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Advanced topics in the sociology of migration: Interethnic contacts and friendships

Regine Schmidt

Rein Online
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Do, 9:15 - 11:30

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
  • Please register for this course via FlexNow until October 28, 2020. Students who are registered in FlexNow will be enrolled in the VC. They will then receive information about this course via the VC.
  • 12 ECTS
  • A module consists of two courses that have to be attended in the same semester. This course has to be combined with the course "Experiments in migration and integration research" (Dr. Miriam Schmaus).
  • Requirements: In one of the two courses you have to complete a small task (determines 1/3 of the final grade) in the other course a big task (determines 2/3 of the final grade - "Portfolio")
  • You can choose in which course you complete either task.
  • The first session takes place on November 12, 2020.

An important dimension of integration is the social level, i.e. contacts, friendships, or romantic relationships. For migrants and their descendants, contacts with members of the host society are particularly beneficial. On the one hand, these so-called interethnic contacts or friendships represent the socio-cultural dimension of integration. On the other hand, they also promote the development of other important resources related to the host country, such as language skills or opportunities to participate in the labor market. For the population of the host society, interethnic contacts can be interpreted as a sign of acceptance of ethnic groups, which in turn can help to reduce prejudice. Despite the immense relevance of interethnic contacts and friendships, the associated research has long focused primarily on their consequences. The seminar will first discuss different theories on the development of interethnic contacts and friendships. Subsequently, we will take a closer look at empirical findings on this topic using relevant papers.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, insbes. Sozialstrukturanalyse

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