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Eastern European Writers in English

Prof. Dr. Christoph Houswitschka

2 SWS, benoteter Schein, angeboten u.a. für European Joint Master's Degree in English and American Studies
Zeit und Ort: Do 10:00 - 12:00, U9/01.11

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
1. Modulzuordnung und Zugangsvoraussetzungen:

BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik:
  • Vertiefungsmodul Literaturwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS), Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft
BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik (bis einschließl. Studienbeginn zum WS 2008/09):
  • freie Erweiterung: Seminar 6 ECTS
LA neu GY:
  • Vertiefungsmodul Literaturwissenschaft: Seminar (8 ECTS), Zugangsvoraussetzung: Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft
MA English and American Studies:
  • Master Module English and American Literature: Seminar (8 ECTS)
  • Profile Module English and American Literature I-VI: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
  • Consolidation Module English and American Literature I-IV: Seminar (8, 6, 5 or 4 ECTS)
Erweiterungsbereich Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Rahmen anderer MA:
  • Master Module or Profile Module I or III English and American Literature: Seminar (8 ECTS)
LA alt (alle), Diplom, Magister:
  • Hauptseminar Literaturwissenschaft, Zugangsvoraussetzung: Zwischenprüfung oder Hauptseminaraufnahmeprüfung
Erasmus and other visiting students:
  • Seminar (6 or 8 ECTS)

via FlexNow!
12 February 2014, 9:00 to day before first session, 23:59

Studierende ohne FlexNow!-Zugang (z.B. Erasmus oder Joint Degree) senden bitte eine E-Mail an christoph.houswitschka(at)uni-bamberg.de.

Für Studienortwechsler, Erasmusstudenten sowie Studierende, die den Leistungsnachweis zur baldigen Prüfungsanmeldung benötigen, werden im begrenzten Umfang Plätze freigehalten. Bei Überbuchung des Seminars fällt die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme in Rücksprache mit der Dozentin/dem Dozenten.

Studierende, die an der Lehrveranstaltung als Gäste teilnehmen wollen, melden sich bitte nicht über FlexNow! sondern per Email an und erscheinen zur ersten Sitzung; erst dann kann endgültig geklärt werden, ob Gäste aufgenommen werden können.

Informationen zur Ammeldung in FlexNow: http://www.uni-bamberg.de/englit/news_englische_literaturwissenschaft/anmeldung_zu_lehrveranstaltungen_und_studienbegleitenden_leistungsnachweisen/

Requirements for successful completion of the course:
2 ECTS: regular active participation in class + short oral presentation

4 ECTS: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + short assignment of c.2000 words
8 ECTS BA Vertiefungsmodul: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 3500-4500 words
8 ECTS Hauptseminar; LAGym Intensivierungsmodul; MA English and American Studies: regular active participation in class + oral presentation + seminar paper of 4500-6000 words

Language of instruction:

Before 1989 many writers left their Central and Eastern European countries because they were forced into or chose exile. Many suffered from the grievances of loss and deprivation and looked back in nostalgia; others found new opportunities and built new lives. Leaving had not been an easy option in many respects before 1990. Changing one’s language and writing in English represented this act of liberation. Creating a new memory (i.e. Eva Hoffman) and a literary persona in the language of globalisation meant to look back and to discover a new world at the same time. After the unification of Europe, writers could move to whatever place they liked, even go back to their former home countries or visit them regularly. More and more writers would move between East and West in both directions. English and American authors would either live in or at least write about countries that used to be situated east of the so called Iron Curtain.

The seminar investigates the variety of literary responses to exile, war, migration, shifting memories, and vanishing worlds in the context of various concepts of Eastern Europe in the novels and autobiographies of European and American writers with an Eastern perspective.

Empfohlene Literatur
The following list of novels and autobiographical texts are recommendations. Most likely we will not have the opportunity to read and to talk about all of them, but please write to me if you are interested in giving a presentation on any of them. If you cannot find a text, please let me know.

List of suggested reading:
  • Collinshaw, Stephan. The Last Girl. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2003.
  • Drakulic, Slavenka. S. A Novel about the Balkans. Translated by Marko Ivic. New York: Viking, 2000. UK: As If I am Not There. A Novel about the Balkans. London: Abacus, 2012. (first 1999)
  • Hamilton, Hugo. Hand in the Fire. London: Fourth Estate, 2010.
  • Hemon, Aleksandar. The Lazarus Project. With Photographs Velibor Bozovic and from the Chicago Historical Society. Basingstoke and Oxfords: Picador, 2008.
  • Hemon, Aleksandar. Love and Obstacles. Stories. Basingstoke and Oxfords: Picador, 2009.
  • Kassabova, Kapka. A Street without a Name: Childhood and Other Misadventures in Bulgaria. London: Portobello Books, 2009.
  • Kassabova, Kapka. Twelve Minutes of Love: A Tango Story. Portobello Books, 2011.
  • Lewycka, Marina. A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian. A Novel. London: Penguin, 2005.
  • McCarthy, Tom. Men in Space. London: Alma, 2010. (first 2007)
  • Novak, Jan. Commies, Crooks, Gypsies, Spooks & Poets: Thirteen Books of Prague in the Year of the Great Lice Epidemic. Steerforth Press, 1995.
  • Pasulka, Brigid. A Long Long Time Ago, Essentially True. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2009.
  • Penkov, Miroslav. East of the West. A Country in Stories. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2011.
  • Phillips, Arthur. Prague. New York: Random House, 2002.

For concepts of Eastern Europe see:
  • Goldsworthy, Vesna. Inventing Ruritania: The Imperialism of the Imagination. London: Yale University Press, 1998.
  • Wolff, Larry. Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994.
  • Todorova, Maria. Imagining the Balkans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Also see:
  • Kassabova, Kapka. “We too are Europe.” Landfall. 203 (2002), 23-32.
  • Kassabova, Kapka. “Home is where every memory stops.” Landfall. 190 (1995), 240-246.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 8

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Englische Literaturwissenschaft

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