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Bildung im Lebenslauf: Soziale- und geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten in der Bildung

Gordey Yastrebov
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Di, 12:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.06
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Bitte tragen Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 in den VC der Veranstaltung ein. Personen, die in den VC eingetragen sind, erhalten hierüber alle Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung.
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to classical topics in sociology of education, such as the function and role of schooling in modern societies, the social structure and internal dynamics of educational systems, and, perhaps most importantly, the role of education in shaping and maintaining social inequalities. However, in order to somewhat focus our immersion into this vast area of studies, particular emphasis will be given to the issues of gender inequality, as well as inequalities associated with socioeconomic background. As the title suggests, we will approach these topics from sociological perspective discussing relevant sociological theories and critically evaluating existing empirical evidence.


Lebenslauf und soziale Ungleichheit: Soziologie und demografische Alterung

Gordey Yastrebov
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Fr, 10:00 - 12:00, FMA/00.06
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Bitte tragen Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 in den VC der Veranstaltung ein. Personen, die in den VC eingetragen sind, erhalten hierüber alle Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung.
The course will cast a sociological perspective on the process of aging, or, literally, the process of growing old. In this course, we will explore the meanings and experiences of being ‘old’, how these differ across societies and cultures, and how these may have changed over time as our societies underwent social change. We will also touch upon many different issues related to aging, such as retirement and post-retirement employment behavior, consumption practices and social activity of the elderly, their economic, physical and psychological well-being, demographic behavior, grand-parenting and intergenerational ties, etc. Finally, we will discuss how aging transforms our societies, and what challenges and opportunities it brings.


Lebenslauf und soziale Ungleichheit: Theorien sozialer Ungleichheiten von gestern bis heute

Gordey Yastrebov
Seminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, FMA/00.08
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Bitte tragen Sie sich bis zum 17.04.2020 in den VC der Veranstaltung ein. Personen, die in den VC eingetragen sind, erhalten hierüber alle Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung.
In this class, we will try to take stock of how humanity theorized social inequality in the course of its known intellectual history. Specifically, we will explore and critically engage with previous debates about the social structure of human societies, the roots and causes of social inequality, the role of structure and agency in shaping people's life chances, the nature of social mobility, as well as the utility of class, status and power as organizing concepts in which we think about social inequality. Notwithstanding the explicit ‘theoretical’ focus of the class we will also engage with empirically-grounded research (especially when we approach the dawn of empirically-driven sociological scholarship in the modern and post-modern era

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