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  Vocational education and training in the Gulf States

Prof. Dr. Eveline Wittmann, Eugenie Samier, Faisal Albakeri

Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermin am 22.11.2013 16:00 - 19:00, KÄ7/01.08; Einzeltermin am 6.12.2013 16:00 - 20:00, KÄ7/01.08; Einzeltermin am 7.12.2013 9:00 - 15:30, KÄ7/01.08

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This is a graduate course for students both at the Masters and at the Doctoral level. The course will be completely held in English.

Additional Information: Assignments:
  • Preparatory test on methodological approaches to systems comparison and on VET in the Gulf States
  • Comprehensive course presentation of 30-45 minutes, including paper
  • Comprehensive preparation is required and part of the workload (5 ECTS) of this course.
  • 3 hour introductory course on Nov. 22, 16:00, c.t., including preparatory test
  • 12 hour compact course on Friday/Saturday: Dec. 6, 16-20:00, s.t. & Dec. 7, 9-15:30, s.t.
  • Presence during sessions is required.

Vocational education and training in the Gulf States

Within different societies, vocational education and training systems, including parts of higher education, provide for the transition from general education to the occupational system but also transitions within the occupational system. How this transition is organized in the respective countries depends on culture, tradition, geography and fundamentals of the political system just as much as on institutional and regulatory structures. Both Arab States in the Gulf Region and Europe are confronted with Globalization, the developments of the Knowledge Society and its interconnections as well as efforts for standardization in the form of supranational qualification frameworks. The seminar addresses these developments on the background of fundamentals of society and polity in the Gulf region. The seminar will be held as bloc session of 12 hours with guest lecturers from the British University at Dubai. It requires advance reservation as well as intensive preparatory work by students.

Empfohlene Literatur
Introduction to vocational systems comparison:
  • Hörner, W. & Döbert, H. (2007). The Education Systems of Europe Introductory Methodological Remarks. In Hörner, W., Döbert, H., Kopp, Botho v. & Mitter, W. (eds.). The education systems of Europe. Dordrecht: Springer, 1-10.
  • Powell, J.J.W. & Solga, H. (2008). Internationalization of vocational and higher education systems: a comparative-institutional approach. Discussion Paper at the WZB. Berlin. https://www.econstor.eu/dspace/bitstream/10419/47650/1/585747911.pdf
Modern Trends in VET systems comparison:
  • Dale, R. (2005). Globalisation, knowledge economy and comparative education. Comparative Education, 41(2), 117-149.
  • Knight, J. (2013). Education hubs: international, regional and local dimensions of scale and scope. Comparative Education, 2013, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03050068.2013.803783
  • Raffe, D. (2013). What is the evidence for the impact of National Qualifications Frameworks? Comparative Education, 49(2), 143-162.
  • Steiner-Khamsi, G. & Waldow, F. (eds.) (2012). World year book of education 2012. Policy borrowing and lending in education. London: Routledge.
VET in Arabic/Islamic countries
  • Burden-Leahy, S. (2005) Addressing the tensions in a process-based quality assurance model through the introducation of gra.duate outcomes: A case study of the change process in a vocational higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates. Quality in Higher Education, 11, 2, 129-36.
  • Ghubash, R. (2007) One goal, different agendas. Expanding the scope of education in the Arab world and addressing the requirements of the labor market. In Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ed.). Current Transformations and their Potential Role in Realizing Change in the Arab World, Abu Dhabi: ECSSR, 311-47.
  • Godwin, S. (2006) Globalization, education and emiratisation. A study of the United Arab Emirates , Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 27(1), 1-14.
  • Kazim, A. (2000) The contemporary socio-discursive formation: The Labor Force and social stratification and Education, change and identity formation , from The United Arab Emirates A.D. 600 to the Present: A Socio-Discursive Transformation in the Arabian Gulf. Dubai: Gulf Book Centre, 363-408; 417-423.
  • Richardson, P.M. (2004). Possible influences of Arabic-Islamic culture on the reflective practices proposed for an education degree at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Educational Development, 24(4), 429-436.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik

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