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Mishael Milakovic
Seminar, 2 SWS
Zeit und Ort nach Vereinbarung


Mishael Milakovic
Seminar, 2 SWS
Zeit und Ort nach Vereinbarung


Mishael Milakovic
Einzeltermin am 5.11.2014, 16:00 - 18:00, F21/03.03

V/Ü: Advanced Macroeconomics: Advanced Macroeconomics

Mishael Milakovic
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 6
Di, 12:00 - 14:00, KÄ7/00.10
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Mikro- und Makroökonomik I und II
This course deals with a variety of advanced topics in macroeconomic theory, including theo- ries of long-run growth and short-run income fluc tuations. A crucial aspect of the course is to move beyond standard texts and introduce student s to the possibly most challenging problem facing macroeconomic methodology today: the theory of aggregation. We will consider recent developments in statistical equilibrium theory, which is particularly suitable for studying prob- lems that arise from the aggregation of many agents, and centers around the idea of an equilib- rium distribution in economic variables. Idea lly, students will conduct th eir own data explora- tion exercises, using for instance Mathematica and its curated data sources (or any other statis- tical/mathematical software and databases) to look for distributional regularities in macroeco- nomic variables within or across countries, and re port on their discoveries. The objective of the course is to equip student s with a critical unders tanding of contemporary macroeconomic issues, as witnessed for instan ce by the current European sovereign debt cri- ses, and to provide them with a methodologica l toolkit suitable for understanding the dynam- ics of complex systems. Lectures are in English.
Empfohlene Literatur:
D. R OMER , Advanced Macroeconomics, McGraw-Hill, 1998. W. W EIDLICH , Sociodynamics: A Systematic Approach to Mathematical Modeling in the So- cial Sciences, Dover, 2000. M. A OKI AND H. Y OSHIKAWA , Reconstructing Macroeconomics: A Perspective from Statistical Physics and Combinatorial St ochastic Processes, Cambri dge University Press, 2007.

V/Ü: Advanced Macroeconomics: Übung zu Advanced Macroeconomics

Mishael Milakovic
Übung, 2 SWS
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, KÄ7/00.10
ab 4.11.2014

V/Ü: Makroökonomik I: Makroökonomik I

Mishael Milakovic
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, Frühstudium
Mo, 16:00 - 18:00, F21/01.57
keine Lehrveranstaltung am 10. November 2014
Diese Veranstaltung führt in die Grundmethoden der Makroökonomie ein und zeigt auf, wie diese auf konkrete wirtschaftspolitische Fragestellunge n angewendet werden können. Behandelt werden u.a. die wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwisch en Güter-, Geld- und Finanzmärkten, die Bestimmungsfaktoren der Arbeit slosigkeit in der kurzen und langen Frist, die Bedeutung der Kapitalakkumulation und des technischen Fortschri tts für das Wachstum einer Volkswirtschaft, sowie die Wirkungsweisen verschiedene r wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen.
  • Die kurze Frist (Güter-, Geld- und Finanzmärkte und das IS-LM Modell),

  • Die mittlere Frist (Arbeitsmarkt, AS-AD Modell, Phillipskurve und Inflation)

  • Die lange Frist (Wachstum, Aufbau von Kapital und technischer Fortschritt)

Die Studierenden sollen lernen, aktuelle Fragen anhand der verschiedenen Modelle zu analysieren und diese Modelle auf konkrete wirtschaft spolitische Fragestellungen anzuwenden.
Empfohlene Literatur:
O. Blanchard u. G. Illing, Makroökonomie, Pearson, aktuelle Auflage. J. Forster et al., Übungen zur Makro ökonomie, Pearson, aktuelle Auflage.

V/Ü: Systemic Risk, Regulation and Stability 1: Systemic Risk, Regulation and Stability 1

Mishael Milakovic
Vorlesung, 2 SWS
Do, 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.81
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Mikroökonomik I&II, Methoden der Statistik I & II
This two-part sequence deals with the risks th at emanate from modern financial markets and their regulation. The central question is how thes e risks, their regulation, and the institutional framework itself can actually contribute to the cr eation of “systemic” risk, resulting in historical- ly recurring economy-wide crises. The first course in the sequence takes a closer look at the challe nges that monetary policy faces in light of endogenous money creation, which are compounded by the presence of derivative se- curities that allow for the synthe tic replication of traditional ba nk loans. We will consider wheth- er or how banks’ off-balance sheet transactions can circumvent the nationa l regulatory and taxa- tion frameworks, and what the implications for th e respective national central banks are in their function as so-called lende rs of last resort. A second important aspect of this course deals with financial innovation in the syndica tion of loans or other debt obligations (ABS , MBS, CDO, CLO), and their role in the recent crisis. The main purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the basic notion of synthetic repli- cation in financial markets, and to carefully expl ain how this replication leads to new challenges for central bank policy and financ ial regulation. The importance of “cheap liquidity” in financial crises is emphasized throughout the c ourse. Lectures are in English.
Empfohlene Literatur:
P. H OWELLS AND K. B AIN , The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance, Prentice Hall, 2008 (4th edition). F.S. M ISHKIN AND S.G. E AKINS , Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson, 2012 (7th edition). S. N EFTCI , Principles of Financial Engin eering, Elsevier AP, 2008 (2nd edition). C.M. R EINHART AND K.S. R OGOFF , This Time Is Different, Princeton UP, 2009.

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