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Advanced topics in the sociology of migration: Interethnic contacts

Regine Schmidt
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Fr, 10:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.08
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

Recommended for: Students of M.A. Soziologie from the 1st semester
Prerequisites: English language skills; basic knowledge of quantitative methods (linear and logistic regression).
Please register via Flexnow for the seminar until April 11, 2024. You will then be added to the Virtual Campus course where you will find further information.
Course assessment: Portfolio (Discussion questions, Presentation, Essay); Essay is due by end August.
Please contact Tatiana Dulap (sekretariat.sozstruk@uni-bamberg.de) in advance of the course if you have any needs with regard to barrier-free participation in the course.

Content: An important dimension of integration is the social level, i.e. contacts, friendships or romantic relationships. For migrants and their descendants, contacts with members of the host society are particularly beneficial.
On the one hand, these so-called interethnic contacts or friendships represent the socio-cultural dimension of integration. On the other hand, they also promote the development of other important resources related to the host country, such as language skills or opportunities to participate in the labour market.
For the population of the host society, interethnic contacts can be interpreted as a sign of ac-ceptance of ethnic groups, which in turn can help to reduce prejudice.
Despite the immense relevance of interethnic contacts and friendships, the associated research has long focused primarily on their consequences. The seminar will first discuss different theo-ries on the development of interethnic contacts and friendships. Subsequently, we will take a closer look at empirical findings on this topic using relevant papers.

Learning objective: The courses enable students to take an in-depth sociological look at key issues in the sociology of migration.
The focus is on the application of selected theories to the respective research questions as well as on the methodological processing, interpretation and discussion of empirical findings. In addition to content-related and methodological skills, students can acquire other skills, such as social skills through teamwork or skills in presenting content.


Ethnic inequality: Interethnic contacts

Regine Schmidt
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Fr, 10:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.08
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

Recommended for: Students of M.A. Soziologie from the 1st semester
Prerequisites: English language skills; basic knowledge of quantitative methods (linear and logistic regression).
Please register via Flexnow for the seminar until April 11, 2024. You will then be added to the Virtual Campus course where you will find further information.
Course assessment: Portfolio (Discussion questions, Presentation, Essay); Essay is due by end August.
Please contact Tatiana Dulap (sekretariat.sozstruk@uni-bamberg.de) in advance of the course if you have any needs with regard to barrier-free participation in the course.

Content: An important dimension of integration is the social level, i.e. contacts, friendships or romantic relationships. For migrants and their descendants, contacts with members of the host society are particularly beneficial.
On the one hand, these so-called interethnic contacts or friendships represent the socio-cultural dimension of integration. On the other hand, they also promote the development of other important resources related to the host country, such as language skills or opportunities to participate in the labour market.
For the population of the host society, interethnic contacts can be interpreted as a sign of ac-ceptance of ethnic groups, which in turn can help to reduce prejudice.
Despite the immense relevance of interethnic contacts and friendships, the associated research has long focused primarily on their consequences. The seminar will first discuss different theo-ries on the development of interethnic contacts and friendships. Subsequently, we will take a closer look at empirical findings on this topic using relevant papers.

Learning objective: The courses enable students to take an in-depth sociological look at key issues in the sociology of migration.
The focus is on the application of selected theories to the respective research questions as well as on the methodological processing, interpretation and discussion of empirical findings. In addition to content-related and methodological skills, students can acquire other skills, such as social skills through teamwork or skills in presenting content.


Research on migration and integration: Interethnic contacts

Regine Schmidt
Seminar, 2 SWS, Gender und Diversität
Fr, 10:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.08
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Recommended for: Students of M.A. Soziologie from the 1st semester
Prerequisites: English language skills; basic knowledge of quantitative methods (linear and logistic regression).
Please register via Flexnow for the seminar until April 11, 2024. You will then be added to the Virtual Campus course where you will find further information.
Course assessment: Portfolio (Discussion questions, Presentation, Essay); Essay is due by end August.
Please contact Tatiana Dulap (sekretariat.sozstruk@uni-bamberg.de) in advance of the course if you have any needs with regard to barrier-free participation in the course.
Content: An important dimension of integration is the social level, i.e. contacts, friendships or romantic relationships. For migrants and their descendants, contacts with members of the host society are particularly beneficial.
On the one hand, these so-called interethnic contacts or friendships represent the socio-cultural dimension of integration. On the other hand, they also promote the development of other important resources related to the host country, such as language skills or opportunities to participate in the labour market.
For the population of the host society, interethnic contacts can be interpreted as a sign of ac-ceptance of ethnic groups, which in turn can help to reduce prejudice.
Despite the immense relevance of interethnic contacts and friendships, the associated research has long focused primarily on their consequences. The seminar will first discuss different theo-ries on the development of interethnic contacts and friendships. Subsequently, we will take a closer look at empirical findings on this topic using relevant papers.

Learning objective: The courses enable students to take an in-depth sociological look at key issues in the sociology of migration.
The focus is on the application of selected theories to the respective research questions as well as on the methodological processing, interpretation and discussion of empirical findings. In addition to content-related and methodological skills, students can acquire other skills, such as social skills through teamwork or skills in presenting content.

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