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Applied data analysis for psychology using the open-source software R

Dr. Alexander Pastukhov

Zeit und Ort: Di 16:00 - 18:00, MG2/00.09

An introductory hands-on course on use of free R software for the analysis of the typical data for the psychology research. No programming background necessary, basic knowledge on statistical analysis is recommended but not strictly necessary.

During the seminar course, you will learn how to simplify the data analysis, how to perform sophisticated statistical analysis, and how to generate production quality figures by writing simple and short scripts. In just a few lines of an easy to read code, R software allows you to import data (excel, SPSS, CSV, etc.), preprocess it (units conversion, scaling, filtering, etc.), aggregate it (group it by any combination of factors and change this grouping on the fly with a simple edit), perform statistical analysis (parametric and non-parametric tests, ANOVAs, linear-mixed models, Bayesian statistics), and generate an intuitive looking figure. Importantly you can reuse the code we generate for your typical data analysis. This is so important for executing your thesis, whether it’s your BSc, MSc thesis or Zulassungsarbeit.

Have a dataset you would like to analyze? Bring it to the course and see how R will allow you to understand it deeper or reduce the time you need to analyze it. I am happy to help you all along with such statistical, methodological and graphical problems.

Empfohlene Literatur
"Discovering Statistics Using R" by Andy Field and Jeremy Miles, ISBN-10: 1446200469, ISBN-13: 978-1446200469

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 3

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre

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