. A strong focus is put on the interpretation of results and the identification of causal effects. In this course, we will discuss a number of very recent developments and their implications for the labor market. The first part of each chapter consists of a 90-minute lecture on a very current topic. We will discuss the topic s relevance, learn about the underlying predictions from economic theory, and summarize the existing empirical evidence. The second part is a lab tutorial, where we carry out our own data analysis using the statistical software package STATA. In each tutorial, we will focus on a seminal empirical study on the respective topic and will replicate its empirical analysis.

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