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PWM-PT-HS2: Contemporary theories of territorial rights, colonialism, and migration (Seminarsprache Englisch)

Dr. Benjamin Hofmann

Rein Präsenz
2 SWS, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 16:00 - 18:00, FMA/00.08

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow zur Prüfung, NICHT zur Lehrveranstaltung:
Montag 03.04.2023, 10:00 Uhr bis Sonntag, 30.04.2023, 23:59 Uhr.

Anmeldung technisch nicht möglich:
Falls das SoSe 2023 Ihr erstes Semester an der Uni Bamberg ist und Sie deswegen noch keine Zugangsdaten haben, um sich in FlexNow anzumelden oder das Anmeldefenster bereits geschlossen sein sollte, so kontaktieren Sie das Sekretariat (mailto:sekretariat.poltheorie@uni-bamberg.de)

Leistungsnachweis/Assessment: nähere Informationen zu Prüfungsmodalitäten in der ersten Sitzung.
  • Option 1: Two essays (essay #1 ~2000 words; essay #2 ~3000 words)
  • Option 2: Long paper (~5000 words), submission deadline: 30.09.2023

Language of instruction: English (Written work may be submitted in either English or German) A basic familiarity with contemporary theories of justice, equality, and human rights is highly desirable. Students who are entirely new to political theory are expressly invited to take the class, but must reach out to the instructor (mailto:benjamin.hofmann@uni-bamberg.de) before the first meeting.

  • Bitte abonnieren Sie politikwissenschaft-liste.sowi@uni-bamberg.de über die Seite iam.uni-bamberg.de (https://iam.uni-bamberg.de) (und dort dann "Verteilergruppen Eigene Mitgliedschaften").
  • Schreiben Sie sich außerdem (nach Möglichkeit mit Ihrer Studierenden-E-Mail-Adresse) im VC (https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/) ein und melden Sie sich im Kurs „Politikwissenschaft studieren in Bamberg“ an.

We cover key texts in the contemporary literature on the nature of, and possible justifications for, territorial rights, as well as a set of questions they frequently touch on: Do ‘the people’ have a right to self-govern within a particular territory (and who exactly are these ‘people’ anyway)? Do states have a right to coercively control the movement of persons and goods across their borders? Can territorial rights satisfactorily explain the wrong of colonialism? A basic familiarity with contemporary theories of justice, equality, and human rights is highly desirable. Students who are entirely new to political theory are expressly invited to take the class, but must reach out to the instructor before the first meeting. We will read one journal article or book chapter per week on average. While the required reading is relatively short (usually 15-30 pages), it tends to be densely argued—to truly benefit from our weekly meetings, you will have to carefully read assigned texts more than once beforehand. Our reading list will include the following authors: Anna Stilz, Margaret Moore, David Miller, Ayelet Shachar, Lea Ypi, and Arash Abizadeh.

A basic familiarity with contemporary theories of justice, equality, and human rights is highly desirable. Students who are entirely new to political theory are expressly invited to take the class, but must reach out to the instructor (mailto:benjamin.hofmann@uni-bamberg.de) before the first meeting.

Empfohlene Literatur

Moore, Margaret. 2020. „Territorial Rights, Territorial Justice.“ (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/territorial-rights/) Entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Moore, Margaret. A Political Theory of Territory. Oxford University Press, 2015. Kapitel 1 und 2. [E-Book accessible through the university library.]

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Contemporary theories of territorial rights, colonialism, and migration

Credits: 8

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Politische Theorie

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