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Fortgeschrittene Verfahren der Längsschnittanalyse: Sequences of life: Depicting the life-course as a sequence of events

Sophia Fauser
Seminar, 4 SWS
Mo, 14:00 - 18:00, RZ/00.05
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches: Students have to be familiar with the contents of the compulsory lecture “Research design”.
Students are required to be familiar with the statistics package Stata. These skills could either be acquired or refreshed in self-studies or by attending an online tutorial course. Link to Stata Tutorial
Moreover, familiarity with basic quantitative methods, such as (cross-sectional) multiple linear and binary regression analysis would be an advantage but is not required.

Registration: Please register in the VC of the event until 14.10.2021. Only the persons who are registered in the VC will receive all information about the course.

Type of instruction: On-site teaching; only the introductory course is given online on 18 October. There will be no video recording. Changes are possible depending on the guidelines of the university.
Language of instruction: English.

Module-related examination: Portfolio (time: 3 months); can be either written in English or German

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